The Mark isn't a thing or numbers or a vaccine or a barcode on your forehead, It's accepting, like being Baptized in the Holy Spirit giving yourself to Christ.
It is your Choice period, I didn't say it would be easy but the Choice is ours to make.
First and foremost the vaccine is not a mark of the Beast. The Mark is accepting, following, giving your Soul, Mind to the Evil One, just like a Christian follows Christ.
It's ok to post something that's older, but don't post it like it just happened.
Yes I'm getting fed-up with it myself, what away too get yourself wacked-off and nothing ever happens.
I knew that from the beginning, it was all a scam.
Please forget time travel this is a Movie, a script was written the events that are unfolding are falling into place only because most of this has already happened and we were unaware like a magic trick, because it was all controlled, enjoy the Greatest show on Earth the GreatAwakening.
Isn't that what the consumer did, was Boycott the invent by having the lowest attendance on recorded?
So now triangles need to be outlawed? Just not sure if this is something that is a concern?
Only when We reach the precipice, scare event is necessary, the only way. Americans are to complacent and have been for a long time.
"Disinformation exists and is necessary.
No he only regrets that he's on the wrong side of things, he had no choice in the matter. Poetic Justice.
It was "We Caught them ALL" .
WHAT IF, the DOJ, FBI, THE JUDGES and so on are being controlled. After all they are corrupt, Q didn't see into the future, their controlling the future in the present. These corrupt players are being told to go after Trump with these frivolous LAW Suits and attacks that will not go anywhere and will bite them in their Asses including MSM. Enjoy the Show.
WHAT IF, the DOJ, FBI, THE JUDGES and so on are being controlled. After all they are corrupt, Q didn't see into the future their controlling the future in the present. These corrupt players are being told to go after Trump with these frivolous LAW Suits and attacks that will not go anywhere and will bite them in their Asses including MSM. Enjoy the Show.
[When will Joe Biden be Indicted] Soooon! The stage is being Set in the courts and will not be able to be challenge. Trump is taking All the Arrows.
Just a reminder Democrats were Anti-Freedom for Slavery.
I believe it has too do with Investors, CEO's, Managers that are Ghey with in the Organizations .
On a more serious note, their incompasitated .
Absolutely. Most do not realize or understand this, evil will always be in this world until the last day, people can only control evil not eliminate it.
This has too be an environmental hazard, rocks with paint in a stream and trees, someone needs to report it to EPA. NOW!
If this isn't waking up those who are a sleep they are the 6% that'll be lost and you just have too except it. This is a movie and they (Biden and many others) are being controlled to do the most stupid things.