Vitativeness 3 points ago +3 / -0

Frustrating isn't it? My in-laws, my parents and siblings has all taken the shots. There's only so much you can say/do. We're at a point where we don't touch on the topic of covid at all. Luckily, husband and I are on the same page, so that alleviate the feeling of isolation. He was the one to suggest I visit this place to keep myself sane knowing that we're not the only one who thinks this way.

Vitativeness 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is it too personal to ask where you are located? My parents loves gardening, so these past years we were fortunate enough to get all our organic herbs, fruits and veggies from them. Their neighbours are also amazing! They all grow their own produces , so during the lockdown last year, neighbours would hung bags of fruits or veggies onto each other fences!

Vitativeness 4 points ago +4 / -0

That’s lovely. I am not much of a green thumb, but would like to start growing our own fruits and veggies. So far, a feijoa (son loves the fruit), a pomegranate tree and a lime tree.

Vitativeness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try an alternative to soap, and keep the skin moisturised.

Vitativeness 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is lovely to feel appreciated and wanted. He’s a wonderful person to be able to show you that.

Vitativeness 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is interesting because my mum is on Statin due to her supposedly high cholesterol (I told her to get off it ... but who am I? I don't have that piece of paper that said I attended medical school) ). Even though mum has the healthiest diet you can imagined. I did my blood works about four months ago, everything was okay except for my cholesterol. It was stepping over the unacceptable line. Dr "watch your diet!" Me "I can't eat more healthy than what I am doing right now" Doctors sees the overall number in cholesterol and throw the Statin in your face. What they don't explain is that your body also need cholesterol to function. I recently discovered that there's two types of LDL - Type A (saturated fat) and Type B (carbs and Sugar). If you're type A, you're in the good zone. B, watch/change your diet. How to tell? If your Triglycerides is low but your HDL is high (Type A) if your Triglycerides is high and your HDL is low (Type B) Having said that, if I am wrong, someone can correct me.

Vitativeness 3 points ago +3 / -0

You must've a month's worth stored inside your gigantic bladder ...

Vitativeness 12 points ago +13 / -1

I see it differently. I see them supporting her stance by eating at her restaurant. They knew she wasn’t going to be bullied and no doubt would’ve jumped in if she needed their help.

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