Vulkanian 2 points ago +3 / -1

(((They))) hate us because they ain't us. White men built the world, not the joggers, slant-eyes, tacos, oy veyers, or teepees.

This is exactly what led to Hitler rising to power. History, as always, will repeat itself if this continues.

Vulkanian 101 points ago +103 / -2

The US isn’t going to last 4 years under this retard.

It’s only been a month and he’s already done so much damage and cost us billions of dollars.

Trump, military, Q, can you guys accelerate the plan and get rid of this puppet for the love of God please?

Vulkanian 10 points ago +10 / -0

Doesn't that mean he's no longer following potato, not Trump?

Vulkanian 6 points ago +6 / -0

Movie theaters being closed and these subhumans being unable to do anything is one of the only redeeming factors of the Plandemic.

Vulkanian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lmao, always tell my dad this when it gets extremely cold in Oklahoma.

A foot of snow, all the roads are completely covered, icicles everywhere, must be that damn global warming!

Vulkanian 2 points ago +2 / -0

And of course the comments in that thread are what I expected.

I hate these people. I #HATE them.

If masks work, then why do we need a vaccine? If masks work, then why does everyone need to wear one? Why harass someone about wearing a mask if you’re wearing one? You’re safe, right? If the vaccine works, why do we need masks?

Outside of my job and occasional college class, I refuse to wear a mask.

Vulkanian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Must be Barry, he’s trying to shill but forgot he was sucking Big Mike’s chocolate tennis balls.

Vulkanian 1 point ago +1 / -0

If we go with the popular belief then only the best/sinless get into heaven, while any degenerate gets into hell.

Vulkanian 8 points ago +10 / -2

There’s no place for trannies except in mental hospitals. Period.

Vulkanian 1 point ago +1 / -0

“It’s only one word lol.”

“It’s only a mask.”

“It’s only for a couple weeks.”

Weak and soy filled.

Vulkanian 7 points ago +7 / -0

This mod is a mega faggot. Are you from Reddit and got lost while looking for your nigga masta to polish his cock?

Vulkanian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I legit showed some retard video evidence of votes being switched from Trump to Biden on live TV and he said that wasn't legit proof because nothing happened and if it was real something would have happened. Then when I told him the system is corrupt he said that it was an error and there is bound to be errors in a nationwide election.

These people are so fucking stupid, I'm at a point now where I legitimately get angry thinking about how they're breathing in the same air as me.

Vulkanian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't believe there are people who find that horse bitch attractive.

Her smile is almost as ugly as Chelsea Clinton's.

Vulkanian 11 points ago +11 / -0

99% of the time tattoos on women are ugly as fuck.

Hell, a lot of them look ugly on guys too. Especially the “gamer” tattoos or some other cringe shit. They also have them in really stupid places, like their forearm, knuckles, back hand, neck, etc. So unattractive.

by BQnita
Vulkanian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Neither of them were first, Big Mike and his boytoy Barry were.

Vulkanian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I once saw someone say we’re the only species to protect our weak, and I think that’s true.

Natural selection would have gotten rid of these subhumans long ago if it wasn’t for technology.

Vulkanian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I know, and he acts like he’s in Fallout.

Vulkanian 7 points ago +7 / -0

Leftists hate Florida because the governor there isn’t a retard. I was watching a big streamer the other day by chance and his buttbuddy was talking about moving soon and was asked where he is now and he said Florida. First response was “ew”.

That dork moistcritical also seems to hate Florida. How dare they not enforce masks that don’t do anything for a virus with a 99% recovery rate!

Vulkanian 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s baffling to me how there are so many retards who will blindly trust the government. It’s like, even in commie public schools you’re taught critical thinking and to question something you don’t know, on top of the fact that books like Animal Farm are mandatory reading.

I’ve seen a lot of braindeads talking about how they can’t wait to get the vaccine, and call anyone who says the vaccine is dangerous or not necessary a moron. It’s really no wonder how Dims can brainwash and manipulate people, a lot of them are just stupid and want to remain stupid.

Vulkanian 11 points ago +11 / -0

Without the true lion to tuck him in at night, Ted reverts back to being a hyena.


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