Just look at my other response on this thread and I explain the purpose of this company. It's a rabbit hole I already went down myself about a year ago. It's not as nefarious as it seems.
So, this is a rabbit hole I've went down myself about a year ago. It's not exactly as bad as it looks. They don't actually "own" all the stock. They just have custody of the physical certificates (which you can still request be sent to you if you want as they are legally required to hand them over upon request). All this company does is make it easier to trade stock using modern methods. Instead of having to trade physical certificates of ownership every time you buy or sell stocks, they hold all of the physical certificates as a custodian, and you just trade ownership rights digitally (or on paper back in the 80s when it was mostly done by phone), thus allowing it to be much faster and easier to trade stocks.
So yeah, it DOES seem cabal-ish at first, but there's not much nefarious going on here. It's just a REALLY big custodian company, and they're legally required to hand over the physical certificates for whatever you own if you request it.
It just means that you don't have to physically own the stock certificate like they did in the olden days.
I mean, I'm not gonna tell you to comply with blatantly unconstitutional crap, but if all they did was ban guns with more than 15 round mags, get a glock 19, a smith and wesson M&P compact, etc. etc.
The Glock 19 (and it's derivatives) is literally the most popular self defense firearm on the planet, with the aforementioned Smith and Wesson M&P compact being a close second. Both have standard 15 round mags with really large aftermarkets, both are 9mm (the literal most common round in North America besides maybe 30-30) and both fall in that "concealable, but not too small" category that everyone seems to love.
If you're bound and determined to not get in trouble legally with these new unconstitutional non-laws, then just go for one of them. Or one of the near infinite third party (usually of higher quality) variants of the Glock 19 that are made by American companies.
If you're more old school, go for a 1911 or a browning hi-power (1911 in 9mm has a max ammo capacity of 10 rounds, and a hi-power has a max of 15 but standard capacity of 13). If nothing else, just buy a 357 Magnum revolver. They're a bit more expensive (especially if you get a REALLY good defense revolver with 8 rounds instead of 6), but there's very little the walks this earth that 8 rounds of 357 won't kill (assuming you use the right ammo).
Just because they've banned most of the more popular "modern" guns in IL now, doesn't mean you have nothing. You just have to go with options that are a little older. But older doesn't mean unreliable. Not to sound like a boomer, but I mean the 1911, Hi-Power, and revolvers in general have more than a hundred years of history of being reliable in not just self defense situations, but in actual war scenarios.
Glocks and M&Ps, don't quite have that level of history, but they're still absurdly reliable. M&Ps in particular are the only pistol that consistently pass all those ludicrous internet "torture tests". Heck, I just watched a video the other day of someone freezing every popular self defense pistol solid and trying to fire them. The only one that actually shot, was the M&P.
So yeah, you still have options, just walk into a gun store and ask for some recommendations (though I will say, refuse any kind of taurus revolver, they're notoriously bad).
They're not God's Chosen people. Most "jews" are not semetic, or hebrew. They descend form Khazarians in the Kingdom of Khazar (Ancient Ukraine and Belarus). In other words, they're converts who coopted the entire religion, and used the fall of Jerusalem and ancient Israel during the Roman Empire's times to claim the place of "the chosen people" for themselves. They then later went on to pervert the entire meaning of "jew" by creating a parallel religion based around the Talmud that's full of just straight up blasphemy, while espousing eugenic beliefs that they're the master race and will one day rule the planet after forcing the rest of us into extinction.
So yeah, most people in the know have nothing for modern israel or "jews" because they're the literal synagogue of satan. Those who say they are jews but are not.
So get over yourself. It's not "anti-semitism", it's using basic logic and reasoning and coming to the conclusion that modern day israel (which isn't the Israel of the Bible) is the single most evil and corrupt nation on the planet.
So do please continue to support genocide and murder of women and children by a bunch of usurpers who have actively deceived you into what amounts to false idol worship, but don't you dare lecture any of us about how we're in the wrong if you won't accept the fact that they're not even real jews.
They're not God's Chosen people. Most "jews" are not semetic, or hebrew. They descend form Khazarians in the Kingdom of Khazar (Ancient Ukraine and Belarus). In other words, they're converts who coopted the entire religion, and used the fall of Jerusalem and ancient Israel during the Roman Empire's times to claim the place of "the chosen people" for themselves. They then later went on to pervert the entire meaning of "jew" by creating a parallel religion based around the Talmud that's full of just straight up blasphemy, while espousing eugenic beliefs that they're the master race and will one day rule the planet after forcing the rest of us into extinction.
