Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

This would be something. Last time I checked, lakes are filled with water. Duh. I spend too much fucking time on the internet.

Vindicator63 9 points ago +9 / -0

You know, it's funny...I just posted something in the daily comment thread before I read this thread, so I went back and deleted that comment but will post the entire text of it here, but not before I say that the words you put forth here may have been the one thing [for now] that keeps me going. Although I am old, tired, angry and sad, I haven't completely lost hope. Sometimes you find yourself wandering to the dark side, and trust me, I have been there. Something keeps pulling me back from the edge, telling me to stick with it, to give it another shot. I've taken a lot of follow-up shots over the years. Your words may spark someone else to hang in there. I thought life was so dire and so evil after I had to present Old Glory to my friend's mother and tell her that the President [Reagan] and a grateful nation respected her sacrifice. Then came the next one, and one more after that. I was numb, cold, mechanical and emotionless by then. I can't forget and will never forget. So, here are the words from the deleted comment. You may have done your good deed for the day, Brent75, and who knows where it will lead from here:

For the first time in my life, I had some weird, dark thoughts. No, I'm not going insane. I was putting together a storage cabinet for my wife and was working out in the garage. Had the classical music channel on and was puttering away, trying not to think about this past week and how it looks like they are going to get away with stealing the election [although I hope they do not, for the sake of this country]. I stopped for a second and looked out the garage window - it was a cold and rainy day in east Tennessee. As I looked down the lane of our driveway to the main road, I thought of all of what I had accomplished in life, including marrying an amazing woman who helped me with my autism and recovery from years of emotional, physical and sexual abuse, in addition to PTSD derived from time in the military. I thought about how it was going to end, and that's where it gets dark. They're coming up the driveway and I am reloading...they're not going to take what we have away from us. If we go, we're going together, and taking our little dogs with us. I never would have thought such a thing when I was younger, but I am older now, and objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. All of this life, for what? We both gave to this country, always trying to help the other guy at our own expense, for what? Nothing. I feel betrayed and useless. Being a patriotic veteran doesn't really appear to mean shit. This isn't dooming, it's realism. I am tired. I seek no sympathy, no condolence. My heart is truly breaking, watching our beloved country go to hell. May God have mercy on our souls.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're being incredibly optimistic about the Senate. I like optimism, as long as you don't bring realism into the same conversation. All we can do is hope now, and I just get a funny feeling that the cheating is the exact thing that is going to push the Senate back to the democrats, and the lackadaisical attitude of the people in this country who let this bullshit happen is about as unbelievable as it gets.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

Somebody just posted that Fox has called the AZ senate race for Kelly. This is bullshit, plain and simple. Fox can go piss up a rope.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks. Much appreciated. Veterans Day is rarely happy, but the power of your post rings true for a lot of us that would rather just stand in the shadows and tell ourselves "It's all good."

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whichever branch you choose, whenever you choose to do it, remember one thing: when you raise your hand and take that oath, you become the property of the United States. You also become part of the Brotherhood. Like the Marines say, "give your soul to God because your ass now belongs to the Corps. Semper Fi, Do or Die."

I am partial toward the Navy only because I went into the nuclear propulsion field. My son is a Senior Chief Fire Control Technician, and he was recently awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal. I had two older Brothers serve in the Navy, one in the Army, and one in the National Guard. Different strokes for different folks, but nonetheless, we made a pretty good group. The two oldest have moved on, and the three younger ones [I am the youngest] are getting up there in age...but I'll tell you what - in a heartbeat, we would do it all over again.

Once you're in the Brotherhood, you're in. Make us proud. Over and out.

Vindicator63 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's no damned wonder the Veterans I know don't want to talk about shit that happened except when they're in the company of fellow Vets. Jesu Christe, I have been to the dark side. I have had to present three folded Flags to grieving family members as part of the United States Navy Honor Guard. There were quite a few times I wanted to check out because yes, it was that bad, and I am considered a peacetime Cold War Veteran. You won't catch me within a hundred fricking miles of a VA Hospital. I would rather come here to say what I have to say, because frankly it is getting to a point where this is the only place I feel comfortable as there are other Vets in here. I had to drive my older Brother to the Denver VA and then the Knoxville VA. You see guys sitting around, staring off into space and wondering what the fuck happened. My older Brother finally succumbed last year, the agent orange got him, and he has two soldiers folding a flag over his urn at a cemetery with no gun salute or anything, just a few "kind words." WTF. He got his ass shot off in some God forsaken jungle thousands of miles from home, then he comes home and some hippie punk spits in his face and calls him a fucking baby killer. All he got from the VA was a bunch of false promises and a whole lot of paperwork. Screw them.

Thanks for letting me post, I had to rant. Any anger I have I will have to deal with before my time comes, and I'm dealing with it any way I can. This was not directed at you, Doggo. Don't take it that way, Fren.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Again, this was directed at the established branches of the United States Armed Forces and the Veterans who made it home and are still alive. This is not to dismiss the importance of digital soldiers, and there are likely digital soldiers who once served or are serving. As far as I know, digital soldiers don't have a logo. Space Force does, and as soon as I find a suitable poster that incorporates the six branches of the military I will repost this message as often as necessary.

by Ehjax78
Vindicator63 5 points ago +5 / -0

Screw Ann Coulter, that screeching harpy needs to go jump off a bridge. Man, I hate that woman.

Vindicator63 10 points ago +10 / -0

I listened to that whole thing and am impressed. Kash does a good job of explaining how it really was a red wave, people just don't want to admit it, or they aren't really looking deep enough.

Vindicator63 11 points ago +13 / -2

More and more it is coming out that he is in bed with the globalists, and that will eventually be his downfall.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was just about to ask that. I just checked twitchy and the numbers don't look like they've changed much. How many ballots are left to count? I keep hearing in the hundreds of thousands.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wasn't able to find a suitable logo that could be incorporated into this poster. Furthermore, this was directed at the five main branches who had personnel who have already served. Space Force is legitimately a valid entity, but to my knowledge I am not aware of any Space Force veterans yet. At such time when that becomes a reality, I will find a way to make that poster [that I didn't create] incorporative of the newest branch of the military.

Vindicator63 4 points ago +4 / -0

You know, it is. I'm taking the 40,000 foot view and it looks pretty good from up here.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're welcome. It's all good.

Vindicator63 7 points ago +7 / -0

My word, a check of all other non-MSM sites like Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and a couple of others are featuring articles about how Trump is slitting his own throat and torpedoing his chances in the future, blah blah blah. What a fucking bandwagon shift. They think he's gone off the deep end and everyone wants to abandon him. Those people were fair-weather to begin with and are really a bunch of chicken-shits. For the thousandth time, Trump is going to find out who is loyal to him even if he comes close to losing all he's got. Period. Read The Art of the Deal and all will be explained.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

"....and everyone had...matching towels..." lol.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I worked up in Iowa in the early 90's, one of the local radio stations did a parody of that song and in place of "love shack" they put "butt crack." I swear whenever that came on and I was driving I would have to pull over, because you can't drive and laugh as if you're going to die. I have searched and can't find the version, but essentially they switched the lyrics to a scenario where the "big as a whale" car they were driving broke down, and when the tow truck driver came he bent over and showed his butt crack. Man, thirty years later and I'm still laughing. I'll do a search again and see if I can find it, then post it here 😄

EDIT: Son of a gun, I finally found it. This version is about as close to the one I heard, and it tends to be repetitive, but it's still pretty funny:


Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stop it, dammit! I'm hurting enough as it is 🤣😆

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I know. It's still uplifting though.

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