gg102 4 points ago +4 / -0

I looked at the "full link" before I posted my simple request. The "Full link" is the same video short clip as the clip shown above. The "Full Link" does not have a date or the name of the committee or the reason for the hearing. The "Full link" has only two comments and they are from about a year ago. Thus I respectfully ask for context. For all we can assert, this is somehow fake. While I certainly like the clip, without context, it is meaningless.

gg102 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are a lot of pieces to this puzzle, but your explanation helped greatly. Nicely broken down. Thank you. I will study your information.

gg102 6 points ago +6 / -0

Very interesting. Then who "governs" D.C.? Who's laws apply? Can Trump be held criminally liable for a US Federal Republic crime in D.C.? If D.C. is "foreign" to the US Republic, who has jurisdiction? Trump was a resident of D.C. and located in D.C. on Jan 6. So, again what jurisdiction governs? If I commit a crime in France, then French laws apply. Washington D.C. has its own constitution and law enforcement, etc. Residents didn't even have the right to vote un US elections until (relatively) recently. There is defiantly a separation somehow.

Here's the question: If Trump is in D.C. and a resident of D.C. how can he be held liable for a U.S. Republic crime if he's in a "foreign" (separate sovereign) state? I understand "it's complicated" but wow.

This is NOT rhetorical. I genuinely want to understand this.

Slyvr, can you help sort this out?

gg102 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, my apologies, my question/post was mostly rhetorical. I'll try to be more clear in the future.

gg102 16 points ago +16 / -0

Washington D.C. is NOT IN the US. It is NOT PART of the US. It is a separate country with its own flag, it's own constitution etc... How can there be a US court in a foreign country? Is the purpose of holding a Trump trial in D.C. to EXPOSE these facts?

gg102 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know about Joe or Hunter (though I wouldn't be surprised) but I DO KNOW that Jeff Sessions was either a member or head of the AEC at the time and probably had to approve it also. Bob Mueller was definitely involved as I think he was head of the FBI at the time.

gg102 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know, he also says, "She's nice now. Beautiful Hillary." Does this mean she flipped? Is she now helping the White Hats? These dots easily connect!

gg102 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have walked out of businesses, never to return, for less.

gg102 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for your efforts

gg102 5 points ago +5 / -0

DO you have a link to the entire video? This is all what we already know, but WOW for those who don't know.

gg102 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, absolutely friendly :) In my previous post, basically I'm saying we have sooooo much in process, we really don't need distractions now. Yes, we completely agree. We have battles on so many fronts, I'm amazed that anyone can process a grand plan like this. Quite literally, if the US loses this, the world loses everything. Back to the original point, Biden is clearly completely fake. Who/how/why we currently don't know. The WH could take him out in a nanosecond for Bribery, Treason and high crimes and misdemeanors; all of the above. Seemingly, the WH are keeping him in place for SOME reason. Seemingly there are others who are also fakes. Who/how many we don't fully know. Lotsa healthy speculation.

Here's what we DO know: We would be seeing NONE of this if the BH were in control. There is absolutely no MSM coverage yet so many ppl are up to speed. This is amazing to me.

I personally think that the DS attempt to take out Putin was their last "Hail Mary" play. They lost and it cost them dearly. Nothing left for the DS but minor skirmishes now. All this Trump lawfare is not going to be effective on the part of the BH.

For myself, I think we're past psy-op and past critical disclosure. I think we're in the "action" phase. We're seeing so many pedo busts, bribery busts, and trafficking busts. Also, those busts are no longer limited to obscure no-body's, they are mayors, politicians, exec's and billionaires. Never saw that before.

Let me know next time you're in Vegas, I live here.

gg102 2 points ago +2 / -0

Chine controls Biden/Fake Biden. China controls most of the US congress. Putin has started and supports BRICS (gold backed) monetary system which goes against the Globalists Rothschild Fiat (fake) currency. Putin wants to end the bio-labs and traffickers and money laundering on his border in Ukraine China and Trump won’t let the US attack Russia and force Russia onto the Fiat currency. The US invaded many countries at least since WW2 to bully them onto the Globalist Rothschild Fiat currency. (N. Korea, Vietnam, Libya, Syria, Kuwait and more). The military Industrial Complex makes money when wars are raging. The Allies created Israel after WW2 to keep the Middle East in permanent conflict, thus feeding the Military Industrial Complex and thereby making politicians rich. The WEF and the globalists want to take over the world. China, England, Russia and other countries don’t want that. They are very happy making money with endless wars. The Vatican and the global pedo ring wants the child trafficking/Adrenochrome/Hollywood ring to continue. Migrants are both a weapon to take over countries and to supply children and humans for slavery and organ harvesting and Adrenochrome. Trump, China, Russia and the Alliance countries are fighting the Globalists, WEF, Vatican, Human/Child Traffickers, Military industrial Complex, Rothschild bankers and fiat currency.

Who needs a distraction?

gg102 11 points ago +11 / -0

If we had "REAL" and "FAIR" elections, then term limits would be unnecessary. Term limits are a knee jerk and poor solution to the ACTUAL problem of unfair/illegitimate elections combined with propaganda.

gg102 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't he make a statement today that he cured cancer?

gg102 3 points ago +4 / -1

Nobody votes for the Vice President; meaning nobody votes a ticket because of the Vice Presidential candidate. This would be poor logic to select him. His views are radically different from MAGA. He supports open borders, trans-agenda, CRT, and much more D agenda. No thank you. There are many other MAGA possibilities out there.

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