Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. I knew the author is either not intelligent or selling clicks etc. from the myelin is made of 100% cholesterol. The specialized protective sheath covering the most important delicate nerves in your body is just pure fat? Cmon nobody should fall for that.

Zappbradigan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because there is very little to gain. They won’t win many wars by putting one million men on artillery to shell one city.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Then they surely gave the number of batteries? No large city has ever been leveled by artillery even with thousands of batteries firing at once. See Stalingrad, Leningrad, Berlin, any other city,

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +2 / -1

That’s assuming 1. They actually have this mythical number of guns 2. Kim wouldn’t immediately flip on Russia if shit pops off if it means even slight personal gain for himself

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looking at lend lease it seems like we gave them an entire navy’s displacement worth of vessels. They certainly had many needs they could not meet on their own.

Zappbradigan -1 points ago +1 / -2

Where was it announced that the US is sending 10’s of thousands of troops to that border? I guess I don’t know what a significant military capability is to you. 50,000 modern day equipped troops isn’t insignificant.

Zappbradigan 0 points ago +2 / -2

You need navies and air forces to win wars, not just one million dudes with AK’s. How do you reason that adding more countries and manpower hurts NATO, that’s objectively 50k more troops than if they hadn’t added them.

Zappbradigan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ll listen to chemists when it comes to drugs on how they work, and people that use drugs for how they actually feel. Mechanism of action and pharmacodynamics and kinetics are certainly real, and I’ve yet to find information on either. If experts are saying it does these things, they should know how it does it. Erowid is from a time before the internet was cancerously gay, and people would discuss what happens when ingesting massive quantities of certain drugs. Ill trust a drug addict any day for how potent or usable a drug is, over people that have never used it.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Been on 4chan since 2010, lurking here before the last election. The thing about drugs is, nobody knows them better than drug people. No one on Erowid has ever gotten high or had positive health benefits, it’s just oxidized epinephrine. It’s not a thing I ever bring up to argue with people on here, because it’s sorta silly. Take some time to go through that last link you sent. Go through all of that website. Nothing about it seems strange? All of the typos and the fact that it’s obviously written by a person that doesn’t speak English doesn’t raise your eyebrows?

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just nitpicking here, why is it “spiked” with Adrenalin? You can inject Adrenalin at any time with an iv, it’s the first medication for cardiac arrest. It also has a half life of 5 minutes intravenously.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

At least he’s upfront. The Economic Collapse blog probably doesn’t waver far from its namesake I’m guessing.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can I ask how long you’ve been posting here? I’ve been keeping a watch out for the most reasonable posters since 2020 and seeing how long it takes for them to burn out due to shouting into the void. I’m hoping you don’t since you make a lot of good posts. Unfortunately a lot of right wing think tank social media pushes are heavily anti education, and they do very well on all right wing boards, 4chan /pol/ being an exception.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well that sure supports the theory that suicide weekend is actually for everyone when the economy ends. How do you know it wouldn’t kick off a civil war? 2008 the economy wasn’t completely destroyed into nothing which is what we all seem to be cheering for. That kind of foresight is impossible to have with human behavior.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is most people out in the world aren’t following this narrative or even know about it. It would be a shock to most people and there is no way to know what would happen or how people will react in the aftermath, regardless of a well laid plan.

Zappbradigan 7 points ago +7 / -0

People like to blame the nurses and doctors. But 90% of the problems in healthcare right now are because administrators do not care about human life, they aren’t doctors, they have business degrees, and they don’t care about employee burnout, they drive an s63 amg Mercedes. Take it out on the administrators who are genuinely sociopaths.

Zappbradigan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I honestly think outside influences co-opted the Q movement, social media posters and clickbait determine a lot of the narrative here. Cheering for the country to fail I think should make everybody look around and say hey wait a minute, our country being destroyed would be pretty good for China and Russia. Just happy to see someone else who feels something wrong with all of this.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

So when my retirement dissappears am I going to be reimbursed fully in equal value? What if during the temporary period society ends and the country falls into civil war? It had better be something like less than an hour or it’s all over for everybody.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +3 / -2

A lot of the things people seem to really want to happen make no sense. A lot of narratives here are constructed over years mostly from social media posters outside this site. The plan has failed if the economy crashes in my opinion.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there any way to get a list of nefarious clickbait website for all users to see? Fake headlines that are factually false when you read the document in question seems to be a really high percentage of posts here.

Zappbradigan 3 points ago +3 / -0

To be honest I don’t actually think most people here know what discernment even means, much less how to practice it. Believing obviously false headlines is certainly not it.

Zappbradigan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where in the bill is it saying women are allowed to sell their children? Only this federalist website is making that claim, it’s not in the bill that I can find.

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