difficultpeople 2 points ago +2 / -0

Likely, but due to a seemingly lack of concern for most of those and an undeniable hatred of taxes, claiming it is for taxes seems more able to raise concern.

difficultpeople 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are many advantages to living near other people, but none that extend to living on top of other people. Not to mention that they are the models used to determine that gas is dangerous. I mean, we know that which is why we don't sardine ourselves with millions of other people all required to work which requires transportation in a terribly over crowded environment. Like, spread out a little and it is no where near as concentrated. Only one reason to want that many people that near other people, tax revenue!

difficultpeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

I looked it up and it's a browser issue not the page. Suggestions to fix included updating browser, ain't no body got time for that!

difficultpeople 0 points ago +1 / -1

Shame I am not, makes you incorrect.

Nice way to treat your fellow anons. Homie has his picture up, doesn't seem very anon to me but whatever!

difficultpeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wanted to come back to this to change a statement that I made in regard to attempting to use authority not given to you. i WOULD LIKE TO RETRACT THAT STATEMENT. As soon as I read your comment a puppy that I guess I am rescuing, he just showed up the other day, vomited a large pile of worms. After a while to consider I have determined that you do hold the authority and that I owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you, I had no idea the puppy was infected and now I know to treat him and pray over him, though I suspect you got it right out. Kudos!

Will be posting this to original comment as well.

difficultpeople 4 points ago +4 / -0


They still got time for that after that dam collapse?

difficultpeople 5 points ago +5 / -0

Which one is it? I don't have a Truth account anymore.

difficultpeople 2 points ago +2 / -0

God willing. It's his words. Heck, they are his fingers when I am typing. I am a pot head!

He did answer me. Make it unmistakably you, Father! I don't like a lot of attention. All him, it really isn't about me!

difficultpeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

I certainly hope so. I will amend my statement to include that governments world wide just tried to kill as many people as they could, at least I suspect of the covid vaccination, as soon as it failed, though it was happening during, I noticed an unreal increase in something akin to vigilante justice being hinted at , basically people were being encouraged to kill people. I wonder why it happened like that? I suspect that the attempt at genocide failed and they moved to plan B and statements like the one I commented to above seem to be seeking vigilante justice. It would be nice if we were all aware that God promised to take care of it but with all of the inflammatory accusations flying (satan is the accuser, btw, we know who we fight) and tensions rising while government tries to pass the blame on anyone they can get away with scapegoating to prevent justice being served on them. I see it as a distraction as well as a dog whistle. It is a problem, but one that was promised to be solved without requiring our personal intervention.

Caught on while they were doing the race baiting with BLM trying to memory hole the Bureau of Land Management and the Cliven Bundy situation. It's all to distract us for the real enemy, false authority used as greater than He that gives authority. satan all day.

difficultpeople 1 point ago +3 / -2

Best I can tell I helped to expose it. Like I said, I was fighting against youtube and reddit, social media in general before anyone else that I could see or was aware of. ALL of my attempts were brushed off or ignored, so it wasn't for lack of trying. Few months of unrelenting push-back against them and the policies that allowed them to get away with what they were doing and a few people joined, then a few more...

I was discussing all of this in the public, at work. Any chance I got just trying to warn as many as I could of what I could see was happening. I have sent numerous reports to the FBI even going as far as using language that would label me as a potential terrorist so that I WOULD HAVE TO BE WATCHED thus anything I did or saw could be used in a court of law legally, though I doubt that they preformed as they should have.

This isn't about me and what I have done or haven't done. Like I have said, I do not have children so I do not have skin in the game but I couldn't sit back knowing what was going on.

I have received death threats from numerous people, including those that were supposed to do something about what was happening and have not stopped and I kept going. While my approach has varied I haven't stopped, though mental health days are a huge must and are treated as a priority. Really the only thing, other than God, keeping my head above water. Nuking the planet has looked like the only solution more than once, it's sad.

My statement nor it's weight are affected by my actions. It is the duty of the parents to care for and protect their children. Too many fell asleep at the helm and here we are watching people pretend that this is just now happening, it is terrible optics and hides an evil that has been entrenched for ages (it's in the laws of man, hint hint - section 230).

Call me what you want, it is no concern of mine. I know what I have done. Funny that it would start to take off a few weeks after intense explanation of the events but what isn't often plagiarized by those unable or unwilling to do their own work.

This is in response because you asked what I have done. I have not spoken about myself or what I have done for several reasons, biggest being that this isn't about me.

I have also exposed several other atrocities all of which have landed me less than friendly greetings from my "peers".

I don't mind being early but people really need to catch up. Been doing this for like 15 years now.

