It’s true, right now there are millions of maga men with over engorged freedom boners. It’s not just here in America though. All around the world freedom boners are popping with no signs of stopping. The best thing to do is find a traditional woman, marry her and put that winning Weiner to work making the next generation of freedom loving warriors. Amen.
live Q+A with general Flynn
notice the Q+ right under his picture
I expected to see a picture of Nancy Pelosi
I think we’re all about to learn a lot more about the pardon system and I think after 2026 we might get a constitutional amendment that makes blanket pardon illegal
I stand corrected
I wonder when the Biden impeachments start?
I don’t believe that Biden was made Mason this picture shows a douche bag receiving an award now if that douche bag was wearing an apron I would say maybe he was made to Mason I would say certainly no apron no Mason
He may have received an award but this doesn’t show him being made a Mason otherwise he’d be wearing an apron.
These next four years are going to be pivotal in AI. If we didn’t do this, we would be lagging far behind the rest of the world is using the bad guys resources to make something good for all of us.
They obviously saw a hawk Tua girls issues and how it appeared. I have to imagine they’re smart enough to foresee this and expect this situation to be different. I think signing an executive order that attempts to establish America as a leader in cryptocurrencies will have the effect of legitimizing and bolstering these markets at the end of the day people buy lottery tickets people buy expensive cups of coffee people buy all sorts of virtual crap if somebody wants to buy a virtual Trump coin that’s up to them
Have to assume Trump has a plan that will drop the price of medicine and the demonrats know it but they have to take every opportunity to attack.
I just can’t wait for the calls from the family members to stop being about MSNBC bullshit. I’m waiting for de-class and exposure so people will begin to see the lies they were told
Does he have to be sworn in again or take an oath if he already took it in 2016?
I’ve got a hopium hangover. Tomorrow night I sleep like a baby. Thanks mods for your tireless effort.
I think that was the company that paid Jim Biden who then cut a check to Joe.
I can't remember where I read it but it was foretold that one day trumps interest in the DJT would be more than 50B. thats probably pretty conservative considering how much zuck has been worth. If nunes does half of what they hope to accomplish I think we're looking at minimum equivalent of 1700 a share, probably with a few splits to keep the price accessible. I think this will be worth as much as Facebook/amazon/paypal. I really hope thy merge frank speech buy America store and create a giant made in the USA amazon.
I thought a few hours later they put enGoran back on the trial
at games aimed at kids I wouldn't have an issue with AI pedo police. some kid starts talking about sex they should get flagged for breaking the rules which stated no discussion about sex .
Maybe they put an additive in our gasoline so they can blame our gas cars. And now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to FUCK MYSELF IN THE FACE.
Give me a giant fucking break. Everyone pushing this fog shite needs to take a step back and FUCK THEMSELVES IN THE FACE!
Everything we’re seeing has been carefully orchestrated planned out with military precision. The avalanche of investigation reports and evidence is going to be so overwhelming. He was on the inside getting the closed door briefings he entered Hunter Biden‘s laptop into evidence. Have to assume there’s stuff going on behind the scenes Then we only know the tip of the iceberg
If Biden is an actor according to the greatest show on earth then Trump is going to give him his final directions. Hunter is on our side and was at “Joe’s” side at all the functions as his handler and acting coach. We’ve been in watching a movie for years and the deep state structure is so riddled with holes it’s about to be pushed into the light. I hope.
spies using figure skating as a cover to travel the world and rub elbows with rulers. who took them out us or them, if us, it would have been done without hurting the other skaters, if them, how'd they get control of our helicopter.