cali_wolverine 2 points ago +3 / -1

European countries grant privileges to their citizens, and speech is one of them. So businesses have to comply with their laws or they can't operate in that region, just like in China.

cali_wolverine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or it can simply be that they're trying to minimize bookkeeping and having to maintain a certain amount of cash in a till, less tills, less hours required to staff.

Also people today are unable to count proper change, most likely events end up giving a customer too much money back. That's why most grocery stores have automatic change dispensers.

Not to diminish the fact that they track our every move, but if you think going into an establishment and paying cash somehow allows you to circumvent the surveillance, your only fooling yourself.

cali_wolverine 6 points ago +6 / -0

They made the system, it was designed to fail. It was designed for the 99.9% to pay and lose a little more each time they do this. They will continue to do this until they have absolute control over everything and everyone on this planet. This time though their hand has been forced. Just like with all their other plans over the last seven years. They will be the ones that lose it all this time.

cali_wolverine 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you watch the video slowly, at about the 37second mark, as the cop is turning around as the door begins to open. You can see what looks like Depapes hand return from the door to behind his back. It's quick and not very clear but looks like it to me

by PepeSee
cali_wolverine 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm on vacation right now and on mobile. I'll definitely have to start pulling up charts and see if there's anything there next week. Mostly posted my quick thoughts while I had them to dig deeper later.

I do know that hedge funds like to bundle stocks into different types of packages, which they then in turn sell and bet against.

by PepeSee
cali_wolverine 14 points ago +14 / -0

Biggest thing that stood out to me about this guy is he's an agent of Boston Consulting Group.

They're the main agency that gets their "guys" onto boards and other high level positions within companies. Their job is to intentionally run a business into the ground, usually a company that hedge funds and market makers, like Citadel or Blackrock, see as an easy target to short sell and make billions.

Over at r/superstonk a top story today is about BCG corruption raid in South Africa, https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10lqzyq/police_search_boston_consulting_group_offices_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

So now this begs the question. BCG is in Pfizer at high levels. All MM's and hedge funds are in desperate need of liquidity. Have they turned on them looking to cash in on their inevitable demise?

cali_wolverine 13 points ago +13 / -0

Since the thing called eminent domain exists. There can never be any real land ownership in this country. That's why you pay property taxes every year, rent for having your stuff on the governments land.

cali_wolverine 16 points ago +16 / -0

The Fed is functioning exactly as it was designed to. They are the monetary gate keepers, all avenues begin and end with them. This is how a cartel of psychopaths own countries. As Mayer Rothschild allegedly said, "Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws.”

A great read that breaks down the banking cartel and how exactly the central banks, IMF, World Bank, etc, function in an easily digestible way is, The Creature from Jekyll Island By G. Edward Griffin.

cali_wolverine 7 points ago +7 / -0

You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.

by BQnita
cali_wolverine 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't seen anyone post about this yet, maybe someone has, but notice how Elon changed his twitter pic? A child talking on a white phone? When does a bird sing?

cali_wolverine 13 points ago +13 / -0

You pay your federal income taxes a little at a time every pay check. Most people are over taxed throughout the year, that is why you receive a little bit back after you file every year.

If you really want to stop paying federal tax, change your deductions and claim Exempt. Poof no more weekly fed tax, but if if I recall correctly it doesn't apply to medicare/ss tax and does not apply to any State taxation.

cali_wolverine 2 points ago +2 / -0


Top Comment, not mine:

Oniyuki89 · 16 hr. ago

Okay, I read a few articles regarding the popcorn dividend and I'm pretty smooth-brained (plus it's my bed time), but I don't see how this dividend would be of help with the assumed shorting of popcorn stock. In fact, it looks like a pretty bad trap.

Hopefully someone can give more info or better explain how this dividend will have the same effect as GME's dividend, but from what I'm understanding so far, popcorn created 5 billion units of a new ticker as a way to get around the rejection of increasing the number of shares last year.

After giving away about 500 million units of these new "APE" shares they will still have 4.5 billion shares left to sell into the broader market. This gives them the ability to fund raise more money, but also dilutes the new shares which was the reason why investors voted against increasing the number of popcorn shares in the first place.

Also, from the article I read, "each Popcorn Preferred Equity Unit is designed to have the same economic and voting rights as one share of Common Stock". So, there will potentially be 4.5 billion more shares in the marketplace, each having an equal vote as one common share, but at a lower price.

The articles I read also said the new shares can be converted into common shares by voting to increase the maximum number of common shares by the investors. So hypothetically, hedge funds can buy up the 4.5 billion shares giving them majority vote, then vote to increase the number of common shares and converting their new shares into common shares, which they can then use to close out any short positions of popcorn stock.

Am I wrong on how this can go wrong for popcorn? I need answers and speculations!

cali_wolverine 19 points ago +19 / -0

Chances are an American soldier did die for someone else's country

cali_wolverine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jim Cramer is that you? I'll get right on selling Monday morning. After that I'll go ahead and sell my GME and BBBY, just to be safe since you said.

cali_wolverine 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are not mad at him. They are mad at YOU. They do not hate him. They HATE YOU. They want us poor, living in mud huts, eating bugs, SERVING THEM. How DARE us peasants think and choose for ourselves.

God wins. WWG1WA

cali_wolverine 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's the first thing I noticed as well. Second thing I see is not one person is wearing a mask.

cali_wolverine 2 points ago +2 / -0

While we can argue about the age group of genX, I was born in the early 80's in SoCal. Throughout elementary school we regularly had attack drills.

They were basically the same as earthquake drills, get under your desk, wait for teachers instructions, then head to the parking lot. Mind you though, I grew up in very very close proximity to what was/is a target of Soviet/Russian nuclear attack.

cali_wolverine 4 points ago +4 / -0

Recently read The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler. He does a great job of connecting information about this elusive group from a number of different sources.

cali_wolverine 2 points ago +2 / -0

"You who are worshippers of the zero—you have never discovered that achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death. Joy is not ‘the absence of pain,’ intelligence is not ‘the absence of stupidity,’ light is not ‘the absence of darkness,’ an entity is not ‘the absence of a nonentity.’ Building is not done by abstaining from demolition; centuries of sitting and waiting in such abstinence will not raise one single girder for you to abstain from demolishing—and now you can no longer say to me, the builder: ‘Produce, and feed us in exchange for our not destroying your production.’ I am answering in the name of all your victims: Perish with and in your own void. Existence is not a negation of negatives. Evil, not value, is an absence and a negation, evil is impotent and has no power but that which we let it extort from us. Perish, because we have learned that a zero cannot hold a mortgage over life.

You seek escape from pain. We seek the achievement of happiness. You exist for the sake of avoiding punishment. We exist for the sake of earning rewards. Threats will not make us function; fear is not our incentive. It is not death that we wish to avoid, but life that we wish to live."
cali_wolverine 19 points ago +19 / -0

The theory of parasites got me thinking awhile back about a tv series called "The Strain". Mysterious illness arrives from overseas, people start acting strange almost zombie like... a parasite is discovered in the infected, and not just parasites, but parasites controlled by a hive mind. The drones are white, but THE parasite is Red, red dragon, Satan.

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