Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just remember that since this is a reboot the nuclear missiles need to be black, disabled, and transgender.

Zzirg720 4 points ago +4 / -0

Notice the way this is written, the implication being that if Democrats try and do this we're doomed to suffer their success. Just a side note, but the way our side so often accepts things as fact before they even happen is one of the biggest reasons we're in such bad shape as it is.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

And boycotts don't work if you give in the second they change one minor detail to appease you. I see way too much of that on our side.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

No doubt all of that is true, but it's also true about Alex Jones and many others claiming to be truth leaders with questionable ties and loyalties. To be clear I've seen a lot more to point toward Jones being a fraud than Icke by a longshot, I just haven't seen anything that individually impressive from Icke. A lot of truth but usually he's only ahead of the curve, not the tip of the spear.

Zzirg720 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't really know what to make of Icke. If I had to settle on an option I'd probably say he's a limited hangout like Alex Jones, just a few steps further down the rabbit hole. Either that or his early spiritual experiences were genuine, but I still have seen him be off the mark on a number of issues and don't see him as some authority above the rest.

Zzirg720 11 points ago +13 / -2

This is absolutely true, but we've also got to be a little careful. When people fall into blind allegiance they can end up trusting men like George W. Bush and John McCain thinking they're good honest men "doing God's work" as so many boomers did in the past.

Zzirg720 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm afraid that "pride" infiltrated their church leadership decades ago if not centuries ago, but these people clearly have their hearts in the right place.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've put this together myself as well. It seems like their whole plan was to scare the living shit out of the world with communism so that fascism would seem like a reasonable choice by comparison. They give you all your rights except for any that might ever threaten their power. It FEELS much more free for the average person living their day to day life. They allow "Christianity" in an extremely warped and watered down version. Feels free next to being lined up and shot. That's what they were banking on and my guess is that's what they wanted to turn the Republican Party into if Trump had never shown up. "The sensible and moderate alternative to those Democrats that went off the deep end, screwed everything up, and started the world war." That's the big thing I think people miss. Hillary wasn't supposed to be some queen dictator forever. It was always gonna be some Dan Crenshaw type in the end. That's probably why Trump's only option was to go full GOP and take the party over.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read that as "retarded" the first time and took way too long to figure out what I was reading.

Zzirg720 3 points ago +3 / -0

The doomers work overtime to convince you that nobody in these countries knows what's going on, nobody in blue states, "It's just you and your little friends, you're all alone". Conservative influencers repeat this narrative endlessly until people are surprised when a poll like this comes out of Australia.

Zzirg720 3 points ago +3 / -0

They just destroyed their own reputation as pro-privacy etc. without realizing it.

Zzirg720 5 points ago +5 / -0

Taiwan has been a Soros puppet for a long time. I figured they'd crumble one way or another. No point in militarily defending a nation that's already capitulated politically.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm just not buying it. Islam historically has always played this game of playing victim and friendly neighbor when the circumstances aren't in their favor and then overrunning their neighbors at the first chance it becomes practical to do so. I just don't see why people are so quick to rush to their defense while ignoring dozens of other conflicts where innocent children are also dying. I guess I just wish they would stop lying and pretending it's about the kids. This is a certain group of kids people feel compelled to defend above the rest. Why that is, I don't know. Seems no less crazy than the Israelis acting like their lives are special and more valuable than anyone else. Pretending it's just because they "wanna save the kids" only makes the Palestine crowd look disingenuous. Makes them look like the mirror image of the Israelis who we've already seen think this way. Once again when one side is morally wrong, and the other is striving to be just as morally wrong in response, I cannot support either.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +4 / -3

For the most part I am in agreement except for the glossing over the fact that these people are largely devout Islamists and thus are the farthest thing from people who "just want to live their lives". Their religion, just like Talmudic Judaism, demands that anyone outside of the religion be enslaved or killed. If they had the military power Israel had they'd be doing exactly the same thing. Do the ones who don't think that way deserve to be bombed like this? Absolutely not, but if I want to stop kids from being blown up I can pick any number of other conflicts where there is at least a halfway decent side to support. I'm yet to have anyone on either side explain to me why it is SO much worse for an Israeli child or a Palestinian child to be blown up than it is for a Ukrainian child bombed by their own government or a child dying somewhere in Africa.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was the same for me but with Jill Stein as I was still a youthful lefty but had enough common sense to see that Hillary Clinton was pure fucking evil.

Zzirg720 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's the kind of strategy that keeps MAGA on top! Seriously though I think that's exactly what is happening on a national scale, whether or not this Chase Oliver guy knows he is the drunk idiot.

Zzirg720 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've never been an outward anger person, though I still need to keep it in check or I'll end up in my own personal hell. But really I don't plan to set up a stand or go actively seeking people out unless I meet some friends to join me. I'll take my battles as they come organically. Usually those are the easiest to win.

Zzirg720 5 points ago +5 / -0

All the sane ones are pretty on top of that, they like him about as much as Democrats like Biden. What keeps them voting for him or not voting at all is their skepticism about Trump, his seeming support for Israel, the vax and other questionable things. The biggest one for them tends to be the national debt which frankly, without understanding that a collapse is planned by both sides, would be a very fair shot to take at Trump and his Administration. I'm hoping that by June the economy will have degraded a bit more and I can more easily explain that Trump knew this was inevitable and wanted to cash out the last of the funny money to prop up farmers and working class people before the bottom fell out.
I'll tell them flat out that the biggest reason I'm interested in gold, silver, and crypto, is Trump and what seems to be happening with MAGA and white hats. If not for that I'd feel like those things would be dead ends for the average consumer, ESPECIALLY crypto. If the establishment had the kind of power the doomers think they do, crypto could and would be shut down the second they decided they wanted it to be. I trust that it has a future because I trust that we will be in charge of that future, second to God of course.

Zzirg720 9 points ago +9 / -0

As much as I wish they would change their minds about Trump, it's by far my favorite social event of the year. A whole festival based around small government and independent living. There's always some lefty types who drag things down a bit but they are a loud minority, and frankly better than lefties anywhere else. They can at least acknowledge that they don't have a right to force their destructive social views on anyone else, and vice versa. That makes for some decent ideological foundation to work from.

Zzirg720 17 points ago +17 / -0

When you hang around groups of libertarian voters and/or people who wish they had a real Libertarian party to vote for, they're usually almost as high quality people as the MAGA crowd. Their problem isn't their heart or intent usually just being impractically idealistic and stubborn about those beliefs.

Zzirg720 14 points ago +14 / -0

I'm headed to a libertarian festival this summer and cannot wait to be one of the few representatives of genuine Trump support. It's never easy in that crowd but damn is it gonna be easier this year than the last few.

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