You've hit on something that points to the true nature of "income" taxes.
Why file, if they already supposedly know what you owe? They need you to swear to a statement that you have "income" (as THEY define "income" in the tax code!) and thus declare yourself liable to pay the tax.
Most of what people think of as income is not taxable under the Constitution. But the IRS will still try to shake you down.
^Some more info at the link about how this works
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Interesting theory. My beliefs on the moon landing are formed by studying the thing itself, not on what the Soviet Union theoretically would have done if they theoretically knew something fifty years ago. But I do get your line of thinking.
But a fake from NASA, gifted to another state? That's way different than some bozo trying to get rich selling fakes.
Not so sure they would call it out. I mean, what if they're all faking it? Wouldn't make sense to expose the same fraud you're guilty of yourself. I'm sure Russia knows what really went on with 9/11 too, but they haven't said anything. Think what you want, but the whole "if it was a conspiracy we would already know it was one" line of thinking doesn't do much for me
I think they preferred not to get caught rigging the election. But because Trump had been prepping people to be aware, by tweeting about it leading up to Nov 3, they prepared for a scenario where Trump refused to leave office in case they couldn't get away with the steal. I remember there were actual "wargame" scenarios being rehearsed for it, similar to Bill Gates doing the pandemic exercises prior to 2020.
It's not hard to imagine January 6th was just a slightly rewritten version of what they had already planned. Except instead of stopping dictator Trump, it was now used to solidify the steal and hobble future stop the steal protesting.
Like this moon rock? LOL
And this 'moon mineral'
Besides that, there are lunar rocks in antarctica. Moon rocks are not a strong indicator that NASA doesn't fake stuff
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Lol nah