I guess we will think of Mollie Tibbetts, since her own parents didn't.
said she wouldn't want to be associated with the Right's "racist immigration policies" (border wall)
opened their home to house illegals after her death in an effort to show how virtuous they are and teach the orange man a lesson
were willing (and did) sacrifice their own daughter on the altar of woke
Prayers for Molly. Her parents are a couple of leftist idiots and everything that is wrong with our society
My favorite comment was the sodomite saying "fuck you, and your unvaccinated Covid." These people are delusional. I think Covid and the shot are something much bigger, some type of cosmic, spiritual test. I've still never had Covid. I wonder how many times Ms. monkeypox here has. Keep on boosting, Twinkerbell
Nah, you're right on Cakes. He's a sloppy, doughy hypocrite who spent years trashing anons while Q posts were live. Once he promised the moon and the stars on several topics (Huber, inspector general report, Gregg Phillips' The Pit Nothinburger), he pivoted to explaining the q drops to those of us who followed along in real time. Gotta keep shilling his substack and online store, or he's back to his last job: delivering newspapers. Any time I see anything posted by this clown, I keep on scrolling because I won't be learning anything new. He's a charlatan
I want the list as bad as anyone, but we need to temper our expectations. Thread on what will be released by Technofog that is well-researched:
Many doctors are some of the most indoctrinated out there. I've lost quite a few "friends" as well. It turns out that they were never really friends at all. Useful idiots, and addition by subtraction. Who's the actual conspiracy theorist, though? I think it's those who recommended Chinese blue paper masks to protect against the super virus, standing on grocery store stickers like cattle, and taking multiple shots of an experimental drug with no long term safety profile for a virus with a 99.98% survival rate...that neither prevents spreading or contracting the virus.
Agreed, fren. Another "medical hero." And spare me the false equivalence of taking a bullet in a war. Taking a bullet is more like those of did when we sacrificed our careers and savings to avoid it. I'm looking forward to seeing some of these medical quacks strung up by their necks and watching them shit their pants while they hang
Let's check out her early life and education:
"Howell was born in 1956 in Fort Benning (now Fort Moore), Georgia.[3] She is the daughter of an Army officer and is Jewish.[4] She attended elementary and secondary school in six states and Germany."
Took about 12 hours for you to be proven wrong, huh?
Getting those instructions. Keep down voting and watching the "news"
Look at all the butthurt normie MSM news watchers. How you could you possibly know that this guy is a good guy? He's done nothing yet. 7 years of the lies and trickery and you still rush to judge him as a savior? Why was one of his first big meetings with Bill Clinton? Why is he big on the Ukraine war? Why does he wear the funny little hat? Why is he not joining BRICS? Some of you still have learned nothing
But, let me contradict myself, fren. To your point of view, Dr. Naomi Wolf thinks this is a hoax and an intelligence op. That's why I love this board and community. We can debate and examine both sides without screaming at each other. All we want is the truth. That's what separates us from the leftist, vaccinated communist cattle.
Up voted for the unnecessary but always funny use of the word "cuck." A normie friend of mine recently was trying to convince me the shots are great and that's why everyone is still alive. I asked him if, as a child, he ever dreamed he'd grow up to be an unpaid volunteer cuckold for big pharma, and I short-circuited his brain. He had no response
Cuck Mike Johnson still has not released the J6 tapes. I've never seen someone so excited as he during his standing ovation for supporting Israel (cucked again). Why is it so difficult to be America First? He's an invertebrate, but at least we have new memes in the form of his facial expressions 🙄