At the end of this I will be glad if all involved in ending this get the same treatment, it's scriptural, I will just be glad that the harvest is over but we cannot allow fence sitters to talk about how they swing the sickle better without ever having lifted one.

To the statement, "those that speak the loudest". In my humble experience it is always the homophope that is gay. It's over compensation to attack others for stuff that you do, kind of what that statement highlights.

I just happened to see something so I said something, and was ignored until I demanded attention or controlled opposition took the narrative (I was ignored then too but at least it was getting talked about). I am just one dude, I am doing all of this ALONE, except for God, everyone else has non-stop attacked me for even opening my mouth.

Feels good, man!

difficultpeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you advocating for gun ownership in sweden? Cuz that is what it sounds like you are advocating for. Perhaps if we were not forced to rely on government for our own protection. You know, the same government moving all the migrants in.... Seems like a massive failure of governance, but do blame the migrants. People are and can be awful. Say, what is stopping rape in the US? You know, before the migrant surplus? During? I dare say nothing. A crime must be committed before Law Enforcement is allowed to act unless you are breaking a code or statute implemented by the state which are not laws but are enforced by Law Enforcement and they do not sleep on those violations for anything!

difficultpeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

And one of two other things, false claim of authority or problems discerning who satan is. I am still here so either you do not have the authority you are attempting to use remove me or I am not satan. I'll let you decide!

Good form, though!

I wanted to come back to this to change a statement that I made in regard to attempting to use authority not given to you. i WOULD LIKE TO RETRACT THAT STATEMENT. As soon as I read your comment a puppy that I guess I am rescuing, he just showed up the other day, vomited a large pile of worms. After a while to consider I have determined that you do hold the authority and that I owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you, I had no idea the puppy was infected and now I know to treat him and pray over him, though I suspect you got it right out. Kudos!

Will be posting this to original comment as well.

difficultpeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never mind, it appears to be on my end!

That got stopped quick. Page not loading.


difficultpeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let me hit you with some knowledge!

Some of your stuff is near accurate, so allow me the privilege of calling you a blatant liar as well as being miseducated! That was nice!

Messiah means one thing, their language is more close to that of the Semetic than English is so I can comprehend issues with translation. Savior of the world. It is fairly simple. While they do hold that Jesus was not God when did Jesus ever claim to be God? He never did. He sounded close to a few times but his language game was on point. When asked if he were the Son of God he responded, "you say that I am." Not I am. Though if he were legitimately the Son of God, he claimed to be the Son of Man and even told the scribes that it was written that they are Gods. "Is it not written that ye are Gods?" "But I call myself the Son of Man and you call me a blasphemer." He did say that he and his Father are one, but scripture tells us that God formed us in the womb, take a deep dive into DNA and God is coded into it so there is something to that! Jesus continues in the beatitudes saying that "These will be called the sons of God."

I can share with you from the Quran that point to Jesus being God though!

Qur’an states only Allah can speak in parables (Surah 24:35; Surah 14:25). Jesus speaks in parables in the Bible that no other prophet ever told (Matthew 13:34, 35; Psalms 78:2; Isaiah 6:9, 10).

Qur’an says that only Allah will return on the clouds on the Last Day (Surah 2:210). The Bible says that Jesus will return on the clouds quite often (Revelation 1:7; Mark 13:26; Acts 1:9-11; Daniel 7:13).

Qur’an says that only Allah will judge mankind (Surah 6:57; Surah 7:87). El-Bokhary explained that he heard from Ibn Abbas, who had heard the Prophet Mohammed saying about Christ, “The Last Day will not come until the son of Mary comes back as a fair Judge to administer justice and wipe out injustice.” The Bible also says that Jesus will judge mankind (John 5:22; Romans 2:16; Jude 1:14, 15; 1 Samuel 2:10; Psalm 7:6-8; Psalm 94:1-2; Isaiah 9:6).

Qur’an says that only Allah can create (Surah 6:102; Surah 15:86; Surah 22:73). But the Qur’an also teaches that Jesus creates as well (Surah 3:49; Surah 5:110).

Qur’an says that only Allah can heal (Surah 26:80). Mohammed said in an authentic Hadith, “Oh, Allah, there is no healing but yours.” Meanwhile, in the Qur’an we find Christ saying about Himself, “I heal those born blind, and the lepers” (Surah 3:49). The Bible also discusses that Messiah will heal (Matthew 9:35; Matthew 8:5-17; Mark 5:34; Exodus 15:26; Psalm 107:19-21; Isaiah 53:4-5).

