collegebinladen 1 point ago +2 / -1

Then I wonder why people are celebrating today on here like some massive victory when its just Jack pulling his golden parachute open and gliding off to some bigger globalist agenda, while twitter will continue to ramp up censorship and kids will keep getting pricked week after week from here on out.

collegebinladen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah this isn't even being used correctly in the slightest. They circled 11/29/2017 and 01/23/2019 on the clock. Yet the post takes place in 2018 which falls on a completely separate line.

collegebinladen 2 points ago +4 / -2

The problem is that anybody online gives a damn about a single one of these people. Name a single thing Rittenhouse, Wood, Lindell, Powell, or Flynn have done to improve any of our lives in 2021.

collegebinladen 1 point ago +3 / -2

Bigger question at this point as the economy continues to burn, infants being sterilized, psyops normalized. and approaching Weimer era inflation, is why the fuck should we care what any of these people have to say about the others?

This is where Q discourse is at a year post the election steal. Imagine telling yourself this past January before the certification that in 11 months, not only would Biden still be president and covid still "around", and all patriots have to discuss is what some pasty 19 year old's lawyer said about some other pop attorney through cheap pot shots in MSM pressers. With each passing month these communities feel more and more like facebook than the chans they spawned from.

collegebinladen 4 points ago +6 / -2

Pretty tired of so much of the "truth movement" that always falls for division tactics between these C list influencers. On one hand I'm happy for the boys like Nick Sandman and Rittenhouse that were exonerated from media witch hunts. But also fuck these kids, nobody should give a shit about what they have to say about anything on a national level.

Then you got the court grifters like Powell, Wood, Lindell, and Giuliani who do nothing but sell empty calorie hopium while either deliberately running interference against any meaningful steps to stop the 2020 steal, or were placed on the board by white hats to be nothing but distractions. Either way you want to interpret it, any and all of their actions up to this point (along with all anon coverage and discussions on it) have led to LESS than nothing. Their repeated hype ups and subsequent failures at every step along the way has legitimately moved the narrative on the steal waaay BACKWARDS. From:

  • Giuliani's "legal efforts" last December
  • Powell's "kraken"
  • Lindell's "symposium"
  • whatever the fuck Lin Wood claims to do with his fundraising and legal expertise

All of this bullshit hype and no results have made most of the nation move on from the 2020 steal. In the minds of normals they have gone on to accept the lie or believe nothing can be done and isn't worth the effort, because nobody actually has any "smoking gun evidence". That shit is Sydney Powell's fault. That shit is Mike Lindell's fault. That shit is Flynn's fault. Retired TV general standing next to any of these clowns and hyping their bullshit up.

Patriots worldwide had a ton of momentum coming out of 2018 and throughout 2019. But the second we hit Jan 2020 Trump, along with everybody who follows this shit has been HARD on the defensive. Think about the crazy shit anons were digging up in 2018, the truths that were coming to light. Now its been over a year since Trump is out of office, endless lockdowns, dead economy, insane inflation, vaxx mandates, covid, covid, covid, etc etc. And the second Q disappears you got these court grifters out of nowhere pretending they're gonna do anything, with the entire movement on pins and needles every time they "file" some faggot motion in court.

I believe there was, and very possibly still is, a plan. But as long as geeks like these are the primary figureheads of the fight, get used to only giving up more and more ground. Kyle Rittenhouse? Seriously? We been talking about this pasty baby-fat virgin for months, who gives a fuck about anything he does after acquittal? MSM's been firmly in control of the entire Q community and its narratives since the last posts and closure of voat. Legit sick of all these people including Flynn at this point. Nothing but talking heads going tick tock tick tock for Hannity segments paid for by Pfizer while they assure you "well if we catch them in the act for the 22 midterms then we will have them by the balls in 24 trust us we got them this time!!"

collegebinladen 3 points ago +5 / -2

Why do you think royals have always been called "blue bloods"? They are the draco/human half blood hybrids. The sons of sameal, the sons of Cain.

collegebinladen 4 points ago +4 / -0

Covid has shown me that the biggest cowards out there are the 50 to 70 year-old crowd. They seem to have a fundamental fear for the very concept of DEATH. Not yet old enough to have accepted the natural cycle of their mortal life, while also too old to live care free from the threat of potential looming health issues.

