chillerspoon 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump has to "hand himself" into authorties in Georgia.....on the same day as the first Republican Debate.

Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, enjoy the show.....Trump is in complete control, guess what the ONLY topic of the first debate now becomes? Trump this, Trump that.......director Trump's finest piece of writing yet this gem of a RICO indictment.

chillerspoon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe Georgia is where Trump has agreed to do his staged prison stint.

He's running out of time if he wants to get that on his resume, it will indeed be the indictment that confirms his 2024 election win if so.

chillerspoon 11 points ago +11 / -0

Right on target.

Pence was the one who wanted to send the fraudulent election back to the states because he was the head of the operation smoking all the fraud out. The night before the election he announced that Election Day was swamp draining day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWHATS6p6Ck

Come certification day and Pence was ready to strike it down - Trump told him nah it would take more courage to do nothing and allow the fraudulent election to be certified instead Mike, this would have been a massive confliction for someone like Pence.


It is right there in the transcript.

States want to revote. The states got defrauded. They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.

And I actually, I just spoke to Mike. I said: "Mike, that doesn't take courage. What takes courage is to do nothing. That takes courage." And then we're stuck with a president who lost the election by a lot and we have to live with that for four more years.

Trump told everyone right there that he made his decision to wave through Biden as President and the next 4 years were going to be tough, Trump always weaves a subtle easter egg into his major speeches.

chillerspoon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pretty much, Mike is playing his role to perfection....so is "Rob" DeSantis. (he's robbing the swamp of some serious dosh right now with how "bad" he's performing for them.)

When will people figure out Trump is the grandmaster of kayfabe and has stated time and time again that if he wasn't in real estate he would be in hollywood? He's directing his masterpiece in front of the world and he's got pretty much everyone fooled except the Biden Admin who are his actors. Can't wait for him to book himself into a federal prison soon, I did predict a prison stint 2 years ago and it's either now or never for that as primary voting season starts January - I think it's still required for part of the Great Awakening as not enough are there yet, but we're getting closer.

chillerspoon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quite fascinating, I wonder who Joe was expecting a call from on that "secret" line in 2019?

chillerspoon 4 points ago +4 / -0

Each county does their own ballot so you'd need to apply it to the Maricopa ballot but yes they needed a new scam after the bleedthrough pens got exposed in 2020, no Republican voter was going to use a bleedthrough pen again. The printers on election day printing ballots at the wrong scale in 6/6 centers that the Lake legal team were able to access is a major red flag, looks like that was the scam this time.

chillerspoon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting stuff, looks like internal messaging from people involving during the Arizona audit of the 2020 election - I assume the poster is frustrated because he/she believes it's just happened again in 2022 due to inaction after the 2020 audit.

chillerspoon 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yeah, same old same old asking for money via text banner but this time for 2024.

chillerspoon 1 point ago +1 / -0

https://rumble.com/v1j1h4t-warroom-live.html He was live on Bannon from Mar-a-Lago.

chillerspoon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unless Jason Miller is headfaking he was in the final dictation of Trump's announcement for tonight and pretty much called it a reboot of 2016 and will lay out his campaign for 2024.


chillerspoon -1 points ago +1 / -2

Unless Trump has the pieces in place to steal the election back in 2024 it's a very fair take from Bio, I don't really see any other way from here - fair and free elections are long gone.

chillerspoon 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's an interesting topic and the timing for a 2024 announcement is pretty awkward with the run-off in Georgia to still happen BUT that is what I'm expecting it to be as don't forget Garland is trying to cook up an indictment against Trump, and if they indict Trump after he's declared he's running for President it will instantly become a massive positive for Trump and backfire badly for the swamp.

chillerspoon 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's got nothing to do with DOJ, this is in relation to a civil case Konnech brought against True The Vote and Gregg in early September.

The judge is acting bizarre, he's trying to make Gregg give up who was involved in penetrating the Chinese server(s) Konnech was communicating and sending data too...Gregg is refusing because of the CRIMINAL investigation in LA and the person being a CHS for the FBI. The Judge says too bad, I have clearance tell me everything or I'm sending the US Marshals to arrest you and Catherine on Monday.

