escapefromearth 11 points ago +11 / -0

This angers me. All I want to know is how are they vax injured:

Are they giving the jab to newborns?

Are they giving it to pregnant women?

Or did these women have a shot 2 years ago and this is happening years later?

escapefromearth 4 points ago +4 / -0

Assuming you are in a fairly remote location, maybe instead of a part time minimum wage that requires a car, can you do online work instead? A few years ago there were jobs online for writing captions, for making audio for books, etc. With AI i'm sure these jobs won't last but there probably other things out there, could be worth looking into, you can also design merch to sell online with just your phone and free apps, then you can stay home with the kids.

Also you said you're on the family farm, can you make money that way? Breeding rare chickens, starting a rabbit business (breed and sell quality rabbits, sell the meat if you are up to it, selling the poop to gardeners - I always have gardeners asking me if I have extra rabbit poop to sell them. There are so many ways to make money off of rabbits. You could also plant some easy fast growing flowers and start a pick-your-own biz for a dollar a stem. What are the cottage laws in your state? Can you sell baked goods? Canned goods? Dried herbs or spices? Since you have access to land, dried herbs and spices would probably have the highest profit margins. You don't need any fancy equipment to dry them, and you can package in small bags that are cheap.

Sorry I have no advice when it comes to finding a job because I've always made money on my own so that's the only advice I have to give. And I've done this since the 90's using flyers and putting them up everywhere and I can tell you it's only gotten easier with social media to start your own biz overnight and get eyes on it quickly.

And depression or not your husband has to contribute to the survival of his family. Depression usually stems from lack of purpose, he needs something to occupy his time. He can help you make money off the land by working with you as a team. It wasn't that long ago that if a person didn't pull their own weight, then they didn't eat.

escapefromearth 8 points ago +8 / -0

Next she's gonna pull some fried chicken and watermelon out of her purse, I hope they see what she's doing.

escapefromearth 5 points ago +5 / -0

This would now be a 3rd person who captured the high speed object in question. To fast to be a drone. Wtf is this thing?

escapefromearth 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wonder if that old hag is even still alive at this point, after her 20 thousand injections you know she had.

escapefromearth 3 points ago +3 / -0

I so wish he would grow the beard. I want bearded Trump to the be the revenge Trump.

escapefromearth 5 points ago +5 / -0

Of course not, I dumped it over the cuties movie from a few years back. Fuck netflix.

escapefromearth 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yea, sure it was lol. They plan years in advance. The pale horse is the foreshadowing of what's to come. ww3. And I've seen enough messaging to know when, 2027 or 2028.

escapefromearth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who's Richard??

escapefromearth 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep, my mom called me football shoulders when I was a kid. She joked back in the 80's that I didn't need shoulderpads, mine were "built in". Would piss me off. I married an equally broad man, our daughter has some pretty epic shoulders as well. Hey at least we aren't built like fragile little matchsticks.

escapefromearth 10 points ago +10 / -0

Does anyone remember which year they did the pandemic bit with the big tall dark demon figure? I was telling my husband and he says he didn't know about it, but I can't find it anywhere.

escapefromearth 16 points ago +16 / -0

And that woman at the center of the table looked nothing like Jesus, we still knew it was their creation of "the last supper" and this is their obvious "behold a pale horse". Get ready for ww3, and the great human sacrifice.

escapefromearth 5 points ago +5 / -0

Absolutely. My husband recently said they'll just steal this one like the last one and we're all fucked, I said no, God didn't spare Trump's life for him to just lose the election. I truly believe God isn't done with Trump.

escapefromearth 8 points ago +8 / -0

obama didn't come out to endorse her so i'd say no

escapefromearth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes! Thanks for posting it!

escapefromearth 53 points ago +53 / -0

Yep, Obama hasn't played his hand yet. There's definitely more to come.

escapefromearth 6 points ago +6 / -0

Have you seen the pics of them hugging? Joe's ear looks like AI. He's got like 2 or 3 ear drum holes. Hunter's looks weird too.

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