These news organizations do NOT exist to make money. They continue to exist in order to put "fact" into record.
Trust me, some shitty headline or clip about Trump is put out, likely partially or completely fabricated, but now it's on a primary source that everyone can clip and post to social media.
Please stop assuming these are for profit businesses, they are owned by the US govt. Mockingbird media.
AI sucks....these were basically stills with a lot of artistic asthetic over them.
It may get real good one day, but the last 10% of perfection will take a while. If you doubt me, where are the self driving cars? They have been 90-99 percent there for a decade. That last bit to perfect it is the killer.
I agree with you on all points. I just can't see a reason to use MSFT and Azure to do something special for AI. You can do it all and more on prem...worst case, run the model training on a distributed environment like public cloud, then pull it all in house for utilizing said models.
While it takes a lot of hardware, it's not like it takes Azure-scale datacenters to support DSP and Audio AI. Video and further might take more, but it's not at that scale.
Hillary didn't host her email on some large-scale enterprise exchange was a server.
Same thing would be expected here.
Ok, even so, this whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense to me. AI does not need to be in a public cloud, why would they risk that? Only reason I can think is they can't find someone to run some GPUs privately, which seems not correct.
It's not being dumb. The leaders are funded by NGOs and interest groups who tell them what to do. Then the constituents are beat over the head with "be kind, don't be racist"
They are taking advantage of people at mass scale. It's not IQ as much as it is propaganda acceptance.
Ever seen an abused spouse stick up for their abuser? Same stuff here.
Lots of non techies ITT