Once they go black, they don't come back.
God Bless You Liz. You are one of the truly GREAT ONES.
Bitch ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till the already-started MASS ARRESTS shift from illegal aliens to CORRUPT TRAITORS in government, NGOS, Pedowood, and let's not forget, the MEDIA! Psaki, be patient, YOUR NUMBER IS COMING UP... sooooon... key!
Never got the jab, never got Covid.
He did better than I could have done. My tennis game is sh*t lol.
They should house illegal aliens who are rapists and murderers in her house. Let's see how she does with that. She is an Enemy of America.
Day-yam! If that's not a mike drop, I don't know what is. FIRE!!
PLEASE-OH-PLEASE-OH-PLEASE! Crush them then lock them all up and throw away the keys!
A person I know has been completely addicted to CNN for years. all he does LITERALLY is watch CNN from morning until night while drinking beer. Of course he got the vax, it nearly killed him numerous times since. I told the stupid ass in 2018 to stop watching CNN. I told him, "It's not news, it's propaganda." Shit for brains wouldn't listen. He has paid a horrible price. CAN'T WAIT UNTIL CNN DIES.
This stupid bitch mayor. Fuck her. She keeps ALTERING what 47 said. She's not listening, she's trying to DERAIL what 47 is trying to do, which is actually help people. Over and over he said, TONIGHT. She ought to be dragged through the streets with a sign that says "Shit for brains." She needs to be indicted.
That ain't no comfy airline they're being perp walked into, it's the ass end of a military Hercules, haha.
Guaranteed she's a pedo. In 1970 I went to summer camp at a church. You'll never guess what crafts they had us do: glue beans and rice to make an image of the Christian flag and the... (guess)
...UN Flag. Does that not tell you everything you need to know?
These cock-sucking shit for brain drug companies send their reps into every single doctor's office nationwide bringing free breakfast for everyone, donuts, or tacos for lunch, or red-velvet cupcakes, or chicken wings, or, or — literally every morning and lunch M-F is reserved for a different pharma rep to come in buy off everyone with free food. In exchange he or she gets to push the newest drugs to the doctor. Doctor comes in, "What have you got for me?" Rep: "Panda Express." Doc: "Okay, what's new?" Rep: "This is our newest diabetes drug. It's like Ozempic but you only have to take it once a week instead of every day." Doctor: "Oh, just once a week? But it's like Ozempic." Rep: "Yeah." Doctor (chewing): "Man, that's good..." THAT'S IT. That's how your "doctor" learns about the latest drugs that he then turns around and prescribes for you. In the field of intelligence, that's known as an "EXTERNAL INFLUENCE." Shit for brains over-paid drug rep who will do anything for money and who is NOT A DOCTOR is literally telling the "doctor" everything he knows. Monday morning it's Pfizer, Monday lunch it's Johnson and Johnson. Tuesday morning is Merck. Tuesday lunch is Eli Lilly. Wednesday morning it's AstraZeneca. And so it goes all week. Meanwhile the ghey faggoty actors are dancing on every single drug commercial all day telling you to "ask your doctor." And if you do, guess what he will say, "It's like Ozempic but you only have to take it once a week." All these people ought to be thrown in prison starting with the most stupid brainwashed zombies of all, the drug-pushing doctors who happily SELL US OUT for cupcakes. Literally, a monkey would have more sense than most US doctors.
No, it's blackpill bullshit and has no place here.
If 47 doesn't embrace AI, the world will be like the American Indians who were overrun and exterminated by the invasion of who? The same satanic elite operating through their proxies in government and scores of NGOs like the Pinkektons who murdered anyone resisting the incursion of the railroads.
Yes we will all mourn the loss of "the way things were" but you can be damn sure the elites have already embraced AI to enslave the world, but first: genocide — to get our numbers down to the global population down to a managable number of 500 million. If Trump doesn't launch a FIERCE counter effort, indeed a RACE to get to AI dominance first, the world could be lost. Hence, he hit GO on Day One.
I believe the Age of Evil is already over. Trust in God and God will forever have your back. Do not become overwhelmed by a single datum or fear (black pill). Instead compartmentalize the worries and balance them with the huge box of all the good things that are happening so you can deal with life, keep a positive attitude and keep going. DEI is crushed, the illegals who were being brought in to destroy America are being deported as we speak... there is SO MUCH good happening right now, it's not even funny.
God has my back. God has your back. Stay frosty Frens, the battle is won but the war isn't over and will never be over until we all return home, to Heaven.
Who let this stupid, stupid, stupid homo bitch out of Starbucks?
They've now taken it beyond "preprogrammed customer service answering auto bot" is what I'm telling you. Now they just have a recorded message that tells you to send an email... which no one answers. In our case, for five months! This is weaponized bureaucracy and the intention is to murder small businesses and condition people to be slaves. No different that running a fake scam everywhere you go to "conserve water" so ever faucet just dribbles when you try to wash your hands... on get this, "the water planet." Water is the biggest portion of the surface of the earth. And we have faucets that dribble. It's bullshit designed to condition everyone into accepting scarcities which were intended to kill you eventually. They condition you with artificial scarcities so they can eventually turn your country into a third-world shit hole. Know what that means? I know one country where the electricity turns on for about 1 hour a day. The other 23 hours... they don't know what happened, they just couldn't get it to run. Bullshit. They just turn it off so the people can never climb out of poverty. You think these multi billion corporations can't afford someone to answer the phone? Of course they can. But they don't want to because they are in on the game to condition you to accepting bullshit. They feed us bullshit every chance they get. Wash your hands? No water. Want meat? You have to eat zee bugs. It's not about big government, for the shills and morons, it's about obliterating the CABAL and reestablishing LAW AND ORDER.
See above. NO phone lines into the business at all. Just a pre-recorded message to send us an email that no one answers. And they are in a secure location you can't even reach by elevator — no button to reach that floor.
That's exactly what it is, and I don't know if the others on here are shills or just stupid. Let me give an example. Huge management companies purchase apartment complexes all over the city. They keep them for 6 months then hand off to the next management company. The old company owes lots of people money, but says, "You have to contact the old company for that." Neither one of them has any phone number you can reach someone on. They have a number, that connects to no one. Tells people to fill out the form on their website. Nobody answers the forms. It's pure bullshit. I've run start ups all my life. I always personally answer the damn phone. To say that a start up can't answer the phone is insane. What phone call is more important than from a customer? Horeshit that any business owner can't answer the phone. Fact: lazy cretins and criminals are who don't answer the phone. Period. I'm not talking about start ups, however. If they are tiny and their customer service is shit, they will soon go out of business. I'm talking about big corporations. I tried to go to one today. They're on the 13th floor. Elevator only goes to the 12th floor. Security guard at bottom says you can only go there by invitation. And there's no way to contact them. I just want to get paid. Bullshit this is okay. MAGAKitty called it for what it is, "This opaque and arbitrary model of "customer service," where companies are extremely difficult to contact, is social engineering to condition us to live under neo-communisn/neo-fascism." Anyone who disagrees with that is a SHILL and fuck you.
Joe M did so much to spark the Great Awakening with his videos. For me, he's one of the top Patriots of all time. The Modern day Paul Revere. He must have been sent by God to do what he did on this Earth, his message was so perfect.
Another proof that it's ALL of them. They're all Pedos.
It's not stupidity (it is stupidity to say so). The word is SABOTAGE.
Rooting for our Northern Neighbors! Remember the Canadian truckers! I believe Trump and the White Hats have a plan to liberate Canada and more. Basically unless we obliterate the Occult Pedos world wide, they will come back. They got to be wiped out so hard they can never regrow.