Trump__Supporter 3 points ago +3 / -0

he could only live there for seven consecutive days and 21 days in a year

Like they said, he can just "live" at his house around the block. And every day he'd just "go to the club".
Not sleeping there, so he's not living there, technically.

And then he can make a bigger hill and put another flag on top of that hill.

"He's just 'working' at Mar a Lago" XD

Trump__Supporter 5 points ago +5 / -0

You won't drive 75% of China's tanks in the Canadian wilderness, there buttfuck nothing to support it, and any road up there goes straight through the middle of villages (which have the internet.)
Something would have leaked.

They couldn't keep something like 50 troop in a training exercise from under wraps, no way "how much of that army" would be big enough to make a difference AND not be noticed.

Also, it's like minus -58F anywhere past an hour of the US border, they'd be all dead frozen. XD

The logistics of what you propose are impossible with current tech.

Trump__Supporter 11 points ago +11 / -0

People already learning to live without "non-essentials", looking up how to churn butter, going back to Church because that's all that's open.
And all the retards who went clubbing and to bars every day, and don't really have friends are stuck at home, alone, with their 2 cats, which they actually have to live with now and can't just abandon all day long.

People regret living in cities and not having yards to play outside, keep seeing other people they work with remotely zooming from their backyards and showing their potatoes in summer, or their ice rinks in winter, etc...
But remember, we're all in this together!
(Btw, fuck you shithole cities, hope BLM visit more often.)

Trump__Supporter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Actual public arrests of government officials.

Real life irreversible and grave consequences to people who wouldn't "be in on the larp" would really distinguish this from just elaborate cosplaying, for the masses.

For example, there's not way Clinton would be "in on the larp". If she goes to jail, permanently, then it'll be obvious to the masses that it's not a larp.

Congress in jail. Democrat leadership in jail...
You know, those things.

That'll prove Q to the masses.

Trump__Supporter 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean like, you didn't think gamers would rise up?

Trump__Supporter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some users are pushing hard to say "they retracted, it doesn't mean anything, see!!"

These accounts need to be flagged as CIA/FBI/Establishment.

Trump__Supporter 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can't sue people for "impression given", because that's entirely subjective, and anyone can claim the impression given is whatever they want.
If I say "Q is a larp" or "Q is actually a deep state psyop" or "Q is Trump", and all the justification given is "the impression given", then all those statements have the same factual value, which is "none".

"Impression given" is 100% divorced from facts.
Nothing Q says, or Trump says, can be used as conclusive facts that they have any kind of connection what so ever.

Like you said, it's just "suppositions". Nobody knows, everyone "assumes".

Trump__Supporter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty close can means anything.
Some fuckos are going to say that, and when pushed will say something with "Very close, because he's always in my heart". It's 100% deniable.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Q hasn't filed any form of legal document, such as a "Form 1 (Statement of Organization)" listing Trump as a participant in their fundraising etc... like the "Patriot Party" people did.

Q is not associated with Trump, at best people "assume" and "presume" there's a link.
All that has been said by Q, such as "being close" could also literally be said from enemies who work against him, and keep him close. It literally proves nothing, legally.

Trump__Supporter 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm not saying he's not involved or anything like that, I'm saying he's not DIRECTLY involved. They can't legally tie him to Q, because there are no "actual" link between Trump and Q, it's all, and always has been, "inferred".

That's the difference.
Those guys where almost pasting Trump's face on their ads.

Trump__Supporter 1 point ago +4 / -3

Trump never directly claim to work for Trump, or be endorsed by Trump.
They can't legally tie him to Q, that's the difference.
Your tactic of trying to divide people by calling everyone CNN are shit, and not working. Get fucked.

Trump__Supporter 66 points ago +66 / -0

Since people kept insisting that it's correct to call obama "president obama", because Presidents don't lose their titles, he should have gone straight with "Office of the President"
It's not the "Executive Office of the President of the United States", so, they can't complain about that either.

We'd have the "Office of the President" in the Winter White House.

He should absolutely always refer to Mar-A-Lago as the Winter White House, since it's an actual name it always had.

Trump__Supporter 2 points ago +2 / -0

No no no, don't worry, it'll be implemented, eventually.
And the implementation will be something like on the 99th day, and it'll be on a sunday when they don't work anyways, and it'll only affect Petticoat junction, for now, (totes promise it'll get expanded), and THEN when they complain, we'll just say it's moot because the 100 days are up.

Trump__Supporter -2 points ago +1 / -3

You think I'm going to care that you're backing your ignorance of basic shit with snark?

Trump__Supporter 11 points ago +11 / -0

They're not defying the order, it's just complex to implement, it'll take a little while.
Hope we can around to doing it in the next 10 years or something.

Trump__Supporter 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm not much of a big user of this board, and never knew of the subreddit.
It's just, when he won, I was like "well, that's convenient, now he has both White Houses".

Trump__Supporter 14 points ago +15 / -1

I don't know about you guys, but this is pretty well known.
I can't sincerely believe any Trump supporter, or Q follower, didn't know that Mar A Lago is "the winter White House".

Trump__Supporter 19 points ago +19 / -0

Sooooo, where are they?
They'd be "easy" to track by using the no fly zones, and the "habits" of these people.

Trump__Supporter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see Biden's face, I close.
I'm never listening to one word from that turd, except if it's "I'm guilty" or "arrhhhghghg"

Trump__Supporter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can we have a permanent, 4 year long, complete injunction on anything he does?
Like a permanent censure?

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