fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for sharing about this from your perspective, and I truly appreciate the opportunity to exchange opinions with you. I think it’s essential to keep each other informed. Facts trump fear.

I think it’s great to share anything we believe is fact, or put out a call for help if we can’t verify what we hear about.

And yes, the 3000 cows incident looks really — ??? Even a non-farm girl like me knows something’s waaay off.


fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t think we disagree. Like a lot of people here, I was just asking for something verifiable beyond a series of conversations. Why? The whole country—in fact, the whole world—has been gaslit for over two years. We still are, and I got real tired of being afraid for bullshit reasons. But some fear is useful. What to do?

I taught myself to deal with fear by applying carefully researched facts. If the facts don’t add up, i know my fear is likely irrational, so I keep an eye out and stay aware. If the facts do add up, my fear is likely well-grounded—and I take action.

I share your concerns about grocery stores. I believe it’s absolutely essential, if at all possible, to develop relationships with real farmers and get your food from them. That’s what my husband and I did—took action based on reason, not just because we felt like it.

As I said, the FDA doesn’t just say, “Kill your cattle. Here’s $$.” They always give a “reason.” I want to know more. If no information is available, no problem.

The 3000 cows is another matter. Not necessarily caused by FDA, maybe something else—but definitely a cause for concern. If you find out how it happened, please share it here. The MSM loves reporting disasters, but they never do follow-ups.

I used to trust, but verify. Now I verify before I trust!

fponick 0 points ago +2 / -2

There’s more to this story than we’re hearing about. The FDA can’t just say “lay down your steer, here’s money.” They always state a reason for what they want, even if it’s a bogus reason.

Even if you can’t see or get a copy of your husband’s coworker’s family’s letter, at least ask why the FDA sent it. Otherwise, it’s unproven fifth-hand information:

Family ➡️ Coworker ➡️ Husband ➡️ You ➡️ Me/Us

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Longer hair and more makeup, too.

I think she thought she was getting a makeover when actually she got a takedown.

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Welcome to the next swing of the Pendulum.

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Speed reading and/or slow thinking? 😉

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel the same way about incentivizing me with credit card “rewards.” It’s the first step on a slippery slope.

Arf. 🦴

fponick 3 points ago +3 / -0


Pieczenik retweeted a video of Lou Dobbs interviewing the driver, Jesse Morgan. Includes discussion of FBI interview. Tried to archive video but just ended up with a screenshot—maybe someone else knows how to do it and/or will teach me. Thx.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

How do we know for sure the numbers don’t lie?

They could have been faked even more easily than the election numbers were!

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

You and I worked together briefly on election info page over at Patriots. I’m a writer and helped out where I could with that. When I realized I didn’t know the tech stuff to do what was needed, I connected you and BarronTimeTraveler, then backed off when you guys teamed up.That’s how I learned you’re a guy who walks the walk.

The fact that I’m old enough to be your grandmother means I know about hard times and bad situations and ways to deal with them or just listen. PM me if there’s anything I can maybe do to help.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

And don’t stop at the Federal Government. State, county, and city governments aren’t pure either. Neither are school boards, nonprofits, NGOs, or newspapers. Look at the Salvation Army! Who knew?) There’s work for every single one of us.

Check out whatever you can, but don’t spread your efforts too thin. It’s best to figure out what you care about the most and dive deep there.

If you’re bitching about stuff you can do nothing about instead of doing stuff where you can make a difference, you’re pissing into the wind.

The Butterfly Effect is more than a metaphor. Acting local influences global.

Telling the truth corrects the lie, even if you don’t (or can’t) call out the liars.

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because hubris takes up the rest of the year.

fponick 3 points ago +3 / -0



Take this BS down.

You’re wasting patriots’ time!

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

When the Real Plan is, ultimately, NeoFeudalism

fponick 4 points ago +4 / -0


And *thanks+ to the pedes who posted corrections!

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