I'm not an expert, but have studied nutrition for a few decades due to having celiac disease. Earlier this year I found an excellent article discussing Seed Oils. I think it is a sound article that aligns with what I have found as true over many years if anyone is interested. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/are-seed-oils-bad-for-you
I see that...so sorry...here is the correct link - https://www.youtube.com/live/G5yMcDsfjhE?feature=share
So sorry, Here is the correct link https://www.youtube.com/live/G5yMcDsfjhE?feature=share It really has some good strong statements by Fresno City Councilman Garry Bredefeld holding a news conference regarding the county not providing critical information to the public regarding an illegal biological Covid lab discovered in Reedley in March.
Just got back from seeing this movie. A good follow up is the interview that Judicial Watch just did with Tara Rodas. The movie is really good to get this out to the mass awareness of people. I worked with Arthur Gary Bishop in the 1980's, so I have been extremely aware of the pedo problem. I would like to see another movie made using Tara's info, Cathy O'Brian, etc., to bring awareness to how big of a problem there is in the US. That is the only thing the movie wasn't able to do as it makes it seem it is a bigger problem in central and South America. I know the movie says the US is the biggest purchasers, but many will see it as another countries problem. Tara Rodas - https://youtu.be/r6qT8rjESr8
I understood only Presidents can have declassified docs in their possession, and that it doesn't apply to Vice Presidents. Brandon was a Vice at the time the docs were taken, and that they were not de classified. Just what I heard from a pundit on the radio.
I will say that the history concerning General Patton in the video on Odysee was vital information I wasn't totally aware of. There was a movie decades ago that showed a scene where Patton was hit by a car. Incredible that was portrayed since that is not at all how he died.
Phil Schneider was involved in building D.U.M.B.S. for the gov. He was found dead in 1996, beaten and with a piano wire wrapped around his neck. This is public information, and I remember when it was reported. He spoke out on a lot of late night radio shows and I think he wrote several books.
If these two don't look like Tony and his brother, I don't know what does!
Not and endorsement - Is what is stated on their page:
Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed.
Research what the ratification they propose are:
Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.”
No. penguinsix is a YT creator, lives in DC and does walking vlogs nearly every day. He was out this yesterday morning, no snow on the ground.
I found a source for Huber here: https://gephardtdaily.com/local/utah-u-s-attorney-john-huber-submits-requested-resignation/
From archive.org This may be helpful - not DNA but RNA - Molecular Genetics Expert Explains Messenger RNA and RNA Vaccines
OK, so I did find a video that does have the footage I watched all those years ago. The content maker has other related footage that I have not seen before. I can't vouch for the authenticity, but is very interesting as it shows alleged missile hitting the Pentagon.
Grocery store gift cards.