Zi0ns_walls 9 points ago +10 / -1

I fell ill, i felt low energy, down and had a constant headache but then I stopped watching the news and felt fantastic. Cheered right up without the constant fear. If everyone did that noone would know COVID™ even existed

Zi0ns_walls 4 points ago +4 / -0

It sounds like you know a lot more about it than me, I was interested years ago and I went in another direction in my investigations and forgot about it.

I hope you're right that the real freedom currency comes, I think BTC was the closest we got so far.

That's insightful what you said that needs to be fixed, hopefully there are others that see that and are working to improve but they will still have the problem of the elites attacking it and the sheeple wanting to make fat stacks corrupting it.

Zi0ns_walls 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think they're trying to destroy crypto, I do t think this is WH.

Crypto was a way to bypass their banking system and that scared them, I think the reason why BTC shot up in price was because the elites and hedgies bought them, and instead of it being a stable currency they turned it into a greedy get rich scheme.

It was starting to be used as a currency in more and more places but it became too unstable to be used that way anymore. I'm highly suspicious of it all.

I missed my opportunity to buy BTC years ago and when I first come across it it was purely and instrument of making a alternative society where we could take our money out the bank's and trade using that.

Now we're facing being cut off trade in the future because we said something the gov doesn't like, we haven't taken the 15th 'vaccine' or we voted the wrong way.

BTC was meant to be the solution to that but greed has destroyed it.

Zi0ns_walls 3 points ago +3 / -0

So many of the comments that are calling it out for what it is

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it has anything about Chuckie in a negative light It will be put on a shelf till everyone forgets about it and the rights will be bought and removed from existence.

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

I asked about this in another thread and got downvoted, thanks for aharing

Zi0ns_walls 5 points ago +5 / -0

"the night we charged we fought them hand to hand, and I killed the boy that sang in no man's land"

Wow, what a powerful song, one day we won't be turned against eachother anymore.

Another honourable mention for today would be 'The band played waltzing Matilda' for all our Anzac anons.


Zi0ns_walls 6 points ago +6 / -0

That must be part of America's uniqueness, the whole world calls it football, only America can make a game that doesn't use their foot and call it football.

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

Near a river called the Somme

A battle was fought where noone won

A million dead all scattered around

The fought and died for a mile of ground

Bless those souls that fought and died

Forgive them that do talk in pride.

It's not a joke when men run to their deaths

For their land and give their last breaths.

I will not forget those

For all their hearts froze

Men living in fear

Brings me to tears

Live for their honour

Live in liberty

They gave all

So we can sleep peacefully

In all of the bravery

Faced with adversary

Sound of a mortar

Tremble a mortal!

Pray that we never

Suffer this blow

Unite all nations

Never a foe.

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

oh how do you do, young willy mcbride do you mind if i sit here down by your graveside and rest for a while in the warm summer sun i've been walking all day, and im nearly done and i see by your gravestone you were only nineteen when you joined the great fallen in 1916 well i hope you died quick and i hope you died clean oh willy mcbride, was is it slow and obscene did they beat the drums slowly did the play the fife lowly did they sound the death march as they lowered you down did the band play the last post and chorus did the pipes play the flowers of the forest and did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind in some loyal heart is your memory enshrined and though you died back in 1916 to that loyal heart you're forever nineteen or are you a stranger without even a name forever enshrined behind some old glass pane in an old photograph torn, tattered, and stained and faded to yellow in a brown leather frame did they beat the drums slowly did the play the fife lowly did they sound the death march as they lowered you down did the band play the last post and chorus did the pipes play the flowers of the forest the sun shining down on these green fields of france the warm wind blows gently and the red poppies dance the trenches have vanished long under the plow no gas, no barbed wire, no guns firing down but here in this graveyard that's still no mans land the countless white crosses in mute witness stand till' man's blind indifference to his fellow man and a whole generation were butchered and damned did they beat the drums slowly did the play the fife lowly did they sound the death march as they lowered you down did the band play the last post and chorus did the pipes play the flowers of the forest and i can't help but wonder oh willy mcbride do all those who lie here know why they died did you really believe them when they told you the cause did you really believe that this war would end wars well the suffering, the sorrow, the glory, the shame the killing and dying it was all done in vain oh willy mcbride it all happened again and again, and again, and again, and again did they beat the drums slowly did the play the fife lowly did they sound the death march as they lowered you down did the band play the last post and chorus did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Zi0ns_walls 6 points ago +6 / -0

What impresses me fren is that you kept him as a friend even as a distant one. I'm one to burn bridges when I shouldn't but whatever you did was correct and in the right amount. That chap just jumped right into the deep end with it all and that's a great thing, try to show him that he is wrong with his atheist beliefs (I'm entirely presuming that he's an atheist) and get him saved.

Well done for your perseverance and unwavering beliefs I think that had a large part in winning him over.

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

They do target every group, they have underground bunkers for when shit hits the fam, they poisoned most of the world with that mRNA bs.

Humanity is in a fight for survival and we're not going to be able to wake everyone up and people will fight the group they have been taught to hate.

Hopefull we are in a position that if shtf we can get the treacherous serpent's that did this to humanity and seek to enslave whoever survives.

God willing that Christ returns and we are snatched away and they are condemned to the final judgement before hell is let loose on earth.

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you mind if I give my opinion?

They hate white people the most but they already destroyed the black family, pushed crack and heroin on black communities and now the targets are white people. We should of called them out for it when they were doing it to black communities.

I'm a white Brit what is happening over here is nothing short of ethnic cleansing and they have conditioned all our people to celebrate our destruction, I fucking hate it.

I hate the bastards that come over and rape our children, kill, sell drugs and terrorise us. The more it happens the more I want a land of my own people.

That's what they want, they want us to kill eachother so that we can't target them. It's coming to a race war because they are pushing it that way, but I try to keep my senses and remember who is causing this all to happen.

This is a great community and I'll hate for that division to be here, were here with a clear picture of who is betraying our nation's, let every other fool blindly fight whoever they hate but we need to be precise with our targets.

Peace brothers, I love you both

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

He'll probably have the 6th while he's in the hospital, save himself a journey

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

A mentally ill faggot won the pity vote of a beauty contest and has no shame or decency towards the young women he cheated.

I hope that suffices

Zi0ns_walls 3 points ago +3 / -0

God really is setting something up, Christ and the disciples did not look like they had such great wins but the message was to spread the gospel.

Our win will be deliverance by Christ but until then we need to continue spreading the Gospel, red pills and memes.

I believe we will be snatched away before any real harm is done to us. So what if they cheat? All of their plans will come to nought.


Zi0ns_walls 12 points ago +12 / -0

They must of done it in 2016 for 45 to be elected, then for some reason let them do it in 2020. There could very well be a digital war going on right now stopping the foreign servers having access.

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