Someone should start compiling the list of the victims of the deep state for the future memorial...
And the coming murder investigations.
I was wondering just exactly what her yarg was... :-)
Bless your mom for voting. You are blessed to have her.
Not to you fren, but to the malicious and insane out there...
"Be not afraid of any man, no matter what his size, just call on me and I will equalize."
I'm 6'1", 220 lbs. and elderly but John M., Samuel, Horace S. and Daniel W. make me at least equal to any thug out there.
That's OK, there will be plenty of weapons and ammunition on the bodies of the dead foreign troops.
As an Afghan leader said long ago - "you see two AKs, I see two dead Russians..."
PETA is all about killing pets.
Because they were told to do so. The agents in question must share in the criminal liability for obeying unlawful orders but the real culprits must also be brought to justice. All the way to the top.
The people who were unlawfully deprived of their franchise should be found and encouraged to take civil action against the agents, their agency and their leaders personally.
That’s a grim looking phiz…
Social Security and Medicare are the third rail of politics and everybody knows it.
I thank them whenever I see them. They work hard at a less-than-savory job.
There is honor in hard work done well.
I always wanted a GT. I just never knew it would be a truck...
Leeches are actually useful in limb reattachment recovery. Sterile leeches are applied distal to the reattachment point to remove excess blood until the veins heal enough to do the job.
My sister and I looked into raising sterile leeches and maggots for wound recovery but the regulatory environment is oppressive, to say the least. Sterile swine and bovines are another lucrative business but the startup costs are very high and the regulations are the same as for leeches and maggots. On the other hand, the leftovers are hand raised, organic pork and beef.
Convicted criminals belong in prison...
I’d like to see them “awarded” a nice, long stay in a federal detention center before being sent home.
I’d go off a bridge if I had to listen to that windbag, bullshit artist skank for ten and a half hours and, I suspect that I wouldn’t be alone on that bridge…
Indeed it is, but I too like the sentiment.
It’s going to be a bad days work. See my comment above about strong men with hand tools and heavy equipment.
Anybody know of a pig farm hereabouts?
Note, if you will, that FEMA or NCDOT wasn’t anywhere around fucking with the miners. Do not fuck with strong men with excavators and hand tools. You will never be found.
I see what you did there…
Great work! This is the second time today I've smiled bigly!
Thanks again Unk!
Because shaming is such a great marketing technique…
Because people saw what idiocracy means during the Obama and Biden “administrations”.
I’m guessing he means tables of logarithms. I remember being given handouts of trig tables too.
The undertaker can wash the blood off hands…
I'm elderly but not exactly frail. I was a fairly high-level athlete in my youth and I'm well-versed in dirty fighting.
I'm thinking of starting to carry a cane in case I have to administer a "hickory shampoo" as a less-than lethal alternative. "Cane Fu" is a thing and I can easily get a prescription for it.