I did get an acne treatment that had tea tree oil and it worked for a while until it didn’t. Redness came back and my scarring wasn’t clearing up. Never tried oil of rose hips, I’ll give those a go with another attempt at tea tree oil first.
Wow thank you for the tips! I’ll try everything so long as it doesn’t dry my skin out. I didn’t like any of the acne treatments that dry the skin because in the cold my skin gets very cracked and dry on its own
My employer from March 2020-April 2021 enforced mask wearing and since then I’ve had trouble with bad acne outbreaks. When they finally went a little slack on the mask enforcement I never wore one again, but no amount of scrubbing with soap has gotten rid of the acne. Masking definitely created some anger and anxiety for me, but I haven’t worn them since and have no idea why I can’t get rid of it for good. And fun fact, let’s not forget how rich politicians got by forcing mask mandates and these vaccines on the public..
This is what bugs me the most. Everyone “testing” just to find out if they’re maybe sick or not. Nobody seems to have any common sense anymore. Doctors can’t confirm whether you have a cold or flu without “the test”. It’s all ridiculous and I refuse to get tested ever
I’m terribly sorry for your loss and I may soon go through the same experience with some of my family members. My brother and SIL recently got their booster shots and he’s been having blood pressure trouble, and they’ve been trying hard to have a baby with no success. She’s now undergoing fertility shots to try conceiving with no success yet. Another family member got her booster shot and had heart complications 3 days later, went to the hospital and after a week she was released without getting her condition resolved. Too many are suffering needlessly and despite some of our best efforts they will not listen to us when we propose the problem being from the “vaccines”.
In general this is great but I mostly want to see Amazon fail entirely. They’re getting far too big for their britches as is.
That’s what I’m hoping for too because he frequently said what they’d do in the White House again to make the country great. He is also incredibly confident in a red wave this year for midterms which makes me feel significantly better. However I did find it interesting when he remarked on what we should do if they rob us of our vote in the midterms as well. Fingers crossed they can’t steal it again and it won’t come to that but there’s a possibility..
We have the Income tax, and then a bunch of sub-income taxes like the sales tax, property tax, wheel tax, etc etc. Makes me insane how much my income AFTER the income tax is continually taxed more
I heard that and I hope not. The country won’t make it till 2024
“We’re Not Gonna Take It” has got to be the world theme song right now
18 is my favorite point because just when I think we may not be watching a movie and the country is literally being destroyed in front of us, I’ll see a rally with President Trump or hear an interview with him and he always says “All I can say is you’ll be very happy. Everyone will be very happy”. That’s all I need to hear to not lose hope.
Very well said! This has been my attitude from the beginning. “Wear the mask for others.” Uh, no, that makes no logical sense to me. My favorite argument of 2020 was when people would try telling me we get the flu shot to protect others. 🙄
I’ve been wondering about this for a while. We’re literally taxed to death, just about. But how can we stop paying them altogether? They’re automatically pulled from our paychecks, sales tax is automatically generated at registers/checkout, vehicle registration and license renewal (don’t get me started on the fact I’m paying $100+ JUST for a damn sticker on my car.. give me a whole new plate at that cost) are automatic as well. In summary, all the taxes are automatic. Not sure how we could even boycott/revolt against taxation.
I believe good will prevail but I’d be lying if I said the crap politicians are doing and laws they’re passing on Capitol Hill haven’t been pissing me off. Wish I could go off the grid and stop paying taxes.
Is the one supposed to be Bed, Bath and Beyond or Bath & Body Works? Two different companies but whoever made this merged the names
Reading all the comments here I’ve quickly realized I don’t know my history like I should. Worst president in my time that I’ve paid attention to would be Obama. I didn’t start tracking politics until January 2020.
They’re trying to make the state Democratic. We better not let them.
Other Hoosiers better vote out those 2 pieces of crap that sponsored that bill. And my district rep voted in favor of it so I guess I need to send him an email letting him know how pissed off I am with him.
I see a lot of comments here saying they don’t care if people want to wear masks or not, and I agree to a point. Issue for me about people willingly wearing masks is that before 2020 criminals were the ones hiding their faces.
I said this when Biden took office and announced open borders: all the border states have to do is enact laws stating citizens and Border Patrol/law enforcement can open fire on illegals and it will all stop abruptly. By being this slow and polite we are showing our enemies that they can get in no problem and create chaos with no consequences.
Someone else here shared the video where President Trump praised the guy for attacking a pesky reporter. I already like Gianforte for that.
- Yep, my state is the highest rated in child sex trafficking of the whole country. It’s disgusting and I’m glad I don’t have kids for this reason. It’s also why good men are hard to find..
And a coworker of mine told me that may be coming. He heard it from Glen Beck’s podcast
Oh yes they do. My supervisor literally wears the same one every single day, as do other supervisors. I know some girls have said they love wearing their “cute masks”. And when I go to my bank they say masks required to enter, but beneath that it says they may ask individuals to remove them for identification purposes. If people need identified, why bother mandating the stupid cloth diapers?! All these rules are ridiculously illogical
I’m beyond ready for Truth Social. Hopefully it’s a platform where we can all spread accurate and helpful information to one another and organize against big government