So yeah, most people in the know have nothing for modern israel or "jews" because they're the literal synagogue of satan. Those who say they are jews but are not.
The $7.25 part is admittedly wrong, I have a (probably bad) habit of rounding down to the nearest dollar in these kinds of things since i have the mindset it's better to underestimate than overestimate.
But anyway, the difference is just $520 Annually. So not significant enough to make a difference. As for the rest of it, nope. Actually I tried to put in a complaint with my state's labor commission and the BBB. I was told that no employer is required to give breaks for food or rest for the purposes of part time work (it's not one full time job, it's multiple part time jobs for legally distinct companies) and the 4 hour drive from the main location isn't illegal either (since I could technically claim it on my taxes as a work related deduction). But even with said deduction, I wouldn't be coming out ahead, and I'd have to keep a log like a truck driver of every single car expense while on the clock. Meaning I'd have to keep track of the price of fuel the last time I bought any and log exactly how much I used while "on the clock" each day, etc. etc.
Which with the IRS being what they are, I'd be deathly terrified that I'd make some simple mistake and get al caponed for a simple mistake.
So yeah, I'm not lying, but think what you want. I know what my personal life experiences have been thus far, and I don't really care what anyone else thinks or says. It's a horrible entry level market, and that's all there is to it.
Admittedly I was slightly off because I tend to round to the nearest dollar (a habit I got from my Dad when he was teaching me how to do "real world math"), but you're still wrong in your calculations, though that maybe because of me not going into as much detail as I did in my OTHER response on this thread.
It's not legally "one company". It's multiple companies owned by the same person, who each "work from the same location", but are legally distinct. They offer you multiple part time jobs working for different companies they own, so they can avoid exactly what you're saying.
As for the "no legal obligation part" it's exactly as you said. They're mostly salaried jobs, ergo, no overtime. So redoing my math, with all the info there and not using my lazy method that brings us to the grand total of $15,080 a year. A $520 difference from my lazy calculation.
So yeah, my math was slightly off do to me being lazy and not caring at this point, but my point still stands.
Honestly the trade school thing doesn't even work anymore. I'm 25, and went the college route since I'm a lot more business and finance oriented, but I had several friends that went to trade school in both shop class and post high school. They're all in the same situation. Can't get a job, and when they do get an offer, the terms are basically slave labor. What I hear the most is that they always want X amount of years of experience, which obviously the 20 somethings fresh out of college/trade school don't have. So they get passed up for the older 30 or 40 somethings looking for a job in a new area.
The other response is them offering what amounts to a slave labor contract. It's a bit different for me since I didn't go to trade school, but here's an example of what I've had "offered" to me.
I once had a company offer to pay me $7 an hour, with no overtime, no holidays, no food breaks, working 6 days a week, doing 10 different part time jobs for various time ranges each day, for 15 hours a day, that ALSO included requiring me to travel between physical locations at the drop of a hat within a 4 hour radius of their central location.
Yes, they specified no food breaks. You were not allowed to have breakfast, lunch, or dinner while on the clock. So since they didn't pay overtime (and had no legal obligation to) that was offering $14,560 a year, to work 90 hours a week, and require me to drop everything and drive (on my own dime) to any of their locations within a 4 hours radius at the a moments notice.
The multiple part time job thing is the new "work around" to pay people as little as possible. Most states either only apply minimum wage to full time jobs, or have a separate, much lower minimum wage for part time work. As such, if they work you on multiple part time jobs, all assigned to "technically and legally distinct companies", so they can avoid paying you minimum wage, avoid overtime pay, avoid benefits, etc. etc.
And it's even worse for those of us who graduated the year the kung flu hit, because now we have going on 4 years of post graduation "black" in our resumes, which is usually a red flag for the stupid automated hiring AI that these companies and job listing sites use. Which puts us on an instant blacklist for 90% of jobs we could apply for.
So yeah the entry level job market for older Gen Z is like, horrendous. I would say great depression level, but at least back then you could go back home to survive on the family farm. Most of us don't even have that option now. I compare it to Japan's Lost Generation
For reference.
