You can always trust people and especially practised characters (like politicians) to be themselves. If you create the situation, you can predict the action and reaction.
The answer will probably not be as complicated as we're all assuming. The dark ones have been playing this exact game for a while, telegraphing their demonic rituals (like 9/11) years in advance. All Q would have to do is be one step ahead and hack their system.
What I'm trying to say is, this whole Nostradamus stuff has been going on forever, but Q declassified it not by saying he did it, but by showing us how things really work in the matrix.
Agreed, Nobel was famous for creating weapons of destruction. Who do you think gets the nod, the good guy or the bad ones?
Now, one scenario that could happen is he does get nominated and turns it down cos fuck y'all.
We don't need to divide people so strictly into white, black or grey.
If Trump is considered pure white and maybe someone like Obama is considered pure black (no pun), then the rest of the gradient can simply be controlled via selective information.
Just think of how confident a plan has to be to allow massive fraud in 2020 and allow the votes in 2024 to reveal it. That's 4 years of everything going right. The plan is foolproof imo.
Mike Pence played his role and he did it well (and betrayed Trump quite publicly), so we're just happy he was in the role. If more comes out, I'll react then.
0 - Cosmic Egg 1 - Monad/The source 2 - Duality 3 - Trinity 4 - Matrix 5 - Aether 6 - Carbon (Man/Beast): Signifies the fall down into Samsara 7 - Angel 8 - Infinity 9 - God Consciousness: Signifies the rise back into divinity
"Why is 6 afraid of 7?" "Because 7 ate 9"
I prefer an outright win, but if it turns into another one of those steals, be assured, it will be rectified. We went through a New hope in 2016, the Empire Strikes Back in 2020 and we need the return of the Jedi (DJT in reverse) in 2024.
At this point, I'm pretty sure she's self sabotaging this. She is a turned Q asset (like the fake Biden was, or Elon Musk), and is just being as bad as she can be to see how much of America still votes for a retard over Orange Man.
Cancer is not a real disease. It is a symptom of a disease (that I would call acidosis i.e. ph value of blood below 7; it should be at least 7.4, any higher than 7.8 and you'll never get sick ever again), that can be treated far more easily and cheaper than the medical industrial complex would have you believe.
More medical service leads to more cancer!
As we suspected, Joe Biden was an anon from the start