This civil case should not be ongoing with a criminal investigation of Konnech on this very matter now confirmed, the judge is in his 70s and for some bizarre reason believes the cases aren't related, the lawyers for Gregg and TTV even had the LA County AG office call the judge up and he refused to listen to them.


Ivory Hecker was in attendance and summarises the day, Gregg should not out the source, the judge should ask the FBI himself and see what that say. Gregg also confirmed he has none of the data and never did in relation to Konnech, he viewed it for 3-4 hours then said pass it on to the FBI and the hackers did so over a year ago.

chillerspoon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fear is injecting yourself with a synthetic lab manufactured trash "vaccine" to combat a synthetic lab manufactured trash virus.

Wake up Dilbert.

chillerspoon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was watching the rally live and this was the exact thing that came to my mind when Trump said the line and pointing to the sky, good post.

chillerspoon 11 points ago +11 / -0

Local media reporting an ambulance was called after he complained with chest pain and died before it arrived - at 50! Yikes.

Bogota is way above sea level so if he was the one that had the issue during the plane flight then he really should not have been going to a city so high above sea level let alone play a concert there, his heart has carked it trying to acclimatize to high altitude.

chillerspoon 10 points ago +10 / -0

Zelenskyy is an extremely difficult person to read - what I will say is the top echelons of the Ukrainian military are not under his command, they are controlled by Ukrainian oligarchs which is why you still see a scumbag like Poroshenko walking the streets of Kyiv acting like king even with corruption charges galore all over his head, he's a billionaire with a battalion that gets their weapons supplied by you know who - the DC cartel. He's not the only one either, most of the wealthiest oligarchs in Ukraine are wanted all over the world, even have charges against them in their own country yet never seem to go to prison - why? They are untouchable thanks to the DC cartel.

I've always felt Zelenskyy's best play would be to butter up the oligarchs then sell them out to Putin who would love to capture these goons who transport US weapons to the south-east of Ukraine to terrorize the Russian ethnic civilians....let's see what happens.

chillerspoon 1 point ago +1 / -0

It has been a theory that has crossed my mind since the installation of the illegitimate Biden administration - they're either overplaying their hands or being forced to overplay their hands to draw the dark into the light. It's not just the Biden administration either, plenty of governments all over the world are overplaying their hands on COVID - is it a ruthless power grab or are they exposing the tentacles in an attempt to awaken their populaces?

Stay tuned!

chillerspoon 19 points ago +19 / -0

This isn't true, the case is still ongoing;

You can watch it live if you like;


EDIT: It has finished for the day and replays are not available under NSW law. The case resumes 9am (Sydney - AEDT) on Tuesday 5th October.

chillerspoon 12 points ago +12 / -0

That was Dr. Chant, our cunt "health advisor" to the ex-Premier.

Gladys has been a dead duck walking for a long time, she was in a long term sexual relationship with a former member of state parliament that was doing dodgy deals for self enrichment. (including favours for wealthy Chinese VIPs)

The hope is the current Treasurer and Deputy Leader (Dom Perrottet) becomes Premier, he was (and hopefully still is) anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine passport......this nonsense has gone on long enough.

by Quelle
chillerspoon 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would say so, it's last updated 23/09/2021 so I would say this is the final draft and will be exactly what is presented.

A criminal investigation is the only way to get to the bottom of this, Dominion have cleaned their tracks fairly well by corrupting ballots after November 1st, deleting/overwriting of logs and not allowing access to all of the machines.

Law enforcement simply has to get involved for this ever to be exposed properly.

by Quelle
chillerspoon 2 points ago +2 / -0

This draft will be fairly accurate, page 58 onward about the machines is must read. These criminals are probably going to get away with it.

chillerspoon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, Trump mentioned he heard Generals were "swapping sides" - very intriguing statement to make - would indicate he's still in comms with high ranking military.

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