Like I said in my comment chain on here, I hope and believe (and pray) that things will be better post cabal and most of us aren't screwed for life, but as it currently sits, there's very little "good" going on for those in their 20s. Life is just generally depressing, and I'm not trying to point fingers, but listening all of the old farts around me talk about "how no one wants to work and everyone's lazy" when I put in 20+ job applications a week and receive maybe one or two callbacks every few months, of which are always those ridiculous slave labor jobs as I described above....Well, it doesn't help much.
I realize I'm just ranting now, so I'll shut up.
Well can't say I've ever considered suicide, but I can get being depressed over it. There's not really anyway to put a positive spin on this. I should probably mention that the above "slave job" wasn't a "anyone can do it" type job. It was a job tailored to my specific degree, internships, etc. I did while in college. I met all of the higher education and experience requirements (somehow), and THAT was what they offered me in the interview. They listed the job as having a salary roughly 5 times higher, but when I got into the interview, they let me know that "that was an estimated salary that included possible sale incentive bonuses as well as benefit costs".
So yeah, like I said, the entry level job market is horrible right now. Much worse than most people realize. But I have hope it'll get better in a few years.
Well hopefully things get better in a few years when the post-cabal days hit, but yeah. Right now is like, the worst part of life for people in their mid 20s. If you don't have rich parents, you've basically just been abandoned by everyone at this point. I couldn't tell you the number of times I've been pissed off by some old fart talking about how "no one wants to work anymore", while I put in 20+ Applications a week trying to find literally anything, and then either never hearing anything back or being offered what amounts to a slave contract.
Heck, I once had a company offer to pay me $7 an hour, with no overtime, no holidays, no food breaks, working 6 days a week, doing 10 different part time jobs for various time ranges each day, for 15 hours a day, that ALSO included requiring me to travel between physical locations at the drop of a hat within a 4 hour radius of their central location.
Yes, they specified no food breaks. You were not allowed to have breakfast, lunch, or dinner while on the clock. So since they didn't pay overtime (and had no legal obligation to) that was offering $14,560 a year, to work 90 hours a week, and require me to drop everything and drive (on my own dime) to any of their locations within a 4 hours radius at the a moments notice.
It wasn't a hard decision, since gas costs alone made it impossible to accept. I would have LOST money taking the job, based on gas alone. And that's not accounting for tires, oil, etc. Or my physical and mental health, etc.
So yeah, entery level job market is worse than most realize right now. But I have faith it'll get better within a few years, and hopefully we won't end up like Japan's Lost Generation and there'll be some kind of "affirmative action" for us specifically because we got screwed over by the cabal due to timing.
Older zoomer here, and I can agree with a lot of this, but not everything in my experience.
Point 1 is true for the most part. Point 2 is kind of 50/50 in my experience. I know lots of people who are actually married that I went to school with (I'm a few years out of college at this point). Don't get me wrong, there is a slight bit of that attitude, but for the most part, the people I know and went to school with are either dating, married, or just outright don't want kids or anything. At least not yet.
Point 3 is also kind of 50/50. I knew guys who were worse than what's described here. When I was in high school there were a few guys who were so addicted to porn and masturbation that they would just straight up skip a few classes and jerk off in the bathroom for half the day. On the flip side, there were people who just never watched porn because they didn't see the appeal of it. One of my best friends would make fun of the bathroom goblins as we called them, because and I quote "why do I need porn if I can just go get a girl? Hell, hire a hooker if nothing else." Always remember that quote lol. Don't entirely agree with it since I've become more religious since Highschool, but it's still funny to me.
Points 4 and 5....I pretty much agree with these. 99% of guys I know are straight. I can count on one hand the number of gays I know roughly my age, give or take a few years in either direction. The girls on the other hand are pretty insufferable pseudo fags that pretend to be literally anything but straight, but are actually straight. Every single "bi or pan" girl I've ever met has never dated anything but guys. And they're all about that stupid politically correct crap. They just want to be "part of the crowd", so they just regurgitate whatever the "popular" thing to say is, to get brownie points online. It'll change soon enough once the media lies finally stop.
Point 6, I can kind of agree with. I know a lot of people, myself included, are burnt out over everything. Most of the people I know in particular are generally pissed off because most of us graduated from college the year the kung flu hit, so we've been screwed over job wise. Fresh out of college, no one's hiring for a year. Then the jab comes along, and we get blacklisted because we refused to jab. And now no one's hiring anything but part time jobs where they want you to work 10 or less hours a week at less than minimum wage (most states only apply minimum wage to full time jobs or have a separate, much lower minimum wage for part time work). The few full times jobs you CAN find, want you to have X years of experience or be fresh out of college, which when you've been out of college for 3 years now because of all the political bull crap, instantly black lists you.
