WhiteLash 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good points!

I’ve been hearing about this crash for years as well so I pulled out a few years ago after they stole the election I didn’t trust them.

WhiteLash 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is your reminder to supplement with iodine to counteract all the fluoride, bromide and chlorine. Detox your body from the heavy metals and take control of your health.

WhiteLash 5 points ago +5 / -0

I want reason to believe we are beating the vote rigging this time. Kamala was insufferable tonight as was the lying MSM moderators.

WhiteLash 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump would never choose another traitor after the debacle with Pence. I trust Trump’s judgement.

WhiteLash 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude that movie sucked so bad too. There’s a whole line in there from a black couple how you can’t trust white people in a crisis. Woke garbage, bad acting and worse writing.

WhiteLash 14 points ago +14 / -0

I don’t ever watch football but I can tell you that was a rigged overtime, the defense for San Fran sold so hard (always an open man/no sacks/no attempts at an interception/low effort).

Hosted in Vegas lol with all that money going to get raked in by Swift and Co and Pfizer. What a fucking joke.

WhiteLash 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah it is strange, I’ve seen much higher quality songs get maybe 1/16th of the views and 0 of the virality.

It’s a good message but not groundbreaking lyrically or anything. I’m happy for him, but he should take a good record deal even if from a smaller label. Strike while the iron is hot.

WhiteLash 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m curious about this angle as well. I read that the national guard was in 14 states including PA and AZ, but what does this really mean?

WhiteLash 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes! My mistake but the point remains.

WhiteLash 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey, wanted to happily update that on Day 13 I’m finally feeling about 90% + better. I’ve never been sick 2 weeks in my life, cause I’m pretty good with my diet, practice intermittent fasting and all that jazz I mentioned in OP.

Since the post I did another teladoc visit and wasn’t denied for covid testing. I was given an antibiotic as my fever hasn’t subsided. I was diagnosed with acute bronchitis and was also given an inhaler for the first time ever. Basically I kept suffering and took my supplements with cough syrup, the antibiotic, inhaler and eventually got better on my own. Shit was honestly depressing. I appreciate this community for the help. I never got ivermectin or took it, but I am intrigued by it for the future. I’m hoping that maybe I did have covid and will be naturally immune to any bs in the future.

I don’t know but God bless and thank you for your time and suggestions.

WhiteLash 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’ve probably drank 60 bottles of water since Friday (Costco sells them in 40 packs for like 3 bucks). So I’m working on it and yes, they refused me service on a televisit.

WhiteLash 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's not enough, how can we further sabotage him and keep Facebook down.

WhiteLash 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is it a movie if it is really happening? It does not feel like the good people are in charge here. Afghanistan is really a nothing burger compared to covid and the havoc that it has done to kill people (the vaccine mainly), break up families, and cause people to lose their jobs. God I want this to end already, at a certain point if this is indeed a movie, you'd expect an ending?

WhiteLash 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've seen companies willing to go out of business to virtue signal. It's a cult. Also, you have to wonder about musicians trying to force this nonsense for concerts. How do you make money touring if you effectively reduce over half the crowd?

WhiteLash 5 points ago +5 / -0

Any place that will simultaneously allow you to sit down without a mask but not stand up without one is a commie hellhole which should be avoided. It is mass hypnosis out there. How does standing up make you less immune? Do this mean people in wheelchairs never need the mask since they can't stand up and catch it?

WhiteLash 3 points ago +3 / -0

Science is their religion. They believe anything they hear from anonymous experts.

WhiteLash 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good job finding a needle in a haystack. All of the churches in my area are cucked. I'd never go to church in a mask. What a giant middle finger to God.

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