Not that hard to use a clean link - try it some time
Viruses have NEVER been scientifically proven. It's just a THEORY. Terrain Theory holds far more weight than virus theory does.
Bullshit Non Apology (about 36:00 mark)
BNAP - Bullshit Non Apology (about 36:00 mark)
I have said this for the past 20 or so years when they first started pushing these lies with Al Gore to create new carbon taxes and wealth redistribution. Anyone who actually looked into the science would see the truth, but people are so damn lazy and just don't care anymore about educating themselves. They'd rather listen to someone tell them what to think, than to actually think for themselves.
Well, I dug into it for myself to find the truth. I read papers, and listened to Lord Christopher Monckton (I highly recommend trying to find some of his video lectures on this, if they haven't already been banned online), who tried to explain it all for the common person.
Basically, Vostok ice core data clearly shows all CO2 increases happened AFTER increases in temperature, not before, so there is no way CO2 drove temperature whatsoever, and it was actually the opposite that temperature drove CO2 levels. If you also look into Milankovitch cycles for yourself, you'd see that the patterns match up with temperature patterns, meaning the SUN is what drives our climate.
So now they're trying to destroy farms and meat production, for the sake of "saving the planet" that was never in danger from its normal cyclical climate temperatures. Their lies are always about gaining more wealth and control. But their brainwashing worked, and now masses of young idiot morons have been indoctrinated to believe all their bullshit.
I just came across this
Crooks does look more like the dead shooter pic now.
FINALLY someone mentions the completely different hair colors. The video taken by people at the Trump rally shows the shooter had long medium brown hair. The kid they blame as the shooter has blonde hair, even in the pic they show of him supposedly from some nearby security camera shows blonde hair.
No. Sorry this is not true at all whatsoever. It was removed because it had a very potent carcinogen in it. I know, because I was part of the investigation, but they denied my claim, because they didn't consider it to cause breast cancer and only GI related cancers, which was utter BS. My doctor told me to take this med for years, and I truly believe it caused my cancer which occurred a few years after using this shit. I am so done with OTC meds and don't trust them at all anymore. (I also educated myself better and have been keto and eating much better for the last six years - surviving cancer will do that to a person and wake them up - well most of the time)
You wanna take it to help against coof .. by all means, stuff it down. SMDH
I was an organ donor up until this year, when my license renewal was due, and then I opted out, because I no longer trust the medical industry after they purposely killed people on vents during covid. There's absolutely no trust to be had anymore after that - I will NEVER EVER trust them again.
I have tried it. I have tried EVERYTHING over the past 15 years. Nothing is going to reverse the damage, and I can only keep it managed and try to keep the pain down. I do a keto diet (which keeps inflamation lower than the goyslop diet), drink a cilantro, spinach plus (plus = liquid mushroom supplements and other supplement powders, like celery and aloe powder) smoothie every morning, and take turmeric, NAC, joint supplements and many other immune support and stomach support supplements (improper gut biome can make things worse). The only things I can do to help the pain are kratom and medical cannabis, both which give me some sense of quality of life. Low dose opioids work really well for me and I have a low tolerance and don't see myself ever getting addicted to them, because I never get high from them and in fact get nauseous if I take too much, but doctors are not allowed to give me opioids because of our insane Govt Healthcare Nazism - where Big Brother now thinks they know what is best for you over your doctor.
I will forever be struggling because of the damage done to me. I think for me, the reason I was damaged by two supposedly "safe" vaccines, is because my mom's family side has bad genetics, and I was under extreme stress in my job and life at the time, and running myself ragged, and I think in that state and the bad genetics, two at the same time was just too much for my body to process - like when they slam infants with like 20 shots all at the same time and then wonder why the child is never the same again.
All I can do is try to warn others. If you really feel you need these vaccines, I highly recommend not getting more than one at a time... space them out by weeks if you can and give your body time to adjust and process one at a time.
I started getting annual flu shots since my late twenties and early thirties, but yet in my late thirties I used to have bad chronic bronchitis every year, and sometimes so bad it went to pneumonia a few times, which is why my doctor recommended I get the vaccines. Well, ever since I stopped all vaccines and no longer got the flu or pneumonia shots... GO FIGURE ... I suddenly stopped getting sick, and when I did get sick, even if it was bad, I get better far faster without the vaccines. I am convinced now because of this that the flu and pneumonia shots are the biggest scam ever, and actually make people sicker and sicker and sicker over time.
Trust in GOD over BIG JEW PHARMA. God made our bodies to naturally deal with sickness and heal itself. Don't let them fool you.
... and illegals getting their benefits