by FBLie
Unhappymeal 1 point ago +2 / -1

Evspra broke the story with evidence then got flooded with the onslaught of faggot shills. Anyone posting GeorgeNews is either ignorant on the subject or a shill.

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey OP, check out the Conservative Treehouse. Sundance breaks this exact subject down.

Unhappymeal 0 points ago +1 / -1

When Sr dies, Jr no longer remains and becomes Sr.

Secondly if the DS didn’t know if JFK was alive and well it’s incredibly doubtful Q would give away that card. There’s enough oddities on this subject that leads to the idea that JFK may very well be alive and well.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can’t get an answer to this either. Winred is used and the RNC gets its share when you donate through it.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never too late to change your path in life. As I encourage all my students never ever under any circumstance do you date/marry a leftist. It will only end in misery for you. Best of luck, it’ll be tough at first, keep fighting and appreciate your newfound freedom.

Unhappymeal 3 points ago +3 / -0

No worries fren, I will always try and reach out. Just want the best for every pede out there. Best wishes for you!

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had lost my faith for a number of years. I knew a ton about the conspiracy theories but had never known about Q until 2018.

This subject alone straightened me out on God. You’re witnessing unbelievable levels of blatant Satanic symbolism shoved in your face. Those who do this have gained immense levels of fame, wealth and power. These shitbags have been sacrificing children and eating them. The richest and most powerful people on the planet fully believe in this and have killed a lot of children and openly praise Satan.

In life there’s always balance. If there’s Darkness, there’s Light. Good and Evil. Satan and God. You’ve heard Trump really push the prayer subject. This should help nudge you in the right direction. My wife who wasn’t exactly onboard with the religious subject is seeing this and it woke her up. Give it a shot fren, it’s legit.

Unhappymeal 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely love my Harley Breakout. Huuuuge fat tire in the back just sells it.

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ebola is next. Ebola absolutely MURDERS monkeys, talking bleeding from every orifice. Guess what dna was in that shot....monkey dna.

Unhappymeal 21 points ago +21 / -0

Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward are CIA plants. Ignore them.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +1 / -0

That link put Fiji as one of the higher loaded brands of fluoride.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know your post history as I’ve seen your posts on numerous occasions. Doesn’t make my statement any less valid as over the months these exact posts eat downvoted every single time no matter who posts them.

Unhappymeal 0 points ago +2 / -2

You’re over target OP. The fact the shill brigade swarmed you with downvotes is proof. Anytime this subject comes up those faggots swarm in and downvote to cast doubt on inquiring minds.

Unhappymeal 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can’t say I wouldn’t have dropped that fuck. Mad props to that guy remaining calm.

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want to find this man and pay off whatever debts he owes so he does not have to subject himself to this. This patriot should be resting/enjoying his golden years, from this small clip alone, he's earned it.

Unhappymeal 10 points ago +10 / -0

“This kind of organized conference, taking place at a hotel with keynote speakers, is not usual for QAnon, says Jason Blazakis, a domestic terrorism expert and senior fellow at the nonpartisan Soufan Center think tank.”

Top Shelf Kek!!

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

100% truth. I seriously miss the days of animatronics and high quality puppets.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +1 / -0

This exact story describes the —almost— unbelievable level of downright stupidity I witness daily. To think these people actually hold jobs and sometimes even important ones.

As for your family members, sorry fren even with retarded family it still sucks. Stay strong and always be that lighthouse showing lost souls the way.

Unhappymeal 16 points ago +16 / -0

Not trying to be a dooming dick head but since I work in Seattle. The sheer level of excitement for these dumbasses who’ve celebrated getting the shot and are looking forward to extra protections of vaccine passports is frightening. There is no waking some of these people up.

Unhappymeal 3 points ago +3 / -0

These threads are always appreciated. Day in, day out nothing but soul crushing propaganda garbage. Thanks fren.

Unhappymeal 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is already here. Check Washington news. Oddly enough...monkey Reston DNA is in that Gates needle. You know what creature dies horribly to Ebola? Monkeys.

Unhappymeal 13 points ago +16 / -3

This account is a known faggot shill. Block and move on. If mods aren’t going to ban a faggot then by far and large he can be ignored.

Unhappymeal 18 points ago +19 / -1

Anyone arguing that there wasn’t election fraud hasn’t spent more than 2 minutes researching the subject.

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