aonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah cool, I used to play that game a ton back in the day!

aonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's really bad. We pretty much have a dictatorship where the prime minister keeps signing insane mandates without being checked by anyone, massive levels of corruption in the justice system (The supreme court not doing anything about the government shitting on the constitution), the vax being pushed harder than in any other country I know, etc etc.

For example, since last week, I cannot enter any "non-essential" store, can't get a haircut, can't go to restaurants or bars, cinemas and other various places cause I don't have a vax passport. Pretty much every store has a guard at the enterance that checks and/or scans the national vax passport app. Just today, talks have started about a third national quarantine, where many things will be restricted again for the non vaxxed and also the vaxxed.

If you're forced to quarantine because you're coming back from abroad or some other reason, police comes to your home and checks if you're there. Post office workers drive around together with a nurse and offer the vax to seniors that they bring mail to (LMAO). The whole summer we had "Vax busses" that drove around the country, parked in public places and offered people to get on the bus to get vaxxed. There's honestly so many hilarious and insane things that have been going on here, it's really hard to keep track.

Btw, is the youtuber you're talking about A Friend (Dovydas)? =D

aonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

The propoganda machine here keeps telling us Latvia is already firing workers who arent vaccinated, non vaxxed citizens can't go into shops, etc. Just blatant lies about everything and anything to get their agenda pushed forward

aonn 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lithuania has been taken over since October 2020. We were one of the first EU nations to have a vaccine passport. Things are bleak here.

aonn 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was a reddit user for nearly 5 years, before quitting cold turkey at the start of 2020. It's actually insane how much of an effect that place has on your mind when you use it regularly, you only realise what it does to you when you leave

aonn 9 points ago +9 / -0

Reddit having a subreddit where they "debunk" a peaceful group's posts and memes is the most hilariously sad thing I have seen today lmaoo

aonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their biggest mistake was not closing down new account registration from Jan 6

by H1n1
aonn 1 point ago +1 / -0

When is he assuming command?

aonn 4 points ago +4 / -0

I watched it live, Pelosi dipped as fast as an old hag is able to, as soon as the first rumors of unrest came through.

aonn 52 points ago +53 / -1

It's mostly troll accounts, and the real supporters either moved here or aren't as active.

aonn 15 points ago +15 / -0

I remember that tweet, they said "Possibly"