I just saw this post in GAW about the letter. https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1CB10eX/shawn-ryan-the-real-emailmanifes/c/
X post might have been taken down. https://x.com/prosperousjourn/status/1874498189296009393?s=61&t=s3G0ypqOAR4Ics6B1FW6YA
https://x.com/GenFlynn/status/1873764549612257705 video link he included... https://www.youtube.com/live/WZY2OJ1VaCw
“There were tens of thousands of messages between Ryan Routh and Dr. Soo Kim. Is this his CIA handler? Ryan Routh even followed Dr. Kim, and she followed back. In fact, she was the second person he followed. Coincidence? “
https://fineartamerica.com/featured/vintage-distressed-nuclear-war-fallout-shelter-sign-peter-ogden-gallery.html?product=metal-print looks like a Nuclear fallout shelter sign
This is the only other 'source' to this that I could find... https://thehill.com/homenews/house/5047285-mike-johnson-spending-plan-b/amp/
I agree AI could be used to manipulate. But so does the media and the education system do so as well. And they are doing it now. Every school shooting has them to blame. I don't see it as the end of free will though. Just have to be smart enough to recognize the manipulation. Parents/families are important. And smart friends. I'm always optimistic for the future. This website is part of the reason. The twitter takeover helps bigly as well. I think, the next 4 years are going to be amazing.
I read somewhere that his signature has changed to something he never writes. I think it was 'Joseph' vs. initials or joe. found it: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A0tMylFr/since-when-does-biden-sign-docum/c/
They shouldn't have called it a flame thrower. More like the propane blow torch you get at home depot but with MAP gas (burns hotter. It's not MAP anymore but equivalent in temperature. I recognize the yellow cannister.)