Doesn't get any better than this:
Live stream here:
Dr. Malone is talking about this right now on War Room. It's looking like the VAX was originally intended for bats -- then used on humans. Feds were all in. Fauci implicated of course. Docs based on FOIA request. Tip of iceberg. Coordinated propaganda attack on the world -- no surprise to us frens. Malone validated. All MSM implicated, depth of corruption shown, etc. etc. All critics vindicated. Millions impacted around the globe. CBS Mornings is talking about Broadway actors.
Idaho Gov Little is weak, ChyCom invested and has little interest in individual rights. AG Wasden similar. Boise libtard mayor all in on BuyDan and UN smart city BS. SOROS corrupt. RINO's held in check by huge majority Trump supporters. Low VAXT rate. Massive influx of blue state refugees happening -- results to be determined. Most newbies are trying to escape the libsanity. Generally, an AWAKE state with nervous RINO politicians. Everyone is well armed. If you're moving here, bring your own house -- real estate is nuts.
It means "weaponize."