My thoughts too. Off to a corrupted country...
Note that Trump and Musk are concentrating on cutting off the money sources.
She is a total gift to the meme makers. Even better than Kamala.
"We have it all."
I still think that putting criminals in a jail cell with a naked Hillary Clinton will stop crime everywhere.
I believe the invention of the COVID virus started at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Besides him causing a hair gel shortage.
What's the death rate from abortions?
I didn't realize what a hot topic this was. I will delete mine.
Hot dog! I see that the Sunday Funnies are here. I can't wait to dig in.
I don't even feel sorry for them.
I suspect the voters are more likely bots and dead people.
Newsom created a national shortage.
I have suspected the hungry satanists in this the whole time. Nothing else makes sense. And also the aborted babies being sold...
So, all the pardonees weren't really pardoned? Depends undergarment shortage in 3...2...1...
I saw this earlier on zerohedge. It is quite good.
Don't forget the popcorn. With butter. And cinnamon.
I'll send my reply with a homing pigeon. LOL
How the heck does a government shutdown hurt us in any way?
All I remember from the past is people not getting into national parks.
Well, they had to reveal themselves first, didn't they?
Michelle is now strolling through the woods during podcasts to beef up viewership.
Are we SURE this is a shitpost?
The meme-makers are in heaven.