The other thing I've seen happen, is that a company WILL hire you, but only if you agree to take 4 different part time jobs, where they'll try to work you 12-15 hours a day on different tax forms, so they can pay you the lowest amount possible, while squeezing the most work out of you. I met up with a guy a few years younger than me I knew a few days ago that was working 6 or 7 different part time jobs like this, and he told me he can't do it anymore and is just going to quit and sign up for welfare since he'd make more money and actually be able to sleep more than a few hours a night. Which I don't approve of, but I fully understand.
The other thing I've noticed, is that a lot of even minimum wage law IQ labor jobs (cashier, bagger, car washer, etc.) won't even hire you anymore. I see the exact same 50 or so places putting out ads for the exact same jobs, week and week, month after month for these types of jobs. And they never hire anyone. I'm convinced they're just putting out the job ads for publicity and brownie points. "Oh look we're helping our community by hiring people we don't actually need to hire. Please come here and give us your business!" That's the only explanation I can think of, considering I never see any new faces at any of these places, so they're not hiring anyone and having them quit. They just straight up aren't hiring anyone. And I and others I know have applied for these types of jobs out of desperation, and never even got a rejection notice, much less a call back or an interview. People I know DO however want a family and a house, etc. Most just don't know how to afford it. I wouldn't say most don't want it, rather most just don't know how to get there given the current environment. I know a few people who tried, and bought a house. But had to sell within a year because they couldn't afford it.
With few exceptions, most people I know and knew in high school and college are now living with their parents and jobless, because it's either that or be homeless and starve. Most people try to help around the house or do odd jobs and things like that to do SOMETHING productive and make it feel like you're not leeching, but it gets depressing at times.
I'd compare our current generation to what's called the "lost generation" in Japan. A generation of people who got screwed over by the economic and political chessboard and have been abandoned by literally everyone while being told that we're useless and don't want to do anything because no one will give us a chance. As I said, it's kind of depressing at times, and one of the reasons I turned to God in college.
Point 7, Can't really fully agree with that one. Most of the people I know are more capable than their parents when it comes to technology. The building part is true for some, but not everyone is good at working with their hands so I don't really think that's because of helicopter parents. More just a talent orientation problem. From my personal experience, a lot of people my age have trouble finding the time to learn new skills outside of shop class or something like that if you're in school. When I was in high school, they laid so much homework on us for each class, that it took HOURS to do it all when you got home. The only time you had to do anything was over the weekend, and you wanted to relax, meet up with your few friends, etc. etc. So you never had any time to explore and learn new skills. It got even worse in college, because now not only do you have the college work, but you also have to find someway of making money to support yourself, or at least help out around the house if you lived with your parents.
Point 8, I can agree with to an extent. I do sometimes find it hard to concentrate on one thing for long periods of time, but that's often because I have zero interest in it. If it's something that I actually like, enjoy, or find interesting, I can do it for hours on end without interruption. Most people I know are like this.
Point 9, I honestly have no idea what this is talking about. Maybe it's more a thing women do, but most of the people I know (the women I hang out with are mostly tomboys, so I may not be the best person to talk about this), Most people I know don't care about "influencers" or "celebrities" and in fact actively hate them. They generally speaking only use social media for things like memes. In fact, I've noticed the most popular apps among people I know are things like Ifunny, instead of instagram. So moderately politically incorrect, right wing, meme apps.
It is however true that most of us only have a few "true friends". I'm not exactly a social person, but after graduation, most of us went our seperate ways and I may see someone I knew once or twice a year. From talking to people when I do run into them, most of us have basically no friends anymore. We have "tolerated people" who we put up with because we have to socially.
And finally, point 10. I kind of have to disagree with this one. Most of the people I know either legitimately are religious and have had a Christian revelation since graduation (like myself), or at the very least "pretend to be a Christian". I say this, because while most people I know ARE legitimately Christians and religion DOES play a big part in our lives (most of the people I've talked to say they couldn't get through life without God, and it's only him and Jesus who have helped them through the past several years). But of course I DO know a handful of fake Christians who are the "Oh yeah I'm totally a Christian, but like I also support the current thing, and they gays, etc. etc." type. Once had an argument with an ex GF about how she was convinced gays were natural and needless to say, we broke up soon after.
