It's funny that this was also the message during the Super Bowl halftime show. I'm sure it's all coincidental though.
There will never be a written confession but It can destroy their cover story by exposing a different timeline, or even show who ordered certain things to be done. If there was nothing they would just release it, I'm sure there's some important things in there.
You may be onto something. I was wondering this too since several places received a good amount of snow that normally wouldn't. Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.
This is a start but it's not justice. Justice will be when they're held responsible for their actions by military tribunal.
IMO they've always been awake, which is one of the many reasons they choose to live the way they do.
They're not blutards, they're just regular tards.
Yes, it's still not over until January 20th but there's a bit of relief for the moment!
Law of War manual 11.3 END OF OCCUPATION
This is why Trump has to be out of the spotlight in order to not be blamed for any of them being arrested or going through whatever is coming to them.
Because there's still a large portion of the population who are cultist and would not accept that their party is doing any of these things when the 'media' covers them up. If they're still in power, they could use these idiot to cause a lot of damage to our society. This all had to deal with the fallback of these idiots, the WH's have prioritized the collatoral damage to us.
They're a defense contractor and part of the military industrial complex.
Calliner her Kamela Hairess from now on.
I thought B/H C stood for Bill/Hillary Clinton.
17th birthday you say? 🤔
Yep, this is 5G warfare using social media as a weapon.
The dry erase board has "1700 fema" on it.
I hope so too! I'd love to know what mediums they used to plant narative shifts and narrative seeds. I know the WH's have used games, movies, TV shows, books, music, pop culture, and just about anything else the cabal has used as well.
Hmmm, interesting indeed.
It's not wrong either way.
This may also be done by the white hats to force him to be more openly tyrannical. Remember, moves and counter moves. These people would rather rule over ashes than simply give up.
This will keep companies in their banking system. Woke or not woke doesn't matter to them as long as you continue to use their system.
You can hear him ask if they are 'US Military Intelligence' at 0:31 seconds in the embeded twitter video. WH's giving us a nod :D
You heard it here first.
When Kash gets sworn in, do we get the Epstein list, MLK Jr, RFK, and 911 files right away?!?!?