billhound 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I dig it, I have a few from a few states. Just wouldn't use it as a large store of gold is all.

billhound 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have several, but my issue is they aren't pure gold so if SHTF you have an interesting item. Not necessarily a problem, I just prefer pure stuff.

billhound 2 points ago +2 / -0

AI sucks....these were basically stills with a lot of artistic asthetic over them.

It may get real good one day, but the last 10% of perfection will take a while. If you doubt me, where are the self driving cars? They have been 90-99 percent there for a decade. That last bit to perfect it is the killer.

billhound 2 points ago +2 / -0

fair point...seems this is a bigger scandal if true to be honest. it's wild to think they'd be that stupid. but fair point.

billhound 2 points ago +2 / -0

might as well be, AI is almost as much smoke and mirrors. It needs to be renamed, it's not intelligent.

billhound 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with you on all points. I just can't see a reason to use MSFT and Azure to do something special for AI. You can do it all and more on prem...worst case, run the model training on a distributed environment like public cloud, then pull it all in house for utilizing said models.

While it takes a lot of hardware, it's not like it takes Azure-scale datacenters to support DSP and Audio AI. Video and further might take more, but it's not at that scale.

Hillary didn't host her email on some large-scale enterprise exchange infrastructure...it was a server.

Same thing would be expected here.

billhound 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not true. It requires a lot of compute to TRAIN a model. And even then many companies use local compute for this stage.

billhound 6 points ago +6 / -0

I do AI and ML services for a major integrator. Msft infra in azure for AI is nothing special.

They are big into it, but so is everyone.

Fellow IT pede here, always good to know the whitehats:)

billhound 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, even so, this whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense to me. AI does not need to be in a public cloud, why would they risk that? Only reason I can think is they can't find someone to run some GPUs privately, which seems not correct.

billhound 2 points ago +4 / -2

It wasn't a Microsoft problem aside from it affected their products. Like bad gas in a new car...

billhound 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is Surry Co still based? I grew up in Stokes, Kings getting funny in places when I go back.

billhound 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the few NC politicians I am proud of.

Can't wait for Cooper to vacate for this man.

billhound 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are they the largest shareholders of many companies? I understand them to own 3 to 5 percent on the high end.

billhound 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not being dumb. The leaders are funded by NGOs and interest groups who tell them what to do. Then the constituents are beat over the head with "be kind, don't be racist"

They are taking advantage of people at mass scale. It's not IQ as much as it is propaganda acceptance.

Ever seen an abused spouse stick up for their abuser? Same stuff here.

billhound 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do you have a clip of her saying the victims name?

billhound 1 point ago +1 / -0

The main problem was in the last sentence...facebook.

billhound 12 points ago +12 / -0

You can see their attitudes change as the translator explains what they are saying. LOL bitch stops clapping.

billhound 2 points ago +2 / -0

357 revolver would make for a good sidearm. You can load with lightweight 38 special ammo for range time, but pack some heat when you are out and about. Easy to clean and maintain, point and shoot.

billhound 4 points ago +4 / -0

Handgun is the gun that allows you time to get to your long gun.

billhound 5 points ago +5 / -0

If your insurance is legit, and I presume it is, let that stress slide away. It will be taken care of and this is very common. The hospital won't stop treating your child.

Call your HR and explain and see if you have someone who can help from the employer side. You should have support there.

As for RSV specifically, don't blame the lack of a Vax in you guys. Our kid was hospitalized right after birth. These little ones get sick badly because they just don't have an immune system. If not RSV it would have been cold or flu or UTI or something. You're a good parent.

Prayers sent.

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