So in regards to point 10, my experience is kind of the opposite. And while I DO live in a more rural area than say, Chicago, I do live in a rural suburb (basically houses aren't on top of each other and we all have a few acres to ourselves), there are a few medium sized cities around the area with CSA (combined statistical area) populations of a few million. So I wouldn't exactly say middle of nowhere.
So yeah, there's a slightly different Zoomer prospective, from one who's old enough to have gone through college as well. Feel free to ask me questions too if you want since me and OP have slightly different experiences while being part of the same generation.
Build to suit buildings. Not that hard to figure out. Roughly 90% of Industrial Real Estate Developments are build to suit. Basically, they just build empty shells (Like what you and many others are describing), and then sell to them a property management company that specializes in industrial properties like Prologis (the largest industrial REIT in the world. Also the largest REIT in the world period), who then finds someone to rent it out to and finishes the building to their specifications.
Typically there's a few years between the initial building and the "finalization" of the project, as they have to take bids on the properties, let the prospective tenants tour the properties, then hire architects, engineers, etc. etc. to design the finalized building, then they have to actually build the last stages of the project, etc. etc.
Most of them are probably gonna end up as wholesale warehouses or distribution centers since that's the Big demand now given how much e-commerce has taken off in the last decade or so. Some may end up as data centers, manufacturing centers (like machining shops), etc. etc. Heck, there's even a chance some may end up as assembly plants for things like vehicle parts (like putting together brake rotor assemblies for Chevy for example) or other types of manufacturing.
The reason see so many of these types of projects near highways and major cities/metropolitan areas, is because of ease of access. Regardless of what it ends up as, its more convenient for the potential tenants if they have easy access to a major roadway to get materials, move product, etc. etc.
u/Prayingforus20 pointed out that they're building stuff like this all around Chicago. That's because Chicago is the absolute center for logistics in North America. It doesn't matter what you're shipping or how you're shipping it (train, truck, etc.), if it moves by land on the continent of North America, it ends up in Chicago at some point or another because of how the roads and railways are laid out.
So the Chicago market is particularly competitive and oversaturated, meaning a lot of projects go bankrupt there and have to sit in litigation for years as the banks settle out who actually owns what and try to find a buyer at their price so they minimize losses.
Pretty much, the most well known example of such a pre-69 trust is the series of Kennedy Trusts set up by Joeseph P Kennedy (JFK's Dad). It's what allows the various members of the Kennedy family to avoid paying most taxes and grow their wealth, despite the dilution of the family fortune throughout several generations.
But yeah, if you can get your hands on a pre-69 trust, the only thing you'll have to do is pay a one time "gift tax" which is levied at the normal income tax rates to the trust. After that, all money generated by the trust is exempt from most federal level taxes.
As for the expiration date, it depends on how it's set up. The Rockefeller trusts for example, had expiration dates because they were set up in an era where it was required for trusts to end after a certain period (usually 25 years) and then be "renewed". This is why the Rockefeller foundation was started, because it allowed Rockefeller and his family to maintain control of their assets throughout the generations under the guise of "charitable work".
By the Time the Kennedy's made their fortune, a different form of trust called a "dynasty trust" had come into play, as several states had legalized such trusts. Basically, this type of trust allows for either extremely long renewal periods (anywhere from 300-3,000 years), to actually being infinite in their renewal period. It depends on what state you set it up in (South Dakota and Delaware are the best states to set up a dynasty trust in FYI, followed by Tennessee, Nevada, and Wyoming).
If set up properly, these types of trusts will allow a "head of family" to essentially pick their heir from each generation of the family, and hand of the rights and position of "trustee" to them each generation. The Trustee then sets up who the current beneficiaries are, usually themself and their family members, and takes on the corporate position of chairman, while hiring a CEO to run the trust as an actual business. By doing it this way, each time you pass on the trust from generation to generation, the renewal period resets (not that it matters in the states that allow perpetual trust renewal periods), meaning it's easy to pass on generation wealth, and the assets held in the trust are safe from the inheritance tax, debtors, creditors, spiteful ex spouses, lawsuits, etc. etc.
When you hear about super wealthy people setting up trusts, it's usually a dynasty trust because it protects them from being sued, divorces, etc. and still allows them to pass on their wealth to their heirs without worrying about probate, inheritance taxes, etc. While allowing the family to maintain overall control of the assets. However, unless it was set up before 1969 (and thus was grandfathered in as you put it), that's where their benefits end. They still have to pay all other taxes, including federal income tax.
