Being pedantic, but 'in the image of God' has nothing to do with gender/sex. And while God is pictured in the Bible several times as a bipedal entity, we are not in his image for that reason either.
I agree with your idea/message though.
With the MRNA cancer vaccine therapies, they have to analyze the patient's blood/tissue and identify the neoepitopes, and manufacture specific vaccines for each patient - which costs A LOT of money and time to manufacture, and are shipped frozen before use.
The real question about coincidence(s)...
Most here and many abroad now feel these are coordinated attacks used by the DS/Cabal, right?
The shooter began his attack at 5:56 (5.56/.223 being the evil round most AR15s shoot).
The shooter was stopped at 5:57 - 5+5+7 = 17...
Jonathan Douglas Sapirman
Burned his laptop in his oven and threw his cell phone in the toilet before heading to the mall.
Ukraine was the 3rd largest nuclear power for a time after the fall of the USSR. Who is to say one of those nukes that was to be dismantled/returned to Russia never made it out and the DS/cabal that controls Ukraine has plans for it?
Ukraine was the 3rd largest nuclear power for a time after the fall of the USSR. Who is to say one of those nukes that was to be dismantled/returned to Russia never made it out and the DS/cabal that controls Ukraine has plans for it?
Lots of things in the Bible are mentioned as an abomination to God. I'm not saying 'yay Trans!', but that God certainly finds the guy who drinks too much, smokes too much, eats too much an abomination too.
Feed your kids a lot of fast food - you are an abomination. Feed your kids tons of snacks, make them overweight, play on tablets all day and watch their phones and tv - you are an abomination.
In fact, all of us are an abomination before God, and the very best among us stand before him as though clothed in filthy dung covered rags.
Who is more of an abomination, the mentally disturbed simpleton's that are easily tricked into being trans or the most enlightened among us, who go to church, read their Bibles and pray every day and still sin in all these areas and more?
“This tragic event could have been much more disastrous,” Brownsburg Police Capt. Jennifer Barrett told WISH. “Victim three not only saved victim two’s life, but he saved potentially the lives of many others. Victim three did exactly what anybody would have wanted him to do at that scene that day.”
July 16, 2020, a 22 year old black male (whose family released a statement and said he had a psychotic break) drove out from Indianapolis until the road ended in the neighboring town, and got out and started shooting at the first people he saw, intending on a mass shooting.
He saw two (white) workers at a cemetery, and walked up and shot them, killing one in the grass. One guy, shot, ran and fell in the road and the shooter stood over him and shot and killed him. An armed man in a car watching all this unfold right in front of his eyes got out, shot and killed the guy who was looking for his next victim(s) before he could keep killing.
Who was causing all the illnesses and disease in kids before the vaccines?
If you said something like 'I think they might be poisoning the vaccines we give kids similarly to how the Covid vax is...' or 'I feel like vaccine injury could be lower in kids if we tried this or changed that...' - that might be one thing. But to deny vaccines in kids have IMMENSELY helped over the decades is ludicrous.
100% - As others have mentioned, a lot of the SIDs diagnosis's are blanket terms to make mothers feel better that them laying with/on the baby, or the bedding material smothered their baby.
1 Kings 3:16-28 - The story of Solomon and the baby. The mother had accidentally laid on top of the baby in her sleep and killed it - then took the other baby.
Yes, and your mother is exactly the same as all the other mothers who have ever lived, right?
Some mothers are going to be deeper sleepers, move around a lot, heavier, etc and wouldn't hear a baby crying if that baby had 200lbs rollover on top of it.
The point is, 'SIDs' has been going on for as long as mothers have been having babies. 1 Kings 3:16-28 - the story of Solomon offering to cut the baby in half. The first mother laid on top of the baby in her sleep and killed it, then took the other baby!
I would tend to agree. On the fence about them causing anywhere near the same amount of sudden deaths as the Covid therapeutic shot causes, but wouldn't surprise me if they are known at some level to cause some amount of issue.
But people are forgetting what was going on before the vaccines, and we live in a world - especially a country that has been shielded by the effects of not vaccinating your kids for a few generations now. The world of non vaccinated kids was horrific - and guaranteed if we stopped doing it even people on these boards who are super anti-vaccine would be begging doctors to vaccinate their kids to stop some of these illnesses that would start showing up.
That's what I think too - that the DS/Cabal will also be made to believe this went into effect - and comms would be down in that situation so they won't know about coordinated efforts to take them out until operators start storming their homes.
The cabal wants/initiates a coordinated nuclear strike here (and possibly abroad). The military shuts off power and/or all communications for a period of time (10 days?) and then starts their high-level arrests. We get emergency alerts via our phones? When power and/or comms come back up, we all find out the extent of the operation.
The husband bought a shotgun and the background check took too long so he was allowed to complete the purchase and take it home. Then, after that time, the FBI check came back that the husband was not allowed to own the gun, and as what happens in these cases, the ATF is notified to go and retrieve the firearm.
The wife isn't sure about this plain clothes law enforcement individual, and calls 911. He speaks through the door to her and gives her his name and badge/ID to the 911 operator who was supposed to verify for the wife. Instead, the operator sends out a call that a man who is posing as a LEO is trying to force entry into the house. Chaos ensues.
At no point was the ATF agent breaking any laws, even if he was a regular joe. Just remember that when someone calls the police on you for legally carrying your gun and you get scared-to-death officers pointing weapons at you from the jump - screaming at you to get on the ground like a dog. We should all be careful about how we cheer on police misconduct and abuse of power to salve their fragile egos.