Uhg.... Take down the ads bro. Profiting from the Q movement is cringy.
Here come the downvotes.
I'd love to hear a summary, I don't have time to watch it all, but summarizing some crucial points will help me and some of the other busy frogs.
wait, how did you get his reddit password from a link?!
That's correct if they die quickly, if they take weeks to die, the virus could spread far. Either way I think the point of this virus is release it and use it to scare people into getting vaccines, not killing billions with the virus, that's the vaccines job.
I love the jokes, I appreciate them, but the mods keep promoting this guys website that has ads and a donation button...
So did Q just approve people to profit from the Q movement?
Can uncle fester take down that monetization or is being a Paytriot ok now?
Will the mods ignore this comment and keep promoting people who profit from the Q movement?
So many unanswered questions...
He ain't a larp, retruthed by Trump and friends with Gregg from true the vote. Follow him for a while and you will see he doesn't sell anything and he just drops valuable Intel.
I'm sure it's implied that they will go to court and get a legal death penalty, if you followed this person you would know he's a man of the law.
He's been retruthed by Trump, he's friends with Gregg from true the vote and I have no doubt after following him that he's an insider, he doesn't try to make money, but he clearly knows a lot about what's going on.
The +++ account is the most interesting account to follow since Q, though he isn't obviously part of Q.
Things take time. Have you ever tried suing someone? Only super rich people get it done immediately, since they have lawyers ready to go.
I think this video is really telling. I wish this was higher in the forum because he's saying a lot in this video.
For example when he shows the evidence that he's been preparing himself to fight the deep state for a long time (his paid article he released when he was much younger to tell people we shouldn't let other countries rip is off).
It's like he's saying, I or we have been preparing to for this fight for a long time, so anyone who thinks they can defeat us can "dream on".
Don't forget the amazing team behind Trump! God bless the whole team Trump!
My sister administered vaccines, she's a nurse and totally in the death cult. I don't think my sister deserves to be hanged because she trusted the "authority figures". She's like an innocent sheep.
She lives in a reality where she is a superhero saving people from different versions of the corona virus by giving them vaccines.
Intent matters, let's be careful before we say all the people who administered vaccines should be killed.
Honestly, your daughter needs an intervention. I understand it could ruin your relationship with her, but it might be worth it to protect your grandson.
So jimmy wasn't on the list that was released? If so he probably hurt children somewhere else.
Im not impressed. He could of just waited until Trump posted and posted this at the same time, if I was prepared, I could this.
Plus the whol V2 thing is sketchy... are you Q V2? lol
Only if I get to throw the first one at Obama...
You must of not run into any bernie bros. I used to be a bernie bro and I was all about that "free" shit.
So either that moon documentary is lying or your source is lying, I'm open to being wrong, but I still firmly believe the moon was made and it's not a natural satellite. The moons size should make it crash into Earth and yet it hasn't crashed into Earth, can you explain that away too?
Feed him cannabis oil, like Rick Simpson oil or other decarboxylated cannabis extract and he will heal up quickly, just keep giving him doses.
I agree, but I think Elon is a wild card and could be flipped back to the dark side if he's corrupted by enough power.
Too big, it should be crashing into Earth because of gravity. It also doesn't rotate, it's the only moon in existence that faces a planet and never turns, even though it rotates around earth.
This is impossible unless it's a technology. It defies physics.
And don't get me started on all the tunnels and structures on the moon...
He sells an app of the debt clock on he site for 5 bucks.... So who knows.
I bought generic ones with the company brand name on them because they were much cheaper the the silver eagles.
Would it be fair to say that silver is silver, it's worth the same, no matter what it looks like on the outside?
I love how you wrecked that "program".
FYI: Elon dresses in satanic costume: https://people.com/thmb/FESm_yiPk29maB1wm2CRWmGlAo8=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(689x169:691x171)/elon-musk-heidi-klum-halloween-110122-1-704cf9a979b54aafa4775420f46b7809.jpg
AND constantly promotes Satanic Brainwashing "video game" to his 170 million supporters: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1746553569010991365