Qur’an says that only Allah has the power over life and death (Surah 15:23; Surah 36:12; Surah 50:43). In his book Beginning and End, Ibn Kathir tells a verified story of Islam that proves Christ had the authority to give death as well as life. It is told that Christ saw a woman crying over her daughter, who had died long ago. He asked her, “What makes you cry, woman?” She said, “My daughter died and I have no more children.” Christ asked her, “Would you like Me to raise her from the dead?” She said, “Yes, O Spirit of God!” So, Christ stood by the grave and called the girl three times. On the third time, the little girl came out and talked with her mother. Then the girl asked Christ to let her return. He told her, “Go back!” The grave closed and she was dead. (Beginning and End by Ibn Kathir, part 2, page 84).

The Bible teaches that Jesus has power over life and death (Luke 7:13-15; Matthew 9:25; John 11:43-44; Matthew 27:52-53; Matthew 28:5-7; Revelation 1:18).

Qur’an teaches that only Allah is Omniscient and therefore can be Judge (Surah 27:65; Surah 6:59). But Qur’an teaches that Messiah is all-knowing (Surah 3:49). The Bible confirms this (Matthew 9:3-4; Hebrews 4:12, 13; Job 42:1, 2; Psalms 94:11

Interesting stuff!

Clearly they are most full evil and must be eradicated! /s Satan would talk like that. He does. He is a murder and a Liar! As are his children. Children of the corn bastards!

It really is interesting to watch people take a shred of information and try to run with it. I do it sometimes, no harm no foul!

The Crusades were started by a Pope, not christian in the slightest. Try to make it so but it isn't. Pagans at best, they pay homage to the queen of heaven which is not scriptural at all. All anyone really needs to know about that. They also hid the Bible from their church for forever and offered indulgences so that people could effectively "buy their way into heaven". Their congregation is held within a serpents head. Much like the West Borough Baptist Church cherry picks data to make something appear as though it isn't. I wonder what the Muslim term for christian extremist is, cuz we got 'em!

Sultan of Morocco was the first to recognize our independence opening us up to trade outside of The Crown. We only heard about it after France recognized us because France didn't convey the message to us like they were tasked to. One can only imagine why. While it is true that there were pirates that claimed to be Muslim, as was customary to adopt a belief to be able to conduct business with the outside world (ask the Khazars), one can only speculate if they were and that was handled by one, big dick energy ,Thomas Jefferson. Leave our vessels in peace or we will wipe you clean from the face of the planet. I ad-libbed, but essentially.

So while you can claim whatever you want it simply isn't founded in history. Most of what we have been taught state side about Muslims is false. Hell, most of what we have been taught about our own lord and savior Jesus Christ isn't even true. I wonder why anyone would lie? Oh, I mean the USA has been caught a few times, aided by a complicit media, starting wars without cause and over-throwing governments to give them something that not even we subscribe to state side, Democracy.

Satan is real, my friends, be vigilant against his tactics! His war is against all believers and he has more than enough non-believers at his disposal to throw at you!

Have you ever asked yourself why Mohammad is so popular for Muslims? You haven't I can tell. He lead a crusade against Pagans in Mecca. That is why they travel in a circle around the Black Box, it was a place of idol worship and Mohammad lead an army that smashed all the idols and ran the pagans out. I'll be if that doesn't sound just like the crusades are painted.... Hot dang!

Anyway, information is free. Get you some. It is written, "My people perish for lack of knowledge."

difficultpeople 5 points ago +5 / -0

What if it has all been a personal crusade to get people to turn off the television while she dies a little more inside each day realizing more and more that people crave that sort of behavior.

difficultpeople 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hold your horses partner!!

Way I sees it, as part of the Militia, the govment owes us men some munitions as well as a touch of learnin what how to use them munitions. Before we start bringin' them wamen folk into all this I says we should get what they owe us men first!

difficultpeople 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, even if it was a gift, loaned, or even made up why risk it?

They seem awfully unafraid of the aliens to me. At the same time they talk about how Quantum computers might be able to read minds they talk about how much more advanced the aliens are or will be... Meanwhile let's just broadcast that we steal alien shit! Pffff!!!!

Now, I am not a rocket surgeon... but this seems off.

difficultpeople 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey guys,

We got this new technology what can take space technology, who knows from where. Even though the space tech is better than ours in so many ways we have decided to admit to stealing space technology, from who knows. We are as certain as we need to be that whatever made the space technology isn't going to be upset with us that we aren't in anyway uncomfortable mentioning that we do steal it from them.. How great is that? Likely to get shot stealing peanut butter from a neighbor but the space people do not care! Make sure to grab one for yourself if you ever have the opportunity... /s

-Never in my life, up till now, and I am laughing on the inside about it. I know I wouldn't send craft with advanced weaponry unless my scout craft started getting STOLEN!!!!

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