Not to be a party pooper, but most of this only applies to Trusts formed before 1969. In 69 they rewrote the tax laws around trusts to eliminate most of this. Now, the only thing they're good for is avoiding inheritance tax, which should be eliminated anyway since a death tax is both absolutely ridiculous and contrary to the American spirit of bettering yourself and your family (being forced to give up more than two thirds of your assets upon death instead of leaving them to your family is just wrong).
So yeah, this really only applies to the "old money" families, like the Rockefellers (as you mentioned). Another example would be the Kennedys. The way their trusts are structured, they're exempt from pretty much everything else except property tax and state income tax, as state laws very so much you can't avoid paying certain taxes. For example, a trust set up in Delaware, like the Kennedy Trust, may not have to pay income taxes because it's exempt due to it's pre-69 status, but if it owns property in Texas, it has to pay property tax on that property because Texas doesn't recognize that status.
Got it, tried to make it as “ on controversial” as I could, but hard to do on tough topics like this.
Yup, since I've never had someone send me a shark emoji before. I'm not exactly up to date on most internet lingo.
What's with the Shark Emoji?
Honestly, I'm more interested in the "German Economic Miracle" than anything else. And that's historical fact. I hesitate to say ALL nazis were evil, as pointed out by u/DeathRayDesigner at this point in time if you wanted to do anything in Germany you had to be part of the Nazi Party, so basically everyone in Germany was a Nazi.
I suppose I should try and elaborate on my conclusion I've come to after looking into this topic. I DO think that Nazis (AKA: The German People) were mostly good. And I DO think, that the blueprint used to drag Germany out of the Weimar filth is a good blueprint, and one that we'll at the very least base our own on post cabal.
However, I hold no delusions that the SS were good. Even if you were to accept the fact that the holocaust was fake (Hypothetically speaking), the SS were essentially what modern day politicians are. An elite class that saw themselves as above everyone else, and as such weren't adherent to the rules they made for themselves.
For example, the "debt free and interest free" currency I mentioned? It was based on work and physical labor. In exchange for X amount of Marks, you could demand that much physical labor from the other person. Meaning the entire German Economy was based on equal exchange of labor.
Despite this, Hitler was notoriously lazy. And that's not up for debate for either side. When he eventually built his vacation home, The Eagles nest in the German Alps, he wouldn't leave it. Instead of running the country properly, even during a war, he slept until noon, would only allow meetings for a maximum of 4 hours a day, and preferred to paint the german alps while sipping tea for most of the day.
Quite hypocritical for someone who built an entire financial system based on equal trade of labor.
Euorpa.....does have some problems I'll admit. I'm a history nerd, so I noticed quite a few problems (not even anything controversial, just some weird things that they got wrong.), but like I said, what caught my attention was the German Economic Miracle and all of it's claims. After looking into it more, I found out, that most of it was true. Even the parts about reviving Christianity (though from my understanding that was more of a natural occurrence that the Nazis decided to capitalize on). So that's mainly what made me wanna post something on this topic, since I really do see similarities between the various policies of the German economic miracles and the various leaders on our side have said they wanted to do.
Heck, Orben (leader of Hungary), is actually implementing some of the child based tax policies, and Hungary has seen their birth rates increase exponentially as a result.
Long story short, I DO think there were good people involved in Nazi Germany (Just like there are good people in our government), but the ones with most of the power were idiots of some form or another at the least, and evil at the most. But what throws me for a loop, is why build Germany back up with such a perfect blueprint, only to tear them back down again?
One of the things that confuse me on the topic, and one of the reasons I tried to make a discussion thread for civil discussion since it's an actual topic of conversation.
They quite literally deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, ergo, they are false religions. The muslims outright deny it, AND add to it by creating the pedophile story of muhammed.
The "jews" on the other hand, are a whole other story that would take literal hours (there are 12+ hour documentaries that explain why modern "jews" are a false religion), to explain why they're false. But suffice to say, modern "jews" aren't the hebrews from the Bible. They're usurpers who "converted" into the religion, claimed it as their own, and then set up their own parallel religion in the form of kaballah.
Ergo, YES, they are false religions as they violate Biblical doctrine.
It makes sense if you think about it. EVERYTHING is online today. Especially for younger generations. All it takes is one or two devotional pages to show up in someone's instagram feed, or a rogue youtube video showing up in the reccomended section and boom. Curiosity leads someone becoming a Christians through online worship.
