Valkyria 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let me reframe this:

SINCE YOU didn't care about the 100x crimes of the Biden family, I don't care about any alleged crimes you lob against Trump.

This discussion has been going on long before Trump was charged and is at least part of the reason people don't care about Trump's charges.

Until Democrats care about their own, and face criminal charges, I don't care what any Republican does. Sad to say, really. But, until justice is equal for both sides, don't care.

Valkyria 8 points ago +8 / -0

All votes tabulated AFTER the DAY of voting are null and void. Cheaters.

by chachi
Valkyria 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think it might hit after he's in office. Declassification. CIA files. Epstein list. Diddy list. Corruption exposed. Deep state exposed. Then people will have to grapple with those they trusted or put on a pedestal.

Valkyria 8 points ago +8 / -0

I thought abortions were only a small part of their income. Huh.

Valkyria 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm sorry, I don't have any pre-political stuff for you but my two cents.

It might be helpful to note that King David cheated and lied. Abraham didn't always follow what God said. Paul killed Christians. Peter disavowed Jesus. Even Mary and Martha did not always do what God wanted. Etc. The Bible is filled with imperfect Christians.

And the Bible also is filled with non-Christians who do the work of God without intending to. Cyrus. Pharaoh. Pilate.

So, I guess my statement is, we all have to assess and weigh the good and evil because no one is perfect. I happen to believe that the good of Trump outweighs the bad and vice versa. Whether or not Trump or Kamala are REAL Christians. EVEN IF Trump is a fake Christian, it would still be possible for him to be doing the work of God. Trump stopped wars and brought peace. He stopped child traffickers more than anyone before him. He wanted people to have a choice whether or not to take an experimental shot. Etc.

Valkyria 4 points ago +4 / -0

Excellent response. A shame that most wouldn't read it. Probably took a lot of time and thought.

Valkyria 3 points ago +3 / -0

Safe and secure! It was the extra most bestest accurate election evah!

Valkyria 4 points ago +4 / -0

The way I see it, Matt Walsh said it as a troll. Bannon brought it up and laughed at it on his show. Then others joined in on the joke.

I believe it is just a joke that the left are taking seriously.

Valkyria 7 points ago +7 / -0

Is this how normies will get up to date on the lingo, only to retroactively revisit the WikiLeaks emails?

Valkyria 11 points ago +11 / -0

Fifty dollars!? I probably would have gotten one dollar, if anything. Lol.

Valkyria 9 points ago +9 / -0

I should clarify that I think this early voting tactic is a safeguard against a situation like I described above. It blocks them from using this kind of play.

Valkyria 12 points ago +12 / -0

I would guess that if something happens on or before the date of the election that hinders people's ability to vote, that the election would be"cancelled" and whoever is ahead at that time wins. That's not how elections work, but at this point there aren't really any rules.

Valkyria 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember when Jan 6 political hostages were taken from their homes at gun point and thrown in jail without charges or trial?

Until there has been accountability for the crap Democrats have done, don't talk to me about some scary things Trump is allegedly going to do when it's ALREADY BEEN HAPPENING under Biden!!

Valkyria 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember when they made a book of George W. Bushisms. Someone could capitalize on one of those for Kamala.

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