girl_3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Glad I re-read. There are other reasons splenic aneurysms can rupture, and they can be fatal. I'll include a link from Cleveland Clinic, but the main takeaways are (a) aneurysms need to be monitored once they're at least a centimeter in diameter, and (b), the usual suspects will make things worse (uncontrolled high blood pressure, heavy drinking, sedentary lifestyle). If nothing else, it has made me realize I'm due for a follow-up.


girl_3 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have a splenic aneurysm. Do you know the size of the aneurysm? If it small and does not increase in size she does not anything to worry about with that particular one. The only risk of rupturing is to pregnant women because of its location. I will try to look up specifics on what to watch for and pass it along.

I don't know anything about renal aneurysms, but regardless I'll keep you and your mom in my prayers.

girl_3 3 points ago +3 / -0

The very definition of throwing good money after bad. The state school superintendent in MD is not seeking a second term, thanks to the Fox affiliate practicing actual journalism and outing him for the evil snake he is. Getting the Bloodymore superintendent out should be their next goal.

girl_3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I laughed at your title, then realizing I live in Maryland, immediately hid my kid in the basement.

girl_3 4 points ago +4 / -0

So Hogan is in on some plan to support a 3rd-party candidate should Trump and Biden wind up the nominees (https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4161274-hogan-says-no-labels-likely-to-launch-third-party-alternative-if-trump-biden-win-nominations/). If I were this No Labels group, I might've checked Larry's record of picking winners and losers before allowing him to participate. He and CNN totally deserve each other.

ETA: Trump will be the nominee, no question. Biden is the wild card, so I can assume Larry will support the Dem candidate if it's not Biden (like he did with Wes Moore)? He just needs to stop pretending and get a donkey tattooed on his face. That man is infuriating.

girl_3 21 points ago +21 / -0

Tucker called Chris Wallace a "bitchy little man " That alone was worth the fake Twitter account I set up 😆.

girl_3 15 points ago +15 / -0

This song calls out the real enemies of man and God. It's no surprise that it resonates with so many people.

girl_3 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is the very thing Tucker spoke of in his TPUSA speech. These stories are tailored to make you mad while evil things are being done that will affect our society. Enough people are awake to avoid the Barbie movie, so Gaetz's decision to support the movie (confounding as it is) doesn't really matter.

Although...maybe it's a ploy to make the woke crowd reject it? Like the dad who dressed in women's clothes to make his daughter stop identifying as trans? Tell your lib friends Matt Gaetz LOVES the new Barbie movie and watch their heads explode. 😆

by Uhtred
girl_3 2 points ago +3 / -1

Worth every second. Will be sharing with the normie conservatives in my life.

girl_3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kamala is implicated, she resigns, and before a replacement is appointed, Joe (or the actor playing Joe) becomes incapacitated. Suddenly, President Kevin McCarthy.

A girl_3 can dream. Not that I trust McCarthy, but it's a way in for Trump 2023.

girl_3 9 points ago +9 / -0

Geraldo and Gutfeld have been feuding. When FNC fired Tucker, Geraldo posted something on Twitter to the effect it was Tucker's own fault for getting canned. Gutfeld called Geraldo a "class act" in response (obvious sarcasm). Right after was when Geraldo's appearances on The Five were canceled, and in the immediate aftermath, Geraldo and Greg never appeared on the same episode. Not sure about now, as thankfully my husband has not watched The Five in a while. Guessing this decision was in part Gutfeld's influence, but at this point it's just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

girl_3 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a time when I would have agreed with a school policy that forbids wearing clothing that could potentially be disruptive to the learning process. The schools' decision to force evil ideologies on our children has made it necessary to fight back. Godspeed, young man.

girl_3 2 points ago +2 / -0

The University of Maryland graduate said he is now considering using Raspberry Pi devices, rather than those connected to Amazon. >

Just a thought...maybe just not use all these wiretap/listening devices in your home, period.

girl_3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I held my nose and voted for Hogan twice. Hated how he bad-mouthed Trump in the Media, especially during the pandemic. His embracing widespread mail in ballots is the reason several well respected Republican officials in my county lost seats in my purple county last election, plus losing an opportunity to regain the county executive seat. The only satisfaction I got was seeing Dan Cox beat his chosen successor in the primaries. If anything comes of this story, I will childishly engage in smug gloating. That's how much I detest Hogan.

girl_3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think that pretty much describes Troy Smith. So few journalists actually investigate anything anymore. Outside of our local Fox affiliate digging into the failings of the Baltimore City school system and the MD Dept. of Ed, everyone seems content with digesting the talking points. Smith stands out because he holds the MD GOP to account for their failures.

girl_3 2 points ago +3 / -1

The judge is mentioned in the article. Sorry about the link. This is the link for Launch Liberty's home page (https://launchliberty.com). The article is the first one at the top. Let me know if that doesn't work.

girl_3 21 points ago +21 / -0

For the record, Troy Smith is our local version of James O'Keefe. He has been doing yeoman's work exposing the political rot in MD on both sides.

girl_3 7 points ago +7 / -0

For the first time this morning my husband admitted he started looking at moving out of MD before he retires. I've been ready to leave for a while now. Maybe if I continue to forward articles like this it may hasten our departure.

Regarding the article...94K trans and non-binary people? They all must live in Montgomery County. Even minority-majority Prince George's County would have difficulty being that accepting.

girl_3 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a Maryland resident, I can't updoot this enough.

girl_3 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, a state where you are not allowed to ask for photo ID when voting wants everyone to get a digital photo ID. Does that mean we can start asking for ID on Election Day? Or is that still racism, or something?

Also, they're creating a new market for teens with modest Photoshop skills to expand the fake ID industry, thus expanding the newly sanctioned legalized pot industry here.

I can't leave here fast enough.

girl_3 6 points ago +6 / -0

Having a movie director daughter sure comes in handy when you're trying to deceive the American people, doesn't it?

girl_3 6 points ago +6 / -0

A lot of the commenters on the local news page seem to agree with you. I truly do not know, but we felt it here and it was a helluva boom.

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