First of all, all polls are full of crap. Second of all, it's the cahtolic church. Even among religious organizations, they're the single most corrupt on the planet.
Ergo, is it any wonder that younger people are less regular in their practice when they have no alternatives? Europe isn't really like the USA. Here, we have hundreds of smaller denominations. Don't like the direction of your current church? Go any direction and find a dozen alternativs.
Europe isn't like that. It's Catholic or Orthodox. That's pretty much it. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say they're using similar methodology to here in the USA.
So basically, that means 85%-ish of all the "nones and non practicing" just means people who are still religious, but don't aren't part of a mainstream church and tend to turn to online worship, rather than in person worship. This isn't a new phenomenon. In fact, it's a few decades old. People have grown tired with the corruption of in person churches. And I'm not just talking about the rapists and queer crap that always seems to infiltrate organized religions. I'm talking about "church politics". You know, how people will form their own cliques inside of the church and basically treat it like high school for adults?
One of the reasons I stopped going to my church besides pushing the jab, it just got to the point to the point where if you weren't a doctor, lawyer, etc. (people of money) and gave a large tithe/donation weekly, no one would talk to you. I actually had times where I needed to talk to my pastor about something that was bothering me, and got blown off for someone else because they gave a bigger tithe than I did.
Things like this turn people off from physical churches, which is why physical church attendance is down across the board. On the flip side, online church attendance has been growing exponentially since the early 2000s and is at an all time high. It's also incredibly popular with what demographic? Young people. The online church attendance among younger generations is actually really astounding, at least in the US, it's something like 80-85% at least watch a devotional video once a week a minimum.
There's a reason people like John Hagee pull in over a billion views a year. A good portion of his viewership is from Europe. But my point is this. Christianity isn't dying. That's a lie concocted from manipulated statistics and data by doing things like introducing the "none" and "non practicing" categories with arbitrary methodology. For example, "nones" are roughly 80-85% Christian depending on the country. They just don't identify themselves with a mainstream church for various reasons and prefer attending online services rather than in person services. "Non practicing" have similar criteria. Religious polls, studies, and statistics are just as corrupt, invalid, error ridden, and just plain wrong as their political counterparts. They use the exact same methodology as well. It's all by design in order to make us think that Christianity is shrinking, that we're a minority or a soon to be minority, etc. etc.
So yeah, I don't believe this is true in the first place. Ther's far too many factors and too much evidence that suggests that the opposite is true. All it takes is a little looking into the nitty gritty of the fake polls, statistics, studies, etc.
I just remember the article I read and what it said. Fine me for repeating after some random internet article (probably forbes or something). But the point still stands, if you take the average income for most major cities in 1930 ($5,000-$7,000 a year), you're still in the six figure range if you account for inflation ($110K-$130K).
Still way above what most "average incomes" are in the USA currently, and INFINTIELY more than a burger flipping 15 year old deserves.
Nothing has changed, burger flippers still don't, and never have, deserved a "living wage". Being a fry cook at Burger King is not a career. It's a short term Job meant for Teenagers to get their feet wet in the world of employment and earning their own money.
HOWEVER, when people with actual skills and careers (E.G.: Mechanics, Ambulance Drivers, Police Officers, Welders, Construction Workers, etc. etc.) Can no longer afford the basic necessities to just live an average life, the average income isn't enough.
I remember seeing an article a week or so ago, that the only job/company in the United States where wages have actually kept up properly with inflation was UPS and FEDEX drivers because of company policy set by the founders.
And that's why UPS and FEDEX drivers make, on average, $170K a year. That's how much value our money has lost since the FED was established (UPS was established in 1907, several years before the FED was established).
So yes, I'm all for an actual living wage for REAL jobs and careers, but the 15 year old calling me a dickhead under his breath for asking for extra sweet and sour sauce for my nuggets doesn't deserve the equivalent of $170K for working 10-15 hours a week flipping burgers after school and during the holidays.
Minimum wage isn't the problem, really and truly corporate profits aren't either (though it IS rather crappy to not give your employees a raise when times are good). The problem is inflation is so ridiculous now, that to equal a living wage, you have to make six figures.
Reason 15: He want's to ban gay marriage again. So unless he proves himself to be a RINO, I'm fine with this for the time being. We need someone who wants to put an end to the faggotry that's been legalized and pushed down everyone's throats the last several decades.