Truthseeker84 4 points ago +4 / -0

Queen Elizabeth I was a hardcore occultist. She brought to her court John Dee, the magician who predicted Catholic Queen Mary’s death to the precise date.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Semitic Canaanite/Phoenician Moloch pretending to be Israelites, whoWorshippers to be EXACTLY over the target.

Truthseeker84 5 points ago +5 / -0

King James was also obsessed with the occult, he came out with a demonology book.

Perhaps the Catholics didn’t want the religion watered down & perverted the way Protestants had re-written & interpreted the 1,600 year old religion.

Before King James, there was only ONE Bible & a handful of “Christian” denominations; publishing the Bible was a way to dilute the faith & weaken Rome.

It’s no coincidence Freemasonry re-emerged from England.

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Protestant” Queen Elizabeth I was an occultist (see John Dee). Her “Protestant” mom was excuted for Witchcraft. King Henry the VIII started his own Anglican false “religion” with him as the head of the church & state. This Illegitimate occultic regime stole Catholic lands, Catholic Property, Catholic Church & persecuted those faithful Catholics that didn’t worship this false religion.

I think Guy Fawkes was based & attempting to return England to TRUE Christianity.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cool. You found one grammatical error.

If you want to be penetrated by Elon & his neurolink, go for it, be a slave. Just don’t expect the rest of us to be cowards.

Truthseeker84 7 points ago +8 / -1

If it walks like a duck, talk like a duck. Wants to chip you, wants you on electric cars, believes in climate change, believes in Covid, believes in vaxx’es, marries a Satanist chick…

I know some folks are looking for an idol, but I believe Elon is a false one.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tim “ hide by bald spot, I love DeSantis” pool?

Why is this leftie grifter here?

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Catholics were justified in burning the Knights Templars. The Gnostics Baphomet worshipping Sodimite agents have continued their path of destruction for 700 years.

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Call these Parasites Canaanites, that’s what they are. They are occultists that have hijacked the Jewish Religion.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because it wasn’t Voltaire. Side note: Voltraire was one of the Satanic Intellectual Freemasons involved in overthrowing Catholic France. Not a good guy & more likely than not, burning in hell.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +1 / -0


I think I know what Q meant when he said “ you were chosen for a reason”.

What if a good portion of us on this board are INJF? What are the chances we are all born around the same time? My birthday is November 8th. Without doxxing myself, I have really been pondering what Q meant, when he said “you were chosen for a reason”.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude, it was my birthday too.

Wait, what did Q mean by “you were chosen for a reason?”.

I wonder how many of us are INJF born in November & are millenials. It would be wild if God has chosen US specifically to bring this Holy Digital Christian Jihad against the New World Order?

Just a thought.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +1 / -0

The trees of Lebennon were used in the construction of the Temple. Lebanon’s Flag is a tree.

  • The Canaanite black Magick helped Solomon in the command of 72 Demons. The Babylonian. occult symbol Seal of Solomon is the “star of David”. The Cannanites are running the show.

Knights Templars discovered this same black Gnostic black magick and it corrupted the military order. The Catholics destroyed them, but in return, the French Catholic Monarchy ended up getting destroyed by Revolutioniary Masons, the Templars re-envisioned.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude, what about the Punic wars between the Romans & the Phoenician kingdom? Hanni- (Ba’al) attempted to invade Rome.

I really do suspect that it’s the Canaanites running the show. The early Israelites were seduced time & time & time & time again; King David & King Solomon going so far as to intermarry & sacrifice to Canaanite gods.

Larry the Bagel guy isn’t the enemy, but I suspect they hide behind the cloak of the three Abrahamic religions. Regular Jews go along with it because they think it’s in their best interest; they are really in a captured operation.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe Canaanites derive their lineage from Cane. Nimrod was the Grandson of Noah & was the Masons fire “Great Builder”. The body of Gilgamesh (Nimrod) was discovered in Iraq in 2003:


The Cannanites, Hitities, Moabites & Israelites are all semetic. 3 out of 4 are child sacrificers to Ba’al; see the “antisemetic” smoke screen they set up for themselves? I believe the Rothchilds are literally Canaanites who worship Moloch & the Judeo Masonic agents have infiltrated all three Abrahamic religions:


Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Canaanite Moloch worshippers to be even MORE precise. They are Semitic, just not Israelite.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. Lots of folks got hoodwinked into participating - perhaps they throught They’d be given the same liniency as BLM. They bet on the wrong horse.

I hope Trump has a way to sort out the rioters from Patriots.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup. My leftie Sister’s Nephew ruined his life. 26 years old & locked up.

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