I remember the "Done in 30" line and all the discussion surrounding as to what it meant during that time.
Now there is proof with the delta of the release of the full Durham report.
It's all coming together.
I still will state that the White Hats didn’t “cheat”, but they stopped the cheat of the D party to show the vote to win 2016.
We can agree to disagree on this point, but I appreciate your time in the lengthy response.
I’ve been traveling and am tired, but didn’t want to not answer you.
The people on the Right watching Fox News in 2020 were outraged because they saw how Fox called Arizona early for the Resident, therefore in on the cheating and rigging of the election.
Just recently whoever kept on watching Fox News stopped because of the way they fired Tucker Carlson for actually reporting truth in what's happening.
For Anderson Cooper to tell the few viewers left on CNN to stop watching because they dared to host a town Hall with POTUS Trump is truly just demonic to me.
They can't handle the fact that their town hall presented POTUS Trump in a positive light where they couldn't make him look bad or take his words out of context because it was live.
Cry some more Anderson Vanderbilt because there is nothing you can do about it now.
I think you have this all wrong..."ridiculous level-cheating by the white hats".
From what I (and most everyone else on here) have read by reading the Q drops, it was the cheating done by the D party and Hillary's team that was stopped by the White Hats in 2016 to allow for the real numbers to show up, instead of their manipulated ones (as what happened in 2020).
You may have to rethink you're understanding of the Plan and what it's all about.
Making headlines and saying that he's found "guilty" and she's awarded millions isn't something that you just ignore.
It's such a travesty of justice and I'm not sure his lawyers even defended him properly.
We know this woman is a freak, liar and is being propped up to just "get" POTUS Trump, but today isn't a good day for MAGA, though we know it's all just bogus.
How much is actually happening there with military support?
I tend to NOT believe much of it because of disinformation. How much of it is real and how much of it is put out there for us to believe it is real?
So hard to know what to believe and not to believe right now.
The Trump Hotel in DC was so beautiful! It' was very elegant and beautifully decorated from ideas by FLOTUS Melania and Ivanka (at least this is what I had heard at the time it was opened).
It was sad when it was sold to become a Waldorf Astoria because it was such a landmark and historical building and it was nice to have it associated with POTUS Trump, especially when he was in DC during his term.
Would be amazing if it goes back to being a Trump Hotel once President Trump is back in DC again.
I was visiting my parents today and they watch Newsmax and there was a DeSanctus commercial on.
I haven't seen any because I don't actually watch as much tv, but it was a little jolting because the POS hasn't even actually declared that he will be running for president.
The nickname that POTUS Trump has given him is so very accurate...DeSanctus is such a sanctimonious POS.
She’s unrecognizable with all the fillers, Botox and whatever surgery she’s had, but still recognizable in that she is still trying to undermine the R party.
I don’t believe she won her election fairly and she was “selected” to be there for such purposes.
What a complete FAKE she is.
Yes, so true.
Though many here have been disillusioned with what has happened in our country the last few years, it's still one of the best places to live in the world and there are many opportunities for someone coming here and willing to work and contribute to their communities.
I've traveled all over the world, too and let me tell you that I'm always so glad to be back home in the USA after returning!
I have relatives in Europe who would give anything to come and live in the US.
My conclusion is that when traveling you see the sights, eat in restaurants and see historic areas, buildings, museums, but try living in any of those countries even for a few's not as you think.
A few years back I spoke to someone who moved from the US to the UK. They couldn't believe how hard it was to just get services for their apartment set up...internet, electric, etc. It was an awful experience for them and this is where people speak English.
You know the saying..."grass is always greener"...well, more than likely it's really not. Don't even start talking healthcare in other countries because though it's not ideal here these days, it's much better than many other places.
I've never randomly met anyone that I could talk to about what you listed, but I did see a sign on a car the other day that said "Biden Sucks" and that put a big smile on my face.
Best part is that I live in a very blue city.
Though I'm no fan of Bill Maher, his statement of "why would people vote for the cover band, when they have the real band running" explains what most people will do.
There is absolutely NO reason for people to support DeSanctimonious over POTUS Trump, unless you're a RINO or a Never Trumper.