Whirlybot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Need to incarcerate Bill Gates YESTERDAY. Do we have extradition treaty with India?

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

And just enacted a new law calling for jail time for 'fake news' produced by media.

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only bug in that plan is that the ones who got jabbed are predominantly the 'worker' class. Won't that severely damage their (DS) quality of life going forward? Killing the golden goose?

Whirlybot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I read that the mice to human timeline translated to 15 months, for all to die. I didn't see a chart of 'soonest to last' over a range. The article (study summary) also spoke of the macaques - 96% died, the remaining 2 (sample of 50) were sacrificed, and the scientists found the mad cow prions and 'swiss cheese' appearance in their brains. I saved it, will try to attach. Dr Fleming video presentation - Part 2 is the section with the review of study Separately: Here are the attachments to presentation

by lethak
Whirlybot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Israel saved for last.

by lethak
Whirlybot 2 points ago +2 / -0

We need to have the fraud exposed and proven. Else, we will have an even more divided country. We need this 'awakening' to hit 94% of Americans.

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone please spell out the OP's last Patel paragraph about 'China's next.' Will they attempt a move on taiwan and the US will be the force going in to mainland ? that seems awfully risky. What might be the plan here?

Whirlybot 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's really hard to get good workers these days.

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, I missed that.

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder if there is any way to head off a cyber plandemic? and boomerang some stuff back at the cabal? C'mon Guardians - work some magic. The rest of us trying to live day to day are starting to really struggle in our daily lives. Two years now. And JB's play money isn't helping the right people. It's being handed out to those folks already on a STEADY govt paycheck, not those who are dependent on a middling to decent economy to survive (to work/sell).

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

China would lose more than gain if they use a nuclear weapon on Taiwan. 1. Destroy much of Taiwan (poisoning) for decades, and 2. Become hated by the entire rest of the world. No real upside there other than to shut Taiwan up. But then they would also have to deal with refugees coming to an already crowded mainland.

Whirlybot 2 points ago +2 / -0

That might be the solution. Taking out the bad guys just might reach Gates' depop goals.

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why aren't we claiming she's a clone? Isn't that our 'go to' explanation?/s

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, pretty much the worst possible news. 1. migrates throughout the body, not just staying at the injection site, 2. alters DNA (permanent change) 3. includes a cancer-causing gene-sequence in the jab. Just wonderful.

Someone speculated a while ago that the military assistance in distribution of this jab serum was an oppty for a switchout of a lot of the vials to harmless product (saline). Hope that is the case, and that would explain why 100% of jabbed are not all suffering these adverse effects at the same time. I've seen several people, that I personally know, have severe reactions (1 death, included) to the jab, but many others with multiple comorbidities take all 3 shots without incident. Their arms also 'hurt' after the jab, so I don't think they received just saline.

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't that the theory of why Bill and Melinda and Jeff Bezos and wife split? to save at least half of the fortunes?

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I noticed the same change in 'this year's' Nutrisystem ads. I think it is a different person too - copied most of the mannerisms but not all of them. The hand gestures around are quite different. Could be MO's voiceover though. The voice/mouth coordination does not seem accurate.

Edit: just watched the new commercial again. Nowhere does it claim that this is Marie Osmond, and they never showed her 'before' photo like they have in the past. This is Nutrisystem using up the goodwill from MO's tenure. She probably asked for too much money to continue. (or regained the weight she lost)

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's the key ^. Have you harmed just yourself or is this going to be passed on to the future generations. (If you can even reproduce.) Seems like there have been enough babies born to vaxxed parents that they could have the answer to this one.

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