that's what happens when dems run things...
sweet!!! most "teachers" couldn't pass basic anything!!
it's easy and needs to be done in all 50 states...including Canada.......
the answer to "who will pick our crops?" has just been answered. it's about time those 2 million actually do some work for their pay!
isn't HRC'S nickname "evergreen".. seems like there's tome tie-in there...
if that's really her... he has aged like sour milk!!!
fine and dandy to have an audit... but if no one is held accountable, aka prison time, then the audit is just wasting more tax dollars. maybe this will be different... but this taxpayer is sick of seeing smoking guns discovered and nothing other than political theatre happening! ... we demand more than sternly worded letters for criminals of the deep state.
funny... that little beaner can build shit here... but somehow cannot do it in meheeko??
send columbia all the columbian illegals and give them a 5% bonus of extra illegals for good measure. besides... someone needs to pick the coca leaves for Hunter's nasty habit!
much like the scene in "Indiana Jones Temple of Doom"... a little fire leads to a GREAT AWAKENING!
this category should NOT exist on any forms other than a driver's license or passport. and NOT...we will not press 1 for ENGLISH!!
the "hard working" ones mostly did not come here... the welfare goodies prevent people from working and earning their keep. they can fix their own messes in their country and stop coming in to pollute ours.
that'll be nice... all those that dumped their criminals into the USA get to take them back for a nice reunion!
yes... we, on this board see it... we know it... but the rest of America, and many republicans, too.. are not so sure yet... we need to raise the fog and get more people on board before doing something drastic at this point.. the liberals are very hurt and wounded... they're blinded by their pain at this time... many more will come around and see the light.. let's not try to blind them so quickly. the left and most of the right have believed the many lies for a great many years... it takes time for people to open their eyes to the truth. if we don't wait for them to catch up, they will be permanent enemies.
That poor man feeling the pain of the many people he killed because he, and so many others were told a lie by our government. g.w. bush.... he and countless others were pawns in this "war"... may the Lord have mercy upon all those deceived men and women that served, thinking they were doing right.... when in fact it was all based on a lie.
this silly stunt is very premature... this needs to be done after wayyyyyy more democrats are on board. we have enough insanity in this country.... proposing this will create millions more insane liberals at this moment in time... we need to get further along in the Trump 2.0 era to push this.
get the mean ones out FIRST... then do the others.. if the are not legally here, they need to be legally elsewhere.
she was pretty... now she's pretty unemployed!! kek
i'd have to think that Trump wouldn't consider doing this change.... my gut feel is that they're just tossing this out there so the dems and the msm totally lost their shit over this for the next few weeks or more!
is there another Beetle Juice movie around the corner???
lol... gotta love the next Prime Minister of Canada!! he ALWAYS lets the media self-implode by turning their assertions back onto them!! He's what Canada needs right now!!
if they were really "good" people, they would actually do work for the huge amount they get paid!!
MIL has a fridge from early 1960 and it still runs like a champ! that is the "greenest" damn fridge on the market... make it once and not have to remake for 60+ years. it may use slighly more electricity than the modern ones, but saves amounts of energy and pollution by not have to be re-made every 7 years like modern crap! and it is avocado green, too!
funny.. the bodies were still floating to the surface and they say no terrorism... we can read into it that this WAS deliberate.