anon82059 0 points ago +1 / -1

Although the state of "science" is deplorable, there are plenty of "scientific" studies out there that refute your assertions. You just don't want to look at them. Isn't confirmation bias wonderful?

anon82059 0 points ago +1 / -1
  1. To call this an authoritative source is laughable.

  2. Nowhere in that article is there any assertion that the only way gays exist is through molestation.

anon82059 0 points ago +1 / -1

I would say a statement such as "they are all pedophiles and child rapists" would count as a condemnation, wouldn't you?

anon82059 0 points ago +1 / -1

Butthurt? Nah, I'm used to it from characters like you. I'm having fun here.

anon82059 0 points ago +1 / -1

How do you know I don't have kids? Many gay people do.

anon82059 -5 points ago +1 / -6

No, you're the bigots for making sweeping broad generalizations that condemn an entire segment of the population.

anon82059 -4 points ago +1 / -5

Your argument is that NONE of them were just "born like that."

I have no doubt we can find instances of what you're talking about. I also know that in my circle of gay acquaintances - which I promise is a much larger sample size than yours - only one that I know of was molested as a child.

Which is why I said there's a whole lotta exceptions to your rule.

anon82059 -2 points ago +2 / -4

See, this here is what's called a straw man argument. Nobody here is arguing that environmental inputs are irrelevant to homosexuality. But you are making the opposite argument, that homosexuality is universally due to environmental inputs. You really need to up the nuance in your thinking.

anon82059 -3 points ago +1 / -4

Nope, not projection. I had a charmed childhood. But people like you who are angry didn't. I feel for ya, I do, but you have to work through that crap.

anon82059 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, you said it was effectively universal then linked an article that said it's a factor. One of these is not like the other.

This kind of one-dimensional thinking is what gives all anons a bad name.

anon82059 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Yeah, I'd imagine so. I guess my goal is to push back against that particular lie that he's spouting, but the people who think it are typically lost causes.

anon82059 -2 points ago +2 / -4

Here's a man who was molested. Sad.

anon82059 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Subject matter expert. What's yours?

anon82059 1 point ago +4 / -3

There are a whole lotta exceptions to this particular rule.

anon82059 9 points ago +12 / -3

You don't need to cut the steel. If that plane were going 500 MPH, sure, the wing would have been shredded, but that light pole would have gone flying.

You also don't need to melt steel. A good campfire will get steel soft enough to bend by hand.

I'm open to the idea that 9/11 isn't as advertised, but you don't help the argument with fallacious reasoning like this.

anon82059 6 points ago +7 / -1

I think it will happen very, very soon.

anon82059 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well I'm confused. The article says that there doesn't seem to be a significant difference in the results between store-bought baby food and homemade baby food. So the baby food companies are keeping it as clean as you can. What's the big deal here, I mean other than the clickbait value?

anon82059 0 points ago +3 / -3

In fairness to Zelensky, West Point isn't what it used to be.

anon82059 3 points ago +4 / -1

Did Hunter Biden commit crimes in your county? Or is he a resident in your county?

If not, your sheriff has no jurisdiction over the case.

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