catipillar 1 point ago +1 / -0

It looks like there aren’t enough people. I think there needs to be like…10,000 for this to Work.

catipillar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched it. Yea, objectively it’s all true. We’re on the precipice of a new world with new objectives and new challenges, like AI and social media. Moreover, all of the ancient fucks who have money are dying and the new, indoctrinated wave is debuting. Yes. These statements are all correct.

catipillar 2 points ago +2 / -0

This makes me mindlessly angry. Like, “motherfucking idiot. I get you wear a green t shirt on TV to be like, ‘ooga, booga, look, me soldier, me with troops, me at war,’ but when you leave your fucking country, stop dressing like a fucking idiot. It just screams, ‘look at my war costume!’”

catipillar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or just don’t eat anything ever.

catipillar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can’t you just fake it? Obviously the knucklehead empiggery which enables such fetid obscenity to exist must be visciously eradicated, but just make a fake piece of trash and punch them in the face with it and come home.

catipillar 1 point ago +1 / -0

No fuck, you’re right, knucklehead. Obviously there were crusades, no one is debating that you compound retard.

catipillar 1 point ago +1 / -0

You started with the insults first, you fucking knucklehead.

I never stated that the HRC had no right to sell the land ownership of Israel because the Ottoman Empire took it from the Romans.

How many times has your soft boiled skull been bounced across concrete? Are you unable to read? Is English NOT your first language?

catipillar 1 point ago +1 / -0

No fuck, you fucking idiot retard. The Crusade are a complete fucking non sequitor and have nothing to do with this conversation. Also, the sky is blue.

catipillar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe she’s emphasizing that to counter the point that Trump hates brown people or whatever, because this way she can illustrate that Trump but a half-brown person through college?

catipillar 1 point ago +1 / -0

What?!?! The Turks established the Ottoman Empire through conquest and and rule in the 15th century; people didn’t give them territories through deals and shit? Their empire lasted for a few hundred years and expanded into countries like Bulgaria; though Bulgarians were referred to as “Turks,” they obviously fucking weren’t. The Ottoman Empire was defeated, in WAR, by the Allies, and then went to war AGAIN to reestablish borders, which became modern day Turkey. People didn’t GIVE the Ottoman Empire that land; they established control over it with military force, as was the custom for all countries in centuries past.

catipillar 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, it wasn’t sold it England. It was ruled by the Ottoman Empire as a part of Ottoman Syria. England, France and someone else (I forget) chopped it up during WW1 and declared Israel for Jews with the Balfour Declaration.

catipillar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I decided to check who funds the WHO, because obviously they push this trash to please their owners, but then I asked myself…why the fuck does the WHO need funding at all?

catipillar 15 points ago +17 / -2

It’s just the sucking of the baby penis thing is repulsive, you know?

catipillar 0 points ago +1 / -1

What do the cameras have to do with 15 minute cities? Can’t they have a 15 minute city without the cameras?

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