crazycloud3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the germaphobe thing is to keep him from being poisoned. DMSO plus some kind of poison. Most Presidents are the same.

crazycloud3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am begining to question my self on this, maybe it was something I dreamed because I looked at the Q&A sessions and could not find any mention. I won't bring it up again, until POTUS does,

crazycloud3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be carefull, others cannot understand the truth of what can happen when they give it all to God. I knew I was in great hands when I got on the scales and it read 0. I laughed with the weight of grief for my whole family and most of my pets. I got banned for good reason for going further than you have, maybe. I had a major panic attack when I could not get it through to anyone that I was worried my house would burn down. I had a guy threaten to kill my neice(daughter) and me, because he didn't like that the money I gave him to take his kids up to play in the snow, he pocketed. I had a real bad problem of dehydration also so I was having some pretty big hallucinations. I am still working on what was real and what wasn't, I keep running into what I thought were hallucinations, were real.
My fake pervert stepfather was in the CIA and it was the same FBI agents that took me to court every day of court from junior high. They were great and made it a little fun. While I was in that state I found out from my Neice, my Angels name. He is way over a thousand years old and he has a great sense of humor. I don't see him or hear him myself. I was outside about a year ago when I realized that I no longer bruise. I told my friend and he thought it was great. I woke up the next day with a small obvious bruise on my knee, I ran out and showed him and we both laughed. It was completely gone the next day. To me it seems the planes of existence are getting closer. My family was sent back to me to help me through. I thought it was just a quick vision I had of them coming out from the light and dancing towards me. We all liked folk dance. They then wrapped themselves around me and just hugged, then they stood back and vanished. A pastor I like to talk to was really excited about it, my description was very detailed, he believed it was a vision. It turns out they did not leave right away but hung around, leaving one by one. They flashed the light on my phone when they left one by one, first my sister then my misogynistic brother left but not before he left phallic symbols in water stains all over my bedroom ceiling, peoples mouths open when they see it.
Be careful of the blue blob as I call it, it seemed to be trying to help me go nuts, its the AI corrector. If you click on a blue underline and accept what it suggests, it can change what you said in the entire post. I am not the first to notice this.
I know I jumped all around but I saw in your writing myself before I hit 0.
And this was the last post before bedtime and never expected to write so much and I am stoned.
May God Bless you Always

crazycloud3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have had this name since dial up. A lot of people have stolen it even on facebook someone took over my account with crazycloud 21, turns out it was the Taliban. They quit trying to take it back when I made a comment about why they probably closed the girls schools considering what they were doing to ours. I got a lot of likes and followers. Mostly family in home videos like Daddy and daughter dancing and having fun. It worried me at first, because the deep state says they are the enemy.

crazycloud3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most of the attacks on Elon seem to be his lifestyle. I don't agree with the multiple Moms, I do believe he and others when they say we need lots of babies or we wont have a future. At now we know what his favorite pass time is. KEK.

crazycloud3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, they are in your face now. What is crazy is they are even in the movie Back to Eden.

crazycloud3 2 points ago +2 / -0

When people say I'm crazy I tell them "the jury is out on that"

crazycloud3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not cell towers, I will go look, I know because we were getting hit hard an it was in a Q&A session, Q answered "Done in 30" and that is the last we heard. I will see if I can find it in the chans, when I wake up. The cell towers project many people around the early internet were working on using Orgon devices to neutralize the bad output. You can find more at educateyourself.org The adventures of Don Croft.

crazycloud3 1 point ago +1 / -0

In one instance we paid mullions to build and to maintain schools. They had no teachers and the buildings could not be used safely after only 2 years, the roof on the class rooms were coming down.

crazycloud3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, those that have to be told "this is not about you or what you want, We Anons know to trust the plan and not judge everyone. In the post about Russel Brand becoming Christian, he got judged every which way instead of being very happy for him. I can't stand so called Christians that think they can take judgement from God. I was told I was going to hell by one of these people, I believe God not them.

crazycloud3 1 point ago +1 / -0

This, many using this board as a cheerleading squad of Q and Trump. How can you spread the message and wake up more people if we don't go on X or Truth social, or any site. Apologizing for a good link because its on Y-tube is silly.

crazycloud3 0 points ago +1 / -1

This board censors topics that the mods(not all), want to ban because it might make us look stupid. Real serious stuff with lots of proof, even the DOD web site had pics. I am talking about Dew. If we were allowed to talk about it, we might have been able to expose it before it could have done all the destruction it did. Now it is in you face.

crazycloud3 3 points ago +3 / -0

It does not seem that way at all to me. I really like that you can post a question to Elon, and you have a chance that he will respond. All the boards in the past were compromised, that is why we had to move so much.

crazycloud3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't receive a suspension, I got a warning to put my short post in the community off topic spot. Of course that would have limited the great interactions I got. It was not an off-topic post.

crazycloud3 4 points ago +4 / -0

I did notice that Bannon has not been promoted by Q and I don't think he was invited.

crazycloud3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not all Q subjects are allowed either, even if you show the Q post. Chemtrails comes to mind, before Q thousands of us were trying to get rid of them. We also reduced the bad effects of the cell phone towers, gifting the towers with Organ devices. We were able to check our work using NEXRAD Radar. When asked about the chemtrails Q said done in 30, I believe this was for future.

crazycloud3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I just got asked by a mod to post short threads in the off topic box. My post was great with some great responses from serious Anons. I refuse to comply of course because that is what POTUS tells us. Q never called for censorship of weird topics, because they are afraid of being made fun of. And allowing the use of pede, a pedophile term is allowed. I never saw POTUS or Q post anything promoting pede or centipede yet it is allowed. I am vocal in my bashing of that term because promoting it could be used in court against you. Possible "But on this post in your board you promote pedos".

crazycloud3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, that video that came out on his vision was so bad it had to be trolling.

crazycloud3 2 points ago +2 / -0

My Brother used to distribute Jury handbooks/pocket Constitutions to people waiting to be jurors. They tried to stop him with jury tampering but Judge said its not tampering when you instruct them in the Law.

crazycloud3 2 points ago +2 / -0

This makes a great deal of sense, and I know from the Bible also that its going to get really bad before its over. I pray for the souls they try to destroy using death. The post phase 3 --the Jurys will go back to "Jury of your peers" the Jury pool is super important and good people need to serve and not figure was to get out of it. It used to be you had a right to council, council can be anyone you want to advise you.

crazycloud3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not sure I understand, I was really interested in what people thought, how long do I need to make a post. I just looked at the rules and still don't understand. I guess I will just go back to commenting on posts and not post my own anymore. I really am interested in the response and received some interesting responses.

crazycloud3 5 points ago +5 / -0

I lost track of BP at the end of the Gulf oil spill, I am subscribed now, thank you.

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