If they are the new ones on the market you can sort of count on them for 3 years after that most go wonky. I have rentals and go through stoves and heaters like crazy. If you have a working old one, hang on to it.
Why only pick the zionests, I don't think Stacy Abrams is a Zionest
We really do need competency tests annually so its not unfair. Also drug testing randomly, they work for us.
Stupid greedy people comes to mind
If they plead insanity we lock them away because they are a danger to themselves and others.
can you say rigged elections, the answer is they are installed, a few may have fooled some people.
This is what projection looks like
Yes we are on the run, but we are not running away, we are coming after you. This is what happens when you only hang out with people that think like you.
Good find, retarded is right. They are so vain.
67 years of conserving on everything you can think of, and I am sick of it. Can't wait for our Golden Age.
This is an oldy but goodie. An uplifting message for the leftist loonies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFLvhKv-Lbo Another One I love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE9AQhfz2fM
The Adams Family? sorry couldn't help it.
Any new laws that passed both houses would be invalidated because no President signed them.
This announcement will cause a few to stop.
A half hour interview with Ron Paul, the only thing Ron Paul got in was "well ugh" then AJ cut him off.
Maybe we can require competency tests for all upper Gov't officials. And random drug and alcohol testing.
Same as the all landlords are rich, according to the US average I am at poverty level.
The mammogram cures nothing, I am too small and they couldn't do one after 13 tries and I stopped them. They then said we can just take out the lump and see what it is. The surgeon then came while I was in prep for surgery, he wanted to do a complete mastectomy, just in case. I told him if he did I would sue him and wrote it down and had a witness sign it, in front of him. 30 years ago I stopped going to Allopathic DRS. I had a karen DR. sceam at me and even followed me to the parking lot, yelling you are going to die if you don't get the treatments. He just finished telling me "We got it all" so why do chemo or radiation if you got it all.
Well you have to do that on your own, we have no desire to die for your cause.
We DO NOT condone violence here
Thank you, it is a bit scary sometimes but the way I see it, moving over and over to get away from corruption instead of fixing it. You will eventually will run out of places to hide.
If you have been following whats going on, POTUS is getting what was stolen so our children don't have to live in poverty. Americans can be honestly rich.
Yes, POTUS is the peace President
Bull crap, give the guy a minute. I really don't understand people that think Trump and his team should be able to work miracles. That is Gods job
Praise the Lord, you have hit it on the nose. At this point, I get the feeling we no longer should direct non0Anons to this site. It is not about this site and I have meet 2 Anons that don't even come here anymore, they found their way to Awaken people two the TRUTH and bring the evil to light, letting Trump and his team do what they need and doing our best to get the message. I go to most of the web sites that people keep apologizing for using. I am Subscribed to a huge list of people. I leave hints here and there or ask questions in the comments, Q asking questions is what hooked me.