delfina 1 point ago +6 / -5

No they didn't. You gave your freedom away. We let it all happen.They told us lies and it's up to each and everyone of us to decide whether to listen to it or not. Don't be mad at them or yourself. Now we know better. Let's live the lives we want. No masks. No vax. Travel. Go out. Do what you love to do following first principles and be free. Peace be with you all.

delfina 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well said! Something snapped in me and I've completely stopped using masks for a week. No one has said anything in BestBuy, Ikea, Publix, the pharmacy and tons of other stores. I'm free, you're free if we only allow it. We can be peaceful warriors with love and peace in our hearts and go about our daily routine without those awful mask.

delfina 2 points ago +2 / -0

We counter their evil spell with ephesians 6:10-18. Put on the armor of God. See 1018 again. Be gone satan. He has no power over us. Amen. Let it be done!

delfina 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's all out there. Chelsea handler recently gave an interview to rob lowe's podcast and mentioned going to epstein's island and had dinner there with Katie couric, charlie rose and woody allen. They were on the flight logs but people had some doubts. Not anymore. News isn't going to cover it. So thanks for bringing this up. Now let's start asking harris questions about her friend ghislaine. A lot of these corrupt people knew what ghislaine maxwell was all about but kept quiet.

delfina 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's good to note. Can't trust the media with truth. And this pede remembers when Clinton and Loretta Lynch had a meeting on board a plane to basically sell a supreme court seat. Some Shady shit happened on that plane with biden and harris. No doubt.

by BQnita
delfina 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also donates money to MIT and Harvard at the behest of Jeffery Epstein.

delfina 1 point ago +1 / -0

What an amazing trip! Don't be afraid. You may experience these things again without the drugs but you'll be prepared. Think positively. Know the Lord loves you and fills you with strength! Once he lifts you up, no one can bring you down. For real! I had similar dreams w/o drugs and I love it. These dreams use to fill me with fear but not anymore. It taught me 3 yrs ago to become lucid in my dreams and i can banish these demons with the lords name. And i had one recently and asked for strength from jesus christ and i pounded the demon into the ground. Felt great! But i also see the demons not as true demons anymore. They are anthropomorphized negative energy. once you have an experience like that, when you wake up ask yourself, what is holding me back or blocking me from my happiness or my connection to God. Your dream is trying to tell you something you need to unlock from your subconscious. Anyway... Im praying for you and know the Lord is right there by your side. Peace be with you.

delfina 1 point ago +1 / -0

And Day 113 is 02/23. Not datefagging. Pain is already here, baby! Some of us have figured it out yet. LOL!

by 4tmfw
delfina 3 points ago +3 / -0

Boom! More is coming!

delfina 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great post! Thanks for sharing. Very similar for me too but I found Christ in 2018. Better late than never. So now it's Guns, GOD and Galt for me too!

delfina 5 points ago +5 / -0

We just had an EAM. Tornado warning in central Florida at 4pm. Heavy rain and high winds for about 20 mins.

delfina 2 points ago +2 / -0

i know. And why was his background a giant wave? Tsunami is coming!!

delfina 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dear Lord help chyraasshoe find peace. Help him/her let go of any negative energy that blocks our connection to the holy spirit. Fill chyraasshoe with hope, gratitude, wisdom and love. Let your love flow thru to heal the body, mind and spirit. We love you and the Lord loves you. Go in peace. Amen.

delfina 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dear Lord, i want to give thanks for these beautiful prayers. You've answered my prayers. You have filled us with your divine love and united us through the holy spirit. We are all so blessed! Thank you Lord for opening our eyes and hearts to your love; for seeing the beauty of your creation and filling us with hope. Thank you for your healing love. We are never alone with you in our hearts. You connect us all together and your flock is growing everyday. I pray all of these beautiful people here today. Protect and heal them. Protect and heal their families. Help us all receive your love and peace. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

delfina 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only thing going down is that evil corrupt temple. The light of God is his love. Let it flow through you and let it lift you up. Go in peace!

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