After reading all the comments below I do have a small suggestion.
Perhaps all the people in the nursing home need to have a family member state that they believe their relative is cognizant enough to actually vote and sign a document to that effect.
If the relative does not believe their family member is cognizant enough than that document needs to be signed and the nursing home staff must follow the decision and signature of the relative.
Just a thought that I am sure will go nowhere in today's world.
That sounds like a good idea. I have been told many times to write a book about my life, but frankly at 79 I am too old and too tired to write the story. I married at 20 after knowing him for 5 weeks-he was abusive and when he came home from Vietnam I found out how abusive.
When we married I had a son from a relationship with my high school sweetheart and we never married.
Although I kept the baby and when I married the soldier I stayed with him for 15 years because we had 3 sons as he adopted my son. When I had a job that I knew would take care of us, I filed for divorce.
I then married a person who after another 15 years I found out was having an affair. I again divorced him.
Then, when my son from my high school sweetheart had a birthday party for his daughter, my granddaughter, we met for the first time in 30 years. We talked the night away and to make a long story short, we ended up married and have been married for 23 years. There is no doubt that he was the man GOD knew I should end up with; and end up with is the phrase...I would never have had my other two wonderful sons and I doubt that we would have stayed married when we were 20.
The path to happiness is not always what we expect and hope it will be, but it is always, the path that HE in HIS greatness knows what will work for us in the long run.
GOD bless you and I pray for you to end up with the happiness I have found after 30 years of unhappy marriages.
"Happiness begins with the decision to no longer feel sad."
As I said before, GOD will open the path for you as long as you let HIM. I did leave out a lot of what I physically went through with both of my first marriages; way too horrid to put in writing. But as I said before I would be happy to work with you privately if you wish to do so. GOD Bless you!
Let me respond by telling you that I know exactly how you feel and before you say there is no me, I know.
I got pregnant at 19 and had my son at 20 - father did not want to get married.
I then married an Air Force guy after 5 months of knowing him.
He left for Vietnam six weeks after we married. I did not know him and found out that he was a violent man after a couple of years upon his return from the service. We had two more sons and after 15 years of being hit and hurt and just horrible things I found the strength to divorce him.
I then married a younger man who was unfaithful and after 15 years with him, I divorced him.
After many years the father of my first son came back into my life and we have been married for many, many years and happy as two people can be.
Why am I telling you this? Because as bad as things may seem now, GOD has a way of steering you in the right direction.
From your story and having gone through my divorces I have to tell you that as happy as you were in the beginning, the signs you have told us indicate that this woman has found someone else.
Her screaming at the children indicate to me that she is struggling herself.
Sometime shame and fear can cause the anger to occur.
I know that for me and what I went through with both of my husbands, they were angry, violent, and destructive. GOD brought me through those horrible years.
I don't know how old you are but it took me 15 years for my first marriage and 15 years for my second marriage.
And now I have made it 22 years with the man I should have married in 1964. GOD knew it would not work back then and HE wanted me to have my two other sons. Both of which are angels.
I wish you the best and pray for you, but although I am not a Doctor, my human suggestion would be to "let her go" and give GOD a chance to turn your life around.
If you want to discuss further, please feel free to DM me. Aumone
With the Manchin switching to Independent the Senate is now 49 Republicans, 47 Democrats, and 4 Independent. What I would like to know is why are we not hearing more about the Senate now under the control of Republicans and Schumer no longer majority leader.
I am with you, especially in the last week. I noticed birds are flying closer to the ground than ever before, which is highly unusual in my area. I had to brake several times to avoid hitting them.
And we have many more hummers than we did in previous years!
That and I have found myself being overly tired after I wake much so that I will fall asleep on the couch while listening to my morning podcasts. So deep, that I actually have deep dreams if only for a few minutes.
Not normal.
Love you all!
Wanted to see if it is possible to remove judges from the bench and found out that it is almost impossible, especially in NY.
Please read both of the following articles.
An interesting story for sure. The fascinating story of Anthony Johnson, the black man who was one of the first people to own a slave in the U.S.
The BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) diet is designed to ease the symptoms of stomach flu, diarrhea, and nausea. It consists of foods that are low in protein, fiber, and fat, which are easier to digest. These are foods that are bland and easy to chew. Also Ginger and Peppermint tea. Good luck!
Have no clue about morse code but in doing a Yandex search I came up with the following bits and pieces for a couple of lines.
EJ63 is a nickel wound tenor banjo set.
344 0 1.103 883 L'E 103883 L'E (103883 (-£ 103,883.00 British Salary Example for the 2023/24 Tax Year)
I posted something similar to this on Telegram and some unbelievable person came down on me like a jackhammer.
He called me every horrific word in the English language.
Why do people do this? You can disagree with me without trying to destroy me.
He uses the handle rattletrap 1776 which I know is NOT Derek.
I blocked him and deleted his post - it was so vile and disgusting.
At any rate...thank you.
I, unfortunately, am with you. I don't know about Halper, but there are times when I think she is on the mark and too many times I see Flynn truly off the mark.
I started moving away from him when he became part of Clay Clark's team. I cannot stand Clark; haven't since he started his grift using GOD as his base.
I also found it odd that he backed away from the 2020 fraud.
Also found it odd that he was a part of Paul Ryan's construct against Trump.
And when he seemed to drift away away from Trump and Q - that was the end for me.
He is now at a point in time that he needs to prove to me and many others that he is 1000% MAGA and I do not see Trump even mentioning his name in any rally for over a year. And he has NOT BEEN WITH TRUMP AT ANY RALLY SINCE WHEN? You are correct - for years. That tells me that Trump knows the truth.
If I am wrong folks, I will be here on my knees begging for forgiveness; but at this point I would not trust him with my grandchildren.
I have adblock and never see any ads or popups on any website.
When I get a notice that I need to disable the blocker I just find the article on another site that doesn't insist on removing the blocker.
Been doing it for years now and until I read your post I forgot that websites have all those disgusting pop-ups and ads.
Here is the one I have-