Doesn't matter why. We just wanna see the baaaaaby.
Wow. Nailed it for sure. Now we fix what got fucked up, right Abe?
So it's a god father ceremony among masons? Wouldnt a handshake between trusted friends do?
Uni = one..
Verse = a fictional world
Yeah my price was in the 1200s. Silver was 12 to 16
Gold and silver can be fractionalized for value same as bit coin. It is way under valued in the opinion of many.
I get great joy trading toilet paper for gold and silver.
Oh boy. Never mind the CBDC. We all go here and deep state bank is done.
I'll take my pay in rubles or gold thank you
Unlearning as fast as I can.
Remember how Facebook collected info on the world that made it the greatest voluntary link analysis tool in the world?
She is fraudulent. Period.
Nobody likes her. Some may pity her.
Could have been ignorant.
God is love. Ask him for help, he helps.
Full blown... boom
We have better than that to bolster what we know.
Wait until they find out that Obama couldn't get a clearance in the private sector.
Nice try dunce.
Every time I see him.
Yeah well he has a lying spirit, maybe a spirit of murder, may even bee a seed boy.
Abuse of office