There's the post, if you want to look at the other pictures attached. I guess that is a picture of her fainting or something. She looks so ugly, always has.
Would be interesting to compare her teeth now to the Madonna of the 80s.
So these schools are letting people buy their degree, coaching them on the NCLEX; then sending them to states with unlimited NCLEX testing, for example, NY. After they obtain licensure, they use their compact status to infiltrate other states. Eighty nine of them worked for the VA, all diversity hires. Twenty three in Texas. Twenty something in WA state. All of them with foreign names. The DOJ shut down the schools and the individual states are investigating/ prosecuting the nurses. That will be interesting bc each state has its own laws about impersonating a licensed professional.
I have worked with these diversity hires. They are lazy af and stupid, they tend to bunch up together on night shift and scream racism any time they have to be accountable for anything. Now we know why. Healthcare is just outrageous for all involved. I have no doubt that there are doctors who purchase their degrees as well.
I agree with you. It should have never gone this far. The ceo of this hospital made $13M last year. So I'm pretty sure they can afford that contract - pay it out - and bring the staff nurses back.
Stockholm Syndrome - that's a good description for it! If I had shown up for work and been locked out, I probably would have given my notice. My time, education, and skills are too valuable to put up with this kind of treatment.
The nurses are unionized and met with management eight times. They announced a closed ended strike for one day when the hospital would not agree to basic safety in terms of staffing. Basic. The hospital chose the travelers over the nurses.
I respectfully disagree with you that both sides are to blame. Is this bad for the patients for one day? Yes. But what about day after day after day after day of short staffing? One shift short staffed can be disastrous for everyone involved. And hospitals have been doing this FOR YEARS.
If not these nurses, who?
If not now, when?
Scroll down and look at that ventilator mask. Looks just like the imprint we saw on Biden yesterday.