emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is quite literally the second coming of IG Farben.

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think alot of it also boils down to vapid MBAs in control of the companies who buy/have buildings built. They often look for cheap, and conforming options as their corporate mindset is afraid to stand out. It's a hive mind mentality really. Additionally, the focus on the beauty of architecture which was quite prevalent in the first half of the 20th century seems to be largely missing from peoples conciousness.

emcofan31 8 points ago +8 / -0

I wonder if the SS went to the.funeral home with the murder weapon to put his fingerprints on it like they did with Oswald...

emcofan31 13 points ago +13 / -0

How about 100% declass, of all archived material? WW1 &WW2, cold war, 9/11 etc AND full tv coverage of military tribunals?

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

Worth mentioning I think that per Q post #38:

Four carriers & escorts in the pacific? Why is that relevant? To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China? Or conversely all for NK? Or all three. Think logically about the timing of everything happening. Note increased military movement. Note NG deployments starting tomorrow. Note false flags. Follow Huma. Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.

The calm before the storm.

It appears we currently have 4 Carriers in the Pacific:


If this is still "the calm", "the storm" is going to prodigious indeed!

emcofan31 23 points ago +23 / -0

If it is official, what is the jurisdication and case/docket number where the case was filed?

Bongino rule applies here.

We need receipts!

emcofan31 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dan Bongino referenced an Aug 2, 2018 Guardian article on his podcast today;


He said he and the (then) future head of Trumps detail reported that Russian spy-in 2004.

He used it as an example to talk about how incredibly broken the SS is.

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

Vietnam was-I believe- a fight about control of the opium routes (The French Connection and The Golden Triangle)

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

Drop 4014 Seems like it applies here;

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/democratic-national-convention-pushed-back-a-month-to-mid-august Why are they pushing back the [D] convention? COVID-19 concern or strategic for last minute change? Change of Batter coming? Why was she 'saved' from officially announcing? Why was she 'reserved' for a last minute change? How do you attempt to 'sneak one in'? How do you attempt to ensure victory? Adopt National Vote-by-Mail? How do you convince American it was legitimate? Release fake polls indicating favorable leads in swing states? How do you harm opponents accomplishments re: economy, unemployment, ……………….? How do you terminate opponents highly effective rallies? How do you shelter [D] lead candidate from embarrassing debates and/or rallies? How do you shelter [D] corruption re: FISA-RUSSIA-FLYNN-etc. from reaching the mainstream? How do you extend the trade negotiation deadline w/ CHINA? How do you limit [test] Constitutional rights of people? How do you provide cover for State Govs to adopt new voter laws? How do you effectively control the population? How do you expand big tech overreach re: tracing / privacy issues? How do you fix [taxpayer bailout?] the long-broken economies of CA & NY? How do you enrich select people/co's by promoting a solution to a global crisis? How do you keep people living in fear and isolation in order to accept the above? Define 'insurgency'. How do you accomplish all of the above? Q

I feel like much of this applies, and some seems more 2020 focused...the lines about eliminating large rallies-the SS recently asked Trump to stop outdoor rallies.

Part of me wonders if we have seen the last of The old Side of Beef (Hildawg) as well

emcofan31 5 points ago +5 / -0

I really dont care what they think about Israel- they are welcome to their opinion. But this makes me want to bring back tar and feathering. Don't bring your third world behaviour to my backyard.

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always wonder-whose Eagle? Was it the Reich's Eagle (it was largely their rocket engineers) or an American Eagle? Or were they, by that time, in that agency, merged?

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is likely a good summary of Kamala at a donor meeting. She may have also discussed Venn diagrams.

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

And I clicked thinking this was a post about Trans sports....

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somewhere, a rodeo clown got his hat back yesterday...

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

Brawndo, the thirst mutilator...its got electrolytes...

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

These guys are too uniformly fit to be an open-membership citizen group. Not a beer gut among them. 100% these are a bunch of fake and gay fed boy glowies.

After looking at their website, the Intel folks that wrote their "platform" are really, really dumb.

Under "representation" on patriotfront.us:

"The faithful of the nation will foster a social, moral, and civilizational health, which will allow the people to prosper alongside the guidance of a representative State that ensures an existence for them and their posterity. No placement of the private interest above that of the common good will stand unopposed as the barriers impeding the nation’s will are overcome. Sovereignty will be pursued with the securing of the American homeland against the invasion of foreign nations and interests. The VICTORY of the American Spirit, upheld by a sovereign and legitimate State, will be complete."

No placement of the private interest above the common good? That sounds alot like Hitler telling Germans to subordinate their personal interests to the common good.

Further, under "Revolution" on Patriotfront.us:

"The revival of the American revolutionary spirit will guide the people towards their inalienable right to self determination on the course to fulfill their destiny. America will be unschackled from tyrannical rule. The corrupt and ineffective State which subverts the national interest to favor a global plutocracy is no longer legitimate to govern, and must face alteration or abolition. An unwavering resistance will meet all enemies of the people and the nation, both foreign and domestic. The LIBERTY of our people, paramount to our cause, will be secured."

Yes "unschackled", but I digress. They claim the state subverts the national interest, and is illegitimate, but under "Representation" they claim no private interest will be placed above the common good-guaranteed, no doubt by -the state.

Finally, under " Recognition" on Patriotfront.us:

"Americans will fully recognize themselves as a people, not merely citizens or residents of a country, but a people bearing a unique national interest rooted in our heritage on this continent. Our people, born to this nation of our European race, must reforge themselves as a new collective capable of asserting our right to cultural independence. The LIFE of this nation, unique among all others, will be defended."

Our "European race"? What race is that? Is someone afraid Aryan is too obvious in this context? Further, "a new collective"? I don't want a "collective" ANYTHING. I want individual things-rights, property, liberty.

In short, the message and platform of this group is a complete fucking train wreck. This is a thinly veiled re-write of National Socialist ideas, with a heavy dose of state authoritarianism.

I am disappointed. I would have thought the "legend" writers at Langley (Clowns in America) and Quantico (Fag Boy Inept-stigators) could have done better than this. In my mind this is 100% a honey pot operation against our side, and maybe background buildup for a false flag.

emcofan31 2 points ago +2 / -0

The other part of this- reading is great, but only a part of the equation- practice. Put yourself in social situations where you feel slightly uncomfortable. Meet new people. Attend events, volunteer for.public speaking opportunitiea etc. Get out there, and keep getting out there. Keep doing that (and with some technique from the reading) and you'll get to where you want to be.

emcofan31 4 points ago +4 / -0

A married couple, with a strong enough bond to openly defy the government??! Give me 10,000 more couples like this. These folks have spines of steel.

Race itself is a stupid means of division. Any (legal) American who embraces American culture (and doesnt simply try to import their own as a replacement) is alright by me.

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

The thing is...Russia-although suffering massive casualties - likely could not have done what they did against the Germans without massive US lend-lease aid. Something like 2/3 of all Soviet trucks in use 1943-45 were US made.

emcofan31 1 point ago +1 / -0

Her hair looks like she scalped a Yorkie. The top is cropped out to hide the little pink bow tied in it (-note- this is satire).

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