Yes, exactly know what you mean.
People that I know who should be awakening about now and normally are intelligent seem to be not getting it and still a little lost focusing on the wrong things.
They just can't seem to pull themselves away from watching Fox.
Glad to see this.
Right on Cue, the RNC sends out a questionnaire from DeSanctimonious.
I wrote on this questionnaire that "I will never support DeSantis and only supporting POTUS Trump" in big letters and sending it back to them.
I know they don't care, but maybe if they get enough of those, it may dawn on them that it's just Trump for the people and that DeSanctimonious isn't going anywhere.
Great video!
I think that more and more people (the ones I deal with) are coming to the realization of what has been happening in this country and are starting to wake up.
Just a personal observation. One example, I was to go see some friends in CA who aren't exactly liberal, but not conservative either (longtime friends of the family) and they don't want us to go into SF and don't want to meet us there because the conditions are "dangerous" now. I don't think a couple of years ago they would have thought this of SF or refused to go there.
Finally seeing what the D party has done to a once beautiful city. I had no intention of going to SF, either.
Isn't the name "Jane Doe" used for an unidentified female, so for males is it a "John Doe"? Isn't Jack a nickname for John?
John Smith just seems like such a generic "Americanized" name to me.
Is it just an alias to fit in and seem "American"?
When I look at this guys picture, he just seems very scary and menacing.
Yes, many truths, but notice how the show makes a joke about what he's saying and it implies to not take it seriously that this guy is a "wacko" and a conspiracy theorist.
Basically to get the information out there, but it's just "not believable" coming from that guy.
Just stop and consider if for a moment the family name is Trump instead of Biden.
Would this POS/hypocritical person still "not care"?
We all know that this type of "not caring" would never be applied for the Trump family.
In fact the outrage and nastiness that would be applied would be on another level, if the name was Trump, instead of Biden.
Of course not.
No incumbent receives millions of more votes the second time around and loses.
It had to be this way...we had to see and experience the disaster that the Resident and his crazy misfits in the administration have created.
Though I'm no fan of Bill Maher, his statement of "why would people vote for the cover band, when they have the real band running" explains what most people will do.
There is absolutely NO reason for people to support DeSanctimonious over POTUS Trump, unless you're a RINO or a Never Trumper.
I remember the "Done in 30" line and all the discussion surrounding as to what it meant during that time.
Now there is proof with the delta of the release of the full Durham report.
It's all coming together.
I still will state that the White Hats didn’t “cheat”, but they stopped the cheat of the D party to show the vote to win 2016.
We can agree to disagree on this point, but I appreciate your time in the lengthy response.
I’ve been traveling and am tired, but didn’t want to not answer you.
The people on the Right watching Fox News in 2020 were outraged because they saw how Fox called Arizona early for the Resident, therefore in on the cheating and rigging of the election.
Just recently whoever kept on watching Fox News stopped because of the way they fired Tucker Carlson for actually reporting truth in what's happening.
For Anderson Cooper to tell the few viewers left on CNN to stop watching because they dared to host a town Hall with POTUS Trump is truly just demonic to me.
They can't handle the fact that their town hall presented POTUS Trump in a positive light where they couldn't make him look bad or take his words out of context because it was live.
Cry some more Anderson Vanderbilt because there is nothing you can do about it now.
I have to agree!
GAW Anons have to be some of the most well informed People on the internet.
Thanks for all the valuable information and current news posted on here daily. Very much appreciated!