Translation- "We have other things planned for the kids so stop calling attention to our porn. Leave your complaints with the tip line, we will get around to it in time.
He's complaining that 1 vigilant citizen is handing this stuff to them on a platter and he claims it takes 14 years to review her material about 42 books? If the teachers take 14 years to review 42 books, no wonder the kids can't read, apparently no one in the school system can either.
Anytime a new cabal matrix system is to be imposed certain groups always get exemptions, while the goyim dutifully take off their shoes, get scanned, and comply a hundred big and small ways to get their bread or entrance to the circus.
Text is a terrible forum for any important conversation. Refuse to discuss anything of significance over text, especially an emotional situation. Communications include what I want to say, what I actually say, what the other person heard, and what the other person thinks you meant, so there are 4 points for misinterpretation in a single statement. Now amplify those misinterpretations across a volley of messages back and forth and you end up down a spiralling pit. At least in face to face conversations you can rely on non verbal cues to correct communication.
It gives reasons for people to call him an idiot while amplifying his point.
'"Trump is so stupid. Obama was never Soweto, he was Soetero"
People with a superiority complex have to point out Trump's "error". They can't help themselves. In the meantime, people who are ignorant about barry soetero get to hear about it for the first time.
Like most other groups, we never hear " grass roots" ethnic groups actively denounce and try to defeat their own. Are white Christians the only group that attack their own ethnicity? Defeating evil in one form or another is contrasted to trying to position oneself for benefitting from that evil. Lean into, lean away, or fight evil.
BRICS has been in motion for 20 years or more. The demise of the dollar was evident since the 1970s. SWIFT is just another attempt to keep the party going
The problem with these long slow societal changes is that even when you know the outcome, the event horizon is so far away you can be completely right about the outcome but way too premature in preparing for the event.
Dedollarization is the trend. Salute to all the old time pm bugs that I cut my teeth on but who passed before being able to harvest their fruits. Crypto is now soaking up dollar liquidity while creating an electronic cage that will become so personalized it will resemble a second skin.
If I may rebut the good captn traore...
I've been to Burkina. It's a land locked shit hole in the middle of West Africa which is a shit hole region. The people have average IQ of about 70. The average life expectancy is about 35. The cities are garbage heaps. Any minimalist and poorly maintained infrastructure is built by foreign aid. Primary religions are Islam and animist. Politics are tribal. The land is scarcely arable.Outside the cities people still mostly live in mud buildings.
Their problems are legion. Burkinabe pols can only blame the elusive "other". Got to stoke that victim mentality to maintain power.
The same reason ID to vote is racist.