I've always thought of my parents as rational thinkers and steadfast in their beliefs, but wuflu has revealed a sobering reality. And it's that the baby boomers have always been (narratively-speaking) very selfish. Since birth they have been championed as the main character in the sitcom that is the United States in the post-WW2 neoliberal world order. Now as they approach retirement they are forced to observe the collapse of the many institutions and modern theory that governed the world and business throughout their life.

Its a hell of a thing to observe a generation that will pick apart the media and politicians for half of a programming block, fully recognizing all of the subversion and deceit thrown their way. But as soon as the newscaster moves onto the covid segment there's a sudden reminder that the boomers are not teens and college kids enjoying the free loving 60s anymore. Nor are they the young adult yuppies enjoying economic prosperity of the white collar 80s. They are now the geriatrics of a rapidly collapsing once great nation, with the grim reaper of a "world pandemic" coming down the cosco aisle to pick them off one by one. All logic goes out the window for them because like everybody they wish they had more time. Hey we all would. But this age bracket in particular gives me the feeling that they'd be fine with everybody living under heavy oppression for the next century as long as it bought them another decade or two to keep living. "Take your vaxx so I dont get sick" "the vaxx should be mandated so people our age don't get sick" "the news lies, but doctors dont" etc etc etc

by 289m
collegebinladen 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is how shills slide discussion on important topics. Literally zero effort by OP, can't even quantify it as "content". Fuck I miss voat.

collegebinladen 2 points ago +2 / -0

None of those entities are effective in any capacity but they will never do the bidding of justice upon themselves. And no evidence in any category is suddenly going to make them start. Military is the only way

collegebinladen 0 points ago +1 / -1

Now you wait til the Michigan audit findings in May 2022

collegebinladen 1 point ago +2 / -1

LMFAO the future of the free world in the hands of a state government that brought you beauties like John McCain.

collegebinladen 1 point ago +3 / -2

Media has been spinning it for weeks, and now are outright lying about the findings saying they only found EVEN MORE LEGITIMATE VOTES for Bidan lol. A lot of people are going to feel like this was cyber symposium all over again, but way worse cause now what do people hang their hopes on after the media shits all over it?

Most patriots have been waiting for a news story that they can rub normies noses in. It's never going to happen at this point, sorry. Media will lie all the way to the gallows, if they ever see any. But don't forget how much more they mock us all for getting our hopes up every time.

collegebinladen 1 point ago +2 / -1

They don't really have to do anything yet. They still hold complete and total control over all 3 branches of government, the DOJ, and the intelligence agencies. While still completely owning all big tech, entertainment and media. Lie for a couple weeks and then memory hole the audit is all they ever had to do.

Watch every entity above just laugh if Arizona and other states try to decertify. The cabal still won't respond. They're literally going to stay seated in their positions of power until soldiers with firearms escort them out. Is that ever going to happen? Here's hoping the audit was the tipping point on public perception for MIL to now act. In the meantime, more vaccines and boosters.

And as for the supreme court, if they were even to take on the case of constitutional crises caused by any decert, the ruling will likely not be until after the midterms. Its military or bust, always has been.

collegebinladen 0 points ago +1 / -1

And who's the piper here? Surely not the FBI or DOJ lol

collegebinladen 9 points ago +10 / -1

"God's chosen" give me a break. Canaanite filfth more like it. String em up string em up grift monkeys belong in trees, not indoors with me.

Don't get it twisted I got much love for my black brothers. And all of us working class folk from all colors and creeds dont got time for no tree climbin booty scratchers pretending to be shit they aint. Nothing more disguting than stealing grievances of victims from years long gone to use as moral righteousness to victimize others. But what can I say, the KKK always